Author has written 19 stories for Kingdom Hearts. Hello, I'm Myrrh. Some of the earlier fics I currently have posted were written for Kokanshu's KH kink meme, and I apologise if you do not like them. Other than that, the fics I have up were pretty much written for the LJ comm kh_drabble, which is awesome. Dreams or Reality, is what happens to my plot bunnies when I read a spork of a sucked-into-the-game fic and want to try doing it better. As you might be able to tell from that last sentence, I read and spork badfics. It's fun, and I won't apologise for doing so. If anyone wishes to spork a fic I wrote, feel free to do so. If you post the spork anywhere, though, I'd like the link. I love reading those things. I do have a beta, Anderling. Thank you, Anderling. And now I'm out of things to say, so... Fly free. Roar to the skies. Peace be ours. |