Hi! I know it's been a while! Thanks for sticking with me and for reviewing this story, they really do inspire and warm my heart! And thanks to Original Groffette! For beta-ing this story, you're amazing! Honestly and truly I adore you for taking the time to fix all my atrocious errors. This one's for you! Read and enjoy! And if I don't post again before December 25th…HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Chapter 8- 'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it.

Humming contentedly Rachel almost skipped down the hallway to her classes. She had been floating on air since her conversation and subsequent make-out session with Jesse the previous evening and not even the rude comments and bitchy remarks could ruin her day. She was soon yanked out of her internal daydreams by an angry looking Finn grabbing her by her bicep and basically dragging her into the choir room.

"Finn? What do you think you're doing? Remove your hand from my arm immediately! I will sue you!" she screeched. Finn let go of her almost and turned to close the door behind him before turning again to face her. Rachel studied his face and noted the bags under his eyes and the turn of his lip with a sense of morbid fascination, feeling as if she was looking at a train-wreck in the making.

"Finn? What do you want? You can't just drag me into a room like that and then just …leer. It's creepy and strange. Tell me what you want , not that I can honestly say I care at this moment in time, or I'm leaving. You have one minute!" She waited with thinly veiled impatience as he began to pace, a habit Finn had for when he either wanted to think of how to form his thoughts coherently or before he went on a rant. The prospect of either didn't impress Rachel in the slightest.

"You can't go out with that douche Rach." Finn finally stated.

All irritation gone, Rachel was stunned and then felt that emotion soon give way to anger.

"My boyfriend's name is Jesse Finn! And I'm pretty sure I can do whatever the hell I want. You are neither my father, nor my keeper!"

"He's just using you Rachel! He's in Vocal Adrenaline, he's going to get close to you and then use you for what he wants! You know this!"

"Really Finn? That's the most pathetic attempt at an argument I've heard in my life! While I may have questioned your motives for dating me, I have never once questioned my feelings for Jesse regardless of how newly fledged they are. He has never done anything to make me even think about worrying over his intentions! Jesse has never made me question myself, how I dress, how I act. You on the other hand Finn, everything you said to me was either a criticism or a degradation! I am sick of you acting like you're this selfless martyr because you and I both know you aren't! You're a pathetic little boy who thinks he has this God-given right to just order people about and never take into account his own actions or take responsibilities for them! I am sick of your bullshit and I'm sick of you!"

Finn looked astounded for a minute, or maybe confused. With him you could never quite be sure. While he may not have fully understood what Rachel was saying he caught the jist of it and his anger was once again evident. " Think what you want Rachel, you and I both know there are only a few reasons a boy would look at you twice not including me. I love you. I always have loved you and I was just trying to help you. Your angry and this boy has twisted your judgements! I'm not the bad guy here!"

Rachel laughed sardonically. "No Finn, you never loved me. You loved the idea of us and the fact that I was the lesser of the relationship so you felt like you owned me. Jesse hasn't twisted anything. He allowed me to finally look at myself and the dismal excuse for a relationship we shared Finn without the rose-tinted glasses for once. If you're not the bad guy then who exactly are you? The knight in shining armor?"

Finn nodded slightly. " Well, yeah. I've always been here for you Rachel haven't I? You know if you stay with him you can't be in glee club. It's a conflict of instincts!"

"Conflict of interests Finn. And you really think you're the knight huh?" Rachel moved closer to Finn slowly. Finn smiled as she came closer thinking he'd won this argument but the smirk was soon slapped of his face by an irate brunette. "More like the retard in tinfoil!"

And with that Rachel marched out of the choir room apologising absentmindedly to anyone she banged into as she stomped towards the bleachers never noticing the Latino cheerleader watching her with interest.

Flinching as the backs of her thighs came into contact with the cold metal bench Rachel silently cursed at herself. 'Of all the days to wear my shortest skirt! I had to do it on one of the coldest days September, then I purposely come out here to sit and clear my head. Maybe I really am a masochist…'.

