Title: Twists and Turns

Summary: Sam and Rachel are assigned a Mash-Up from Mr Schuester, much to Finn and Quinn's disapproval. With complications at every corner, can they make their budding relationship work? Set Mid-S2 Pezberry!Friendship, Puckleberry!Friendship. Fuinn/Samchel

Fandom: Glee

Pairing: Sam/Rachel slight romance. Mentions of Finn and Quinn.

Disclaimer: I don't own glee. I am borrowing the characters and any songs that appear within the chapter.

AN: These two (Sam/Rachel) are growing on me! I have so much love for them, I really want interaction between them! And as for the Finn/Quinn part - I'm still so in love with them, so sue me.

Twists and Turns 1/1

"Hey Rachel, can I have a word with you?" Mr Schuester's hand fell on her shoulder and she turned to greet him with a smile.

"Sure." She replied, closing her locker, and falling into step whilst they walked.

"I have a request."

"Yes?" She asked, stopping in front of her math class. She peered in, noticing the clock. "You have approximately 1 minute and 20 seconds before the bell rings and I will be departing to go to math. What is your request?"

He frowned. "I would like to assign you to do a Mash Up for me."

Rachel's smile widened. "Of course! I'll be more than honoured Mr Schuester. What song's do you require?"

"Actually Rachel, I was thinking you could choose. But I have one more thing I need. I need a second person to help you with this. A male."

Her smile fell as her mind flashed with Finn. He was the most obvious choice and she assumed Mr Schuester would request him to be the male lead. "Well, Mr Schuester, Finn and I aren't exactly talking at this precise minute. I think it would be incredibly hard to get him to sing a mash up with me."

"Well, I was thinking of you doing it with Sam."

Rachel looked dumbfounded. "Sam? Sam Evans?"


"Why? I mean, I don't have anything against him. He's an excellent singer. But…why?" She asked again.

"Because, I want to see how well he works with your voice."

Her mouth fell open. "Are you suggesting you want to pair us together in some sort of duet?"


"Just a duet?"

"At Regionals."

She shook her head. "No. I don't think I'm the right person you should be asking. There was nothing wrong with Quinn and Sam's performance at Sectionals. Get her to do this." She turned away.

"Rachel. You know as well as I do that Regionals needs more. Especially this year. I'm happy with Quinn and Sam doing a duet together at Regionals, but I also think you and Sam would do great!"

She sighed in defeat. "Okay. But when I come into Glee Club with two black eyes, and ripped clothes, I expect an apology. Because Quinn is going to find a way to kill me."

"Is that a yes?" He cocked an eyebrow

"Yes." She smiled

Mr Schuester laughed. "can you do me one more favour?"

She looked at him with impatient eyes. "meet Sam in the choir room after school. He's expecting you to run this through with him."

"Meaning he doesn't know?" She screeched.

"Meaning, he has no idea." With that said, Mr Schuester blended into the sea of bobbing heads as the shrill ring of the bell signalled class.

"Move out of the way RuPaul." Quinn cried, pushing her shoulders into Rachel. Rachel sighed, she was going to be killed.

The school day passed in a blur, and Rachel was lucky enough to end the day, homework free. Turning into the choir room, she noticed that Sam was already there. He was facing her with his eyes closed, he was singing softly to himself - a song that sounded oddly familiar. It was only when she had shuffled into the room - books clutched to her chest - that she realised. The song he was singing was from West Side Story. The song he was singing was Maria. Her heart was beating in her chest, so hard, she felt her breath catch in her throat, she gripped her books tighter to her chest as she thought she would drop them at any moment. Sam Evans knew West Side Story. Sam Evans was currently singing West Side Story. Sam Evans was currently singing the song about the girl, Rachel felt she had a connection with!

'Say it loud and there's music playing

Say it soft and it's almost like praying


I'll never stop saying Maria,

The most beautiful sound I ever head.'


She had breathed out the last word of the song as he belted it, just as his eyes fluttered open. A dazed, confused look entered his eyes before a blush crept into his soft white skin, before he shut his mouth. His eyes darted down to the floor and his hand came to scratch the back of his neck.

"Oh. I didn't realise… you err. I didn't hear you come in."

She smiled. "I didn't want to interrupt. That is one of my favourite songs. West Side Story is actually my favourite. I've seen it on Broadway a number of seven times. Once, being this year with my fathers actually." He smiled a lopsided smile, before relaxing his shoulders.

