A/n: Hello, all! So, this takes place a few days after Stefan and Caroline have their moment in the bathroom together. Caroline has yet to get a magical ring and she's been spending a lot of time with Stefan. Twist- Elena has her secret opinion of Caroline being a Vampire now. We'll see how she feels about it hopefully in the next chapter. At this point, Caroline and Matt are still together, but struggling. Oh and one more thing, I have not seen the show in almost a month, so I've got no idea what's going on between our Steroline.

Review, review. Please. Enjoy! =)

Forbidden Fruit

Chapter 1

The First Temptation

Carolines' p.o.v

What a bitch. Who goes into a strangers hospital room and plants a pillow over their face? She couldn't have simply broken my neck the way I've seen Damon do? Oh no. The bitch just wanted to make me suffer. As if turning me into a Vampire wasn't enough. She wanted me to suffer as each breath got harder to draw in. Until every last fight I had in me died down. Along with my heart.

These fucking fangs are also a bitch. The first time they broke through was the most pain they ever caused. Actually, the sick thing about it was that as much as it hurt like hell as they stabbed through my gums, it was- exhilarating. My head had felt a rush its' never experienced before. Like, like an orgasm. But intensified. Oh, gosh. I am a freak!

p.o.v over

"Stefan?" Caroline walks slowly into the Salvatores' boarding house. It was dark out so she had nothing to worry about as far as burning alive.

"Hey." The younger brother said as he skipped his way down the stairs. He was glad to see her. Ever since he learned what happened to her, he felt a connection. Sort of a mentor/student vibe.

They both knew what was in stored for her tonight. Stefan was going to show her how to live off of blood that wasn't human. She had heard from Damon several times that it just wasn't the same and human blood was so much richer, but she wanted to remain as humanly as possible. Caroline Forbes was not going to let that bitch fully ruin her life. What little life she had left, anyway.

"You ready? Now remember; we go into the woods, look for any animal you want. If you see anything that could actually attack you, run. 'Kay?" His face was sort of apologetic. He hated what Caroline would have to do. But if she wanted to go the innocent route, she'd just have to get used to it. But Stefan understood if Caroline was hesitant to chomp on bunnies or squirrels.

The baby vamp sighed as if she had to settle for the consolation prize. Which in reality, was right.


Caroline and Stefan; In the woods.

"So, exactly where did you get the idea to hunt innocent woodland creatures? I mean, can't you feed on something less innocent and helpless? Like um- lions? You could take a lion, can'tchya?" She was teasing her new found friend and if Caroline didn't know better, she'd swear she'd just seen a smile come from Stefans' "always pouting" lips.

"I hunt animals like bunnies and squirrels because I don't have to worry about them ever going exstinct. I mean," ut-oh, Stefan Salvatore was about to make a joke, "Haven't you ever heard of the phrase, Goin' at it like rabbits?"

"The way I see it, it's quick, painless, and 4 more pop up in the place of one every 10 minutes." Now Stefan was no expert on rabbit reproduction but he made some what of a point. Even if he did have to go a little more graphic than Caroline would have liked. But hey? She asked. He answered.

"And-", he chuckled, "you see any lions 'round here?"


They hunted and something- ...happened.

"I'm-", she says in a breathy tone, "-sorry. I, I don't know what-"

"It's fine, Caroline. Look, don't- you weren't the only one."

Stefan squeezes his eyes shut for a moment to process what they just did. What they did. It wasn't just one of them. It was both of them. And if one was goin' down, it was obvious that the other wouldn't be far behind. Unless, it was kept between them.

The older Vampire opens his eyes and thinks carefully of what he's about to say.

"We kissed, but it doesn't change anything. If you wanted- to-, let Elena know, then I'll, tell her with you. If you want."

Caroline couldn't look at her supposed bestfriends' boyfriend. It didn't even matter that he kissed back. She still started it and was ashamed. She truly was guilty. And for Caroline, it was a new feeling. She wasn't used to the gnawing uncomfortable sensation in the pit of her stomach. The way she was so mad at her own self and wanted desperately to go back and change things.

The only problem was that Caroline really didn't regret doing it. She hated that she just betrayed one of her bestfriends but she was always attracted to Stefan Salvatore. And knowing that given the opportunity, Stefan kissed her back. He didn't have to. She didn't even know why. She just knew that he did. And that was-, it was, satisfying. Caroline had no idea why. She was happy with Matt. Well, she used to be.

Before she died by the hands of that damn Katherine, Caroline was so happy with Matt. She loved him. But now, it was different. She had to constantly be aware of every move she took. Matt was so fragile now. She could hurt him in the blink of an eye. Or worse. She could kill him. And with Stefan, Caroline was the more fragile one again. And she liked that. That she didn't have to monitor herself so tediously all the time when she was with Stefan. So when he kissed her back, she felt a sense of pride wash over her.

It quickly vanished when she heard him say that nothing has changed.


Boarding House. Stefan comes clean with Caroline.

"I know I said nothing changed," he stared at her as she stared at the floor boards of the living room.

He took notice of her blond hair. How it was so radiant and matched so well as it brushed against her sparkling blue eyes. It made her lips pop. Her lips that took the shade of a perfect pomegranate. Rosy yet pink. With a glow of what almost seemed of a purplish-maroon colour. Her ivory skin, lush pomegranate lips, blue eyes that sparkled occasionally, blond hair that always seemed to be so radiant, he noticed all. And he was sad to see that her blue eyes were avoiding him.

As Stefan drank in Carolines' appearance and tried to read her body language, he told her the truth.

"I was lying."


A/n: PLEASE Tell me what you think! It's only the first chapter so your reviews are extremely important. Any advice, suggestions, or comments, go for it! Depending on how the reviews go will be how the next chapter goes. If you guys think it should be more descriptive, I'll try to improve on that in the next ch. Please don't be mad that I didn't explain how they kissed one another. Trust me, it'll be added. ;) I just love Steroline and wanted to see if I could write a romance about them.

Hope you enjoyed it! :)

And please feel free to write a review! I appreciate it. :D