Rachel sat there for what felt like hours staring out at the football field as she tried to regain some sense of order over her thoughts and analyse that last conversation with Finn. She still felt so angry that he would threaten to get her kicked out of New Directions simply because he didn't like her new boyfriend. Well honestly! If he had that much of a problem with Rachel moving on then maybe he shouldn't have forced her to in the first place. He had repeatedly stepped on her and when Rachel finally kicks back he just about shits himself. What had she ever seen in that boy?

Rachel turned her head when she felt the presence of someone nearby shifting away when she realized it was none other than the home wrecker herself.

"You know Berry, for someone as small as you are you've got a big set of balls."

Rachel just continued to stare at her. "I beg your pardon Santana? I know you seem to find the Ru-Paul and Man Hands thing hilarious but I am over being the door mat! I will no longer-" She was cut off by the sound of laughter.

"See, this is what I mean. You're FINALLY standing up for yourself. I like this Rachel better. The one who takes no shit from anybody."

"Why are you being nice to me Santana. I swear on all that's holy if this is some trick you will be hearing from the ACLU!"

"Jeez, cool it crazy pants. I'm not trying to trick you. And I'm not being nice. I'm merely stating the facts. I'm never nice. Unless it's to Britt. I kind of respect that you finally fought back. I just…I thought you should know that you're cooler when you stand up for yourself. It's kinda hot."

Rachel stared at her again like she had grown a second head before a giggle erupted through her lips before she burst out laughing. " If you come onto me Santana…!"

"Chill Berry. I'm not going to put the moves on you. I'm not Puck." She smiled a small smile at Rachel. "There's a party at Britt's tomorrow night at 10, you should come. Bring the hot guy too."

"If you come onto him like you did Finn, Santana, I won't hold back this time I swear."

Santana laughed again. "I'm sure you could take me too midget. I promise I won't get it on with your boy-toy. Just come to the damn party already!"

"Well then, I guess we might see you there." Rachel still didn't really know what the hell was going on as she watched Santana's retreating back. She raised her eyes to met the Hispanic girls when Santana turned round to shout "And midget? I slept with Finn because coach told me to go for a younger man."

"Really? I thought you were just a bitch." replied Rachel with a smirk. Santana full out smiled as if being called a bitch was a compliment before running off towards the main school building.

'What have I let Jesse and myself in for?' she thought anxiously.

Walking through the entrance way Jesse tightened his grip on Rachel's hand. The party appeared to be in full swing already, inebriated teenagers doing their thing, drinking, dancing and making out. He turned around to look at Rachel who was still unbuttoning her jacket to leave in the closet. Jesse's eyes lingered on the short little black dress that wrapped itself sinfully around his girlfriend. He had been pleasantly surprised when she had come down the stairs an hour earlier in this dress and a pair of high black heels. It was a more innocent outfit than he had ever seen her in before and Jesse had never thought she looked as beautiful. Everything about Rachel was sensual already she didn't need to try so hard as she obviously felt she needed to before. Jesse was allowed an insight to the real Rachel.

The Rachel who talks to herself out loud when she's putting things in her bag or retracing her steps to find a lost item, the Rachel who has randomly spouts Broadway trivia or bursts into song. He likes the real Rachel better than the mysterious hot girl he taught how to take proper shots of tequila the first night he met her.

Jesse smiled as she popped the last button open on her jacket before sliding it off her shoulders. "Ready?"

A squeeze of his hand and an "As I'll ever be!" was his answer.

Rachel silently marveled at the sweet Dutch girl's home. It was beautiful, grand but home like and cheerful. Kind of like Brittany herself. Both Rachel and Jesse ventured further into the house after depositing her jacket. They soon located the bar space and Jesse in his usual gentlemanly fashion asked what she would like to drink. Rachel smiled up at him as she caressed his cheek.

"Surprise me" she stated with a wink. Jesse swallowed hard before pressing his lips to hers.