"I've settled with the DVD."

Rachel laughed. "I have that too." She placed her books on top of the piano, before her fingers traced the keys.

"Mr Schue said something to me about coming here."

Rachel's fingers danced along the keys, creating a soft tune before looking up and catching him smile. He had made his way from the middle of the choir room to hover over her, watching her delicately.

"Yes. He wants us to perform a mash up."

Sam continued to watch Rachel's fingers. "A what?" She stopped playing and looked up in time to catch his blue eyes.

"Basically a mash up is two songs that have been put together. Last year, Mr Schuester put the boys in one team and the girls in the other to compete with mash ups. The girls chose 'Halo' By Beyonce and 'Walking on sunshine' by Katrina and The Waves. And basically we put them together."

"Oh right. That sounds quite fun." He chimed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yes." She gave him a stern look. "But its also hard. The songs have to fit together, they can't be completely opposite and it takes a good amount of time to practice."

Sam gave an uncomfortable smile. "So um. Why did Mr Schue pick me?"

"He wants you and I to perform a duet together at Regionals." Rachel said simply.

Sam's eye's widened. "I know you are probably thinking 'oh no way. Rachel Berry is crazy' but I assure you, I'm not that bad. Honest." She tried to laugh. But her eyes were glazed over.

Sam couldn't help but smile. During his time at McKinley and after spending most of his time with Quinn and the other jocks, he came to find that Rachel Berry wasn't the most popular person, and a lot of people disliked her and labelled her. Sam, for one - hated labels. He didn't believe in judging someone before he got to know them. And Rachel, seemed like a sweet, innocent girl. That was until he joined Glee. He found that Rachel was indeed sweet, but she was far from innocent. The girl could hold her own and she took so much shit from the glee club and to be honest, Sam actually felt that Rachel was by far the best singer in Glee club. (Quinn has an amazing voice, and she's beautiful, don't get him wrong, but come on!) Rachel was the one with all the talent behind her and it showed.

The moment Sam heard her sing, he knew that he'd be honoured if he ever had the chance to sing with her. He never really had much of a chance to talk to her, because he pretty much knew Quinn would chew his ass about it and Finn would have sucker punched him or some kind. But, she seemed to be really nice and she was giving him a chance. And bless her heart - she was trying to defend herself in front of him. He noticed the way her hair fell in waves against her face, just below her shoulders and he noticed the way her eyes twinkled. She was very pretty, had he noticed that before? Yes. Had he thought it before? Yes. But had he wanted to openly admit it? Not really. Yet here he was, standing in front of her, whilst she was babbling away, trying to make him see why it wouldn't be so bad to work with her…

"You're kinda cute you know?" It was out of his mouth before he could think and for a split second, the choir room went silent. 'Well there's a way to shut Rachel Berry up. Noted.' He smiled at her.

She stared at him with doe brown eyes. A blush creeping into her cheeks.

"What I mean is, I would be honoured to sing with you."

She opened her mouth only to close it again. Moments passed before she breathed. "Really?"

"Yes." He laughed. "I'm not a bad guy. I think you've got amazing talent. I'd be honoured to sing with you."

She blushed again. Smiling broadly. "Thank you."

He nodded his head, holding a hand out to her. She cautiously took it. "What songs did you have in mind?" She smiled as he twirled her round. "I'm hoping its something we could dance to. Or I can play guitar too."

"I'm sure we can arrange that."

Rachel Berry got home at around 6 o clock that evening. She ate some tofu salad that had been left in the fridge for her along with a note from her fathers saying they had gone out of town and wouldn't be back until the weekend. She was used to that, however, so it didn't bother her as much as it used to. She had a quick shower, uploaded a new video to myspace, and starting researching some songs that she thought were suitable for herself and Sam to pair together in their Mash Up for Mr Schuester. She scribbled some notes down on a piece of paper before lastly, checking her emails.

She had a few spams and junk mail but one caught her attention. 'Sam Evans wants to be friends on facebook'

She clicked the link and was taken to her Facebook homepage. Clicking the friend request box, she checked the accept button. Smiling brightly, she looked on chat to see if Sam was online. He wasn't.

