![]() Author has written 12 stories for Glee, Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, Suits, and Criminal Minds. About me: I'm Fiorella. 21. Love to read, listen to music and watch tv. I started to write about a year ago just for fun but now I do it to take my mind off of things. It's way to escape my problems and just take somethings out of my chest. Also I write because sometimes tv shows piss me off and this is my way to let all out and dream that the things I write actually happen so I live in my own little bubble where my otps are together and everything is perfect! Obsessions: The Vampire Diaries. Criminal Minds. True Blood. Doctor Who. Revenge. Harry Potter Glee. Gossip Girl. Private Practice. Cougar Town. Hellcats. Desperate Housewives. Grey's Anatomy. White Collar. Nikita. Supernatural, Pretty Little M.D. Bones. Castle. The Good Wife. A Gifted Man. Unforgettable. CSI. CSI: New York. My Ships: Stefan/Caroline, Damon/Alaric, Eric/Pam, Blair/Dan, Morgan/Garcia, Draco/Hermione, Will/Alicia, House/Cuddy, Castle/Beckett, Stefan/Katherine, Damon/Katherine, Damon/Rose, Damon/Bonnie, Jessica/Jason, Addison/Sam, Addison/Mark, Charlotte/Cooper, Nikita/Michael/Alex, Neal/Sara, Dean/Castiel, Neal/Alex, Dean/Bela, Stefan/Klaus, Rebekah/Stefan, Elijah/Katherine, Rachel/Will, Santana/Rachel, Puck/Rachel, Sam/Rachel. Jesse/Rachel, Dan/Marti, Spencer/Toby, Spencer/Ezra, Hanna/Caleb, Marti/Julian, Harry/Luna, Doctor/River, Catherine/Nick, Mac/Jo, Emily Jack. Update: 08/31/11 Hey guys, I know all of you are waiting for new chapters on my stories and I really want to do it but sadly my laptop died four days ago and I lost all my fics! :( I lost absolutely everything I wrote so I won't be able to update any of them for a while, I've to wait until I get a new laptop so I can start writing again! :/ I know a lot of you were really looking forward to read chapter 5 of "One Step at the Time", I left you with a big cliffhanger and I wanted to update in less than a week because all of you gave me such a great response but know that I lost everything that won't be possible. I'm so sorry about it but you'll have to wait a few weeks maybe a month to read the next one! I'm really sorry about this, let's just hope I get a new laptop soon so I can update everything! ;) Love you guys! Stay tuned! xoxo - evildictatoroftaste - Update: 11/25/11 Hey guys! I just wanted to thank everyone for all the reviews and messages you send me, they mean the world to me! :) I know you're waiting for updates but I've been really busy and next week my final exams are coming so I won't be able to post anything until after December 8th. I'm trying to write in my free time but I don't have much free time and I've been so busy that I have a bit of a writers block! I promise I'll update as soon as I can and I'll make it up to you for the long wait. Thank you again for everything! I love you all and stay tuned! :) xoxo - evildictatoroftaste - Update: 02/05/12 Hi everyone! I know that it's been a while since I've wrote anything but I promise I'm working in some one-shots and the new chapter of "Beautifully Dangerous" for all my loyal readers! I also know most of you want to kill me because I haven't updated "One Step at a Time" in over three months but all my inspiration for that story is gone, I had one direction where I wanted to take it but I don't like it anymore so I hit a wall and I can't seem to get pass it. It's the biggest writer block I've ever had and I want to apologize to everyone for the long wait. I promise that as soon as I get an idea I'll start writing the new chapter for you but if any of you have ideas to where I can take the story feel free to tell me, send me a PM and tell me your ideas and I'll try to use them so I can continue with the story because I really liked it and I don't want to give up. I want to thank you all for being so loyal and for your amazing messages and reviews, they mean the world to me and I promise you that I'll try to update my stories and write new ones for you! Stay tuned! xoxo - evildictatoroftaste - |