"As my lady commands." Smiling dreamily Rachel looked around her and found that yet again eyes were on her. Honestly, this whole 'let's follow every occurrence in Rachel Berry's life' thing was getting a little trying. Finding the rest of the gleeks standing awkwardly near a couch where a couple were mating Rachel eyed the couple distastefully for a few seconds before calling out to the gleeks and waving them over.

Mercedes pushing Artie was the first to greet her. " Damn girl! You're looking good tonight! Did you just get here?"

"Thank you Mercedes! You look wonderful! Yeah, Jesse and I just arrived a few minutes ago! Have you been here long?"

"Well, since Mercedes lives in the same street as me we thought it was a good idea to carpool together. We've been here about 20 minutes. Tina and Kurt however have been here well over an hour." Artie chuckled and Rachel looked up to find a tipsy looking Tina holding up a drunken Kurt. Mercedes and Rachel joined in the laughter as they watched the pair sashay their way across the room.

"Good evening Kurt." Rachel giggled.

" Hello to you too Diva." Kurt winked sloppily. "And hello to you too handsome. Damn Rachel you have really great taste in men."

Rachel turned around to see Jesse balancing coasters in his arms and hands. Counting them Rachel internally beamed realizing he had brought over enough drinks for everyone and not just for himself and Rachel. He really was so attentive to everyone and just such a nice guy.

"Hey yourself." Jesse winked at Kurt whom promptly made a show of fanning himself. Jesse passed around drinks to everyone before handing Rachel a clear coaster filled with a yellowish clouded liquid. Sniffing it Rachel decided it smelt like aniseed. "This smells like liquorice Jesse!"

"I thought it would be a nice surprise. It's called Pernod. You're crazy about liquorice so I thought you'd like it." He smiled warmly at her and Rachel wrapped her arm around his waist, her hand sneaking under his t-shirt to smooth its way across his back.

Taking a sip Rachel smiled warmly before pressing a kiss to his jaw. Whispering in his ear, "Thank you it's perfect."

"I can't wait to taste it later." Jesse whispered quietly and Rachel found herself squeezing her thighs together slightly.

They stood as part of the glee group talking and gossiping, Jesse smiled and laughed and Rachel was pleased that her friends and her boyfriend seemed to be getting along so well. After Finn's comments earlier she had feared that the hostility he had exhibited was shared among the entire group. Clearly and thankfully it wasn't!

Jesse pressed a kiss to her ear and asked her to dance and Rachel soon found herself in a corner of the living room dancing closely to her gorgeous boyfriend.

As the slow song melded into a faster dance beat Rachel turned away from Jesse and raised her arms to surround his neck. She soon leaned back into his embrace as his hands came up to wrap around her waist possessively. They soon found themselves lost in their own little world as they exchanged whispered conversations and grinded their bodies together smoothly, unaware of anything happening around them.

Rachel's self-control finally snapped when Jesse laughed huskily into her neck before his tongue came out to lick around the shell of her ear. She yanked herself away from him before she turned to meet his gaze breathing heavily. Grabbing his hand she quickly laced their fingers before dragging him behind her. Swerving around drunken teenagers dancing and generally being in the way Rachel sighed in contentment when she reached the stairs and lead Jesse upstairs.

Pushing him into the first empty room she came across Rachel pushed him up against the door as soon as he closed it behind them and dragged his lips down to meet hers. She groaned quietly when Jesse returned her kiss with just as much enthusiasm before grasping her hips and turning so it was Rachel who found herself between the thick wooden door and the delicious specimen that was Jesse St. James. Rachel reached up on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss and Jesse reached behind her to grasp her thighs and pull her towards him. Wrapping her legs around him Rachel soon felt Jesse's reaction to their kisses against the inside of her thigh, she shifted herself closer to him and they both groaned at the friction they had created. Jesse soon started walking backwards and towards the bed following Rachel's directions with ease. He fell into a sitting position when he felt the bed hit his knees and found an eager Rachel pushing him down onto the mattress more fully, before climbing over him to cover his body with her own.