Whilst she was on there, she thought about updating her status. She nosed around and took note of what the others from glee club were doing amongst her other friends from dance classes etc.

She surfed Finn's page and scowled at the comments from Santana. She clicked back onto the new feeds.

Quinn Fabray is now in a relationship with Sam Evans.

-Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez and 4 others like this.

-Noah 'Puck' Puckerman - Nice one golden balls.

-Quinn Fabray - Puck. Go away.

-Sam Evans - Haha. Cheers Puckerman.

Rachel smiled, she thought about liking the new relationship status. But decided against it. Just then chat pinged and she noticed Sam was now online.


Hey tinkerbell!

She couldn't help the butterflies that attacked her insides as she reread the nickname.


Hey there :)


you doing some research for our mash up?


Of course I am. I've got a couple of ideas :)


cool, i think we should meet again in the choir room tomorrow or something. same time? :P you can show me your ideas plus I thought it was nice hanging out today!

She stared at the message. A huge smile spreading across her face.


Okay. Same time


Also, I thought it was nice too. Although we didn't actually talk about the mash up. I gave you homework ;)


i know i know. ive done it too! ive got some good ideas. plus i thought it was pretty nice just hanging out and getting to know each other. now it wont be awkward or anything when we sing our duet. cos we like no each other!


Yes, I agree. I, now know everything there is to know about Sam Evans.


yes you do. it's a little scary :p

This boy was so sweet to her. She couldn't help the butterflies. She couldn't be falling for him, no matter how much he was a flirt.. He was Quinn's. He was with Quinn!


Well, if it makes you feel better - go ahead and ask me anything!

Rachel bit down on her lip.




anything :)


honest answers only please!


I would never be anything but honest :)


do you like me?

Rachel laughed out loud. He meant in the purely platonic way of course. Whereas, she was feeling something completely different. She needed to sort herself out! She fell for guys far too easily and for some reason, they always linked back to Quinn. Maybe that was why Quinn hated her so much. Because Rachel always seemed to fall for her guys. Finn. Puck. Now Sam. Heaven help her.


Yes :)


good. i like you too :D but i've got to go. football practice and then im heading to breadstix with Quinn. See you tomorrow in the choir room.


have a good time! :)


hehehe. maybe. xxxxx


I'm sure you will! ;) xxxxx

Sam Evans is offline.

She sighed. She was screwed.

Just before 9 o clock, she checked her myspace and facebook one last time, she was surprised to see her status that she posted earlier, had received some notification.

Rachel Berry is excited for tomorrow, as it's Friday.

-Mike Chang, Noah 'Puck'erman and 4 other friends like this.

-Sam Evans - me too esp after school! ;)

-Santana Lopez - since when have RuPaul and Quinn's bitch been facebook friends?

-Quinn Fabray - down Santan. But yeah, what the hell!

-Noah 'Puck' Puckerman - Get in there golden balls

-Sam Evans - hahaha. guys come on. its just facebook.

-Quinn Fabray - Aren't you meant to be at football practice?

Sam Evans - Quinn Fabray - i'm getting ready to pick you up for breadstix!xx

Quinn Fabray - Sam Evans - i can't do breadstix anymore! did you not get my text? xxx

Sam Evans - Quinn Fabray - phone's been at home, just checked, but its cool. we'll reschedule :) xxxx

Rachel wasn't exactly the nosy type, but the conversations involving her status were a must to look at. And the it just so happened, Sam and Quinn's date was cancelled. And just as she finished reading that, her chat pinged.


Wanna hang out?

Sam Evans wanted to hang out! With her.




You busy?


no, but it's 9 o clock. aren't you meant to be on your date?

Play it cool Rachel.


quinn cancelled... and i was supposed to be out of the house tonight so my sister could bring her boyfriend back *GROSS*


oh that is to much information Sam! but sure. let's hang out.


i would invite you over here, but obviously - sister & boyfriend...


enough said. wanna come hang at my house?


west side story in the dvd player?




i'm on my way. text me your address! (555-034-3573)


Kay :) see you in a few.

She was completely and utterly screwed. She liked Sam Evans. And hanging out with him alongside the Mash Up - this was going to get her eyes clawed out with one finger nail at a time when Quinn realised.

AN: I've just started to re-read this story and am currently fixing the mistakes and everything! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated. just bare with the fixing of the mistakes! much love ox