Rachel whimpered in delight when Jesse's tongue came out to lick at the hollow of her neck as she subtly ground herself down on the erection straining through his jeans. Her breathing was laboured as Jesse tilted her head to his so their lips could meet once more in a lustful clash of tongues and teeth. His hands soon found her hips and Jesse made it his business to move Rachel's body expertly in a way which was pleasing to the both of them. Jesse growled when Rachel ground down particularly hard and tangled a hand in her hair as the other moved to press her into the mattress. Switching positions Rachel soon found herself leaning upwards to catch his lips with hers a hand reached up to pet at his curls as he slowly moved their still miraculously clothed bodies together. Jesse found himself outright moaning when Rachel bit down non too gently on his lower lip and pulled back to lick it soothingly causing him to thrust himself forward and for Rachel's dress to ride up to her waist.

Rachel froze at this. Yes, admittedly she had all but dragged Jesse into this room and molested him but they had only been going out for a week and while they had known each other previously to embarking on a relationship she still wasn't ready for where this situation could potentially lead. Jesse stilled above her before kissing her neck. Pulling back he sat on his haunches and pulled Rachel upwards so she was sitting upright keeping his eyes on her face the entire time rather than looking down at the lacy boy shorts he knew she was wearing.

"Calm down Rachel. This is just a little making out with my girlfriend. I would never ever try and push you further than you were comfortable Rach. And to be completely honest, if I was going to seduce you I wouldn't do it in a spare bedroom at a party where there are people who could bust in at any time. You deserve better than that, you deserve romance." He punctuated his words with a kiss. "Epic romance."

Rachel gazed at Jesse adoringly before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Thank you. For being so patient. You're amazing."

"You aren't to bad yourself Rach." He leaned forward to press his forehead against hers as his hands smoothed their way down her sides before grasping the hem of her dress and dragging it back down to its original position. Rachel pressed her lips to his once, twice, three times.

Rachel and Jesse's little bubble was popped by the bedroom door swinging open and a drunken Matt Rutherford and Finn Hudson stumbling in.

"Dude!" Matt yelped. "This isn't the bathroom!"

"Are you sure? I thought it was the first door on the left?…Maybe it's the second?" Finn's rambling halted upon the sight on the bed. His ex-girlfriend and her new whatever looking pretty freaking familiar on the bed. "What the hell Rachel?"

"Oh shit." Matt muttered. "Dude, come on. Let's just leave already."

"Shut up man!" Finn turned towards the couple who were getting up off the bed and smoothing themselves out. " Are you really that much of a desperate whore Rachel? That you just bang some jackass to get back at me?"

" Don't talk about her like that douche bag!" Jesse moved forwards to get up in Finn's face.

" Why? Jealous of the fact that she was mine first? She is acting like a slut!" Jesse curled his hand into a fist and was ready to lunge at the giant dickhead in front of him when a small hand curled around his bicep and he turned to see a pale looking Rachel.

"He's not worth it Jesse, you know he's just saying these things to try and get a reaction. You know I don't think those things. Can we please just leave?"

"Sure baby." They moved around the two boys and towards the door before Jesse stopped and murmured "Hang on." He then moved swiftly and tapped Finn on the shoulder. When Finn turned around he was met with Jesse's fist connecting with his nose. Hearing a satisfying crunch Jesse waved at Matt before walking back over to an open mouthed Rachel, grasping her hand and walking calmly down the stairs.

It wasn't very long until Rachel erupted. " What was that? I told you there was no need to react! Violence is never the answer Jesse! I utterly abhor viol-oomph!" Her tirade was cut off by Jesse once again smashing his lips to hers. When he felt her relax into the kiss he pulled back and smoothed a stray hair from her face.

"I'm not apologising for punching the idiot Rachel. He's lucky I only hit him once for talking about you like that. You might think he's not worth it. But you are worth it Rachel."

Gazing at him Rachel gently grasped his hand and pulled him towards the entrance of the house , stopping at the closet to grab her jacket. " Well come on then." She turned to look at him with a hint of a smile on her lips and a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's go."