![]() Author has written 52 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Death Note, Detective School Q, Harry Potter, Eyeshield 21, Kuroshitsuji, Pandora Hearts, World Ends With You, and Suikoden. LJ: http:/// DA: http:/// I'm a pretty friendly person, so don't hesitate to PM or email me. :) Please leave feedback. It makes all the difference between something happening, and not. UPDATES?///// 2020: For anyone still looking here, you may consider this profile discontinued and all in progress works abandoned, if you haven't yet. :') You can find some newer fandom things from me on archive of our own, as I find time in between IRL things to do them. Thankyou for all the support until today! I will most likely keep works archived here for the time being. October 2011: whew, I haven't written in a long while, it feels like. Working on original stuff now, but I have a lot more fic (many not suitable for anyone under 18) posted to my LJ if you want to browse. Will be working on KH mostly, when I want a break, though I may poke in on older fandoms like Tierkreis a bit now and then. Kuro and PH have been utterly destroyed for me by people I've met who are into it, so I unfortunately will not be likely to post any more on it. A lot of my written things are posted first in LJ so if you're interested just click on the home page or LJ link- most of my stuff are one-shot drabbles, but I also post in-progress works there sometimes. TRANSLATED FICS: Translated! Never did Run Smooth in PORTUGUESE by Nanetys (FFN LINK) APPEARANCES in RUSSIAN by cordylaer :In-Progress/Ideas/To Be Posted Works: (Messy because it's also for me to keep track of things). Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Dec 2010: Random OT5 Fic - RoxasVanitasSoraVentus/Riku , so far? PWP. "Who's your favorite?" Riku grew up with them. He never expected they all might like him a little too much. Light Blooms - Aqua/Terra, Pre-BBS to endgame, (long oneshot) "The first time it had happened, they’d been around fifteen, before Ven, and Master Xehanort, and Tests of Mastery." Mudpies - Terra/Aqua, College AU (notionally multichapter) Already in his second year in college and with a little brother called Leon graduating high school, Terra never expected his parents to adopt again, but six year old Riku worms his way into his (really rather soft) heart and gets him to take him to the park on a regular basis. He didn't expect someone he knew to be there, either. Aqua, the only female member of the Kendo Club, with two sets of twin little cousins to manage: Roxas,Ven, Sora, and Vanitas. Between rivalry, carefully-constructed apathy, and five very determined little boys, will they end up together? Or stick to making mudpies? Dark Impulses - Terra/Riku, AU that's notionally post-KH3 Started as a kmeme prompt, but may be something more. Riku finds Terra in the unlocked Land of Departure and bonding happens. Plus some. Chasing Darkness 10/27/2011: CHAPTER 4 IS IN THE WORKS. I do like this fic, I just get swallowed up by people wanting me for other things. Will hope to post again before 3D NA Release. Riku: searching for his atonement. Roxas: searching for his truth. Axel: searching for his existence. And their objective? Sora- missing savior of the worlds. (KH2 AU, AxelRoxas/Riku. Axel, Riku,and Roxas all embark on a journey to find Sora who, along with Diz and Namine, is missing. Roxas wants to find his memories, Riku wants to find his best friend, and Axel? He just wants to remember how to exist. But maybe, just maybe, there is never just one answer and what they're truly looking for may already be close at hand.) (Bunny That Never Will Be, keeping notes here for posterity) Military AU! AkuRikuRoku- The Kingdom of Illuminaria is a small kingdom of Light, surrounded by a dark, roiling Mist from which monsters and shadows form. Every so often, these monsters would attempt to breach the walls, sensing the lives it sheltered. Alarmed, the King tasked his advisor, Ansem the Wise, to create an army of magesoldiers to combat the monsters. This he did, seeking out the most magically talented and the young and strong from each family, paid to the army as tithe. However, the Illuminarian Army has it's share of corruption. The betrayal of a group of generals of the Order resulted in a mass exile and recently, the shadow monsters, called Heartless, have been increasing in number and getting more organized. Roxas Strife, 18, orphaned, soldier-to-be. and looking for his sole remaining family- Cloud, who had mysteriously vanished after joining the army. But Roxas never expected to meet one Riku Crescent, 19, a bastard, Lieutenant-General, competent, beautiful, and terrifying beyond belief. Nor Axel Coral, survivor, The Crimson General, with lies tucked in the curve of his mouth and dark plans written in his eyes. Add a lot of UST, rather unhealthy amounts of sex, and stir over medium-low political intrigue. REVISED: RikuRoku Mpreg ficI've decided it's gonna be a 2-part. It's got 11 pages written and got a lot more serious but also a lot smoother now that I've rewritten it. :D Nobody's Fool - HS/College AU. Axel has made a decision: Riku is going to be his next target. Roxas is his best friend and coincidentally enough, the brother of Riku's best friend, Sora. It's only natural that Axel would want him to help him find out more about Riku, right?... Roxas agrees reluctantly, but why is he the one falling for Riku like an idiot? Status: Complete. (Epilogue to follow)-- I might not do an epilogue after all, at this rate. Can't muster up mah powers of fluff. =( ) [Discontinued] Kuroshitsuji/ Black Butler [Discontinued Fandom] Downward Arc of a Pendulum:Sebastian/Agni, (one-sided Agni/Soma) to be reworked. Walking With the Sun: Agni/Soma drabbles- it's kinda being recalcitrant. I wish we knew more about them. Phantom at the Opera: Sebastian/16! (and sometimes trap!)Ciel Not sure on if it's gonna remain a oneshot yet... Around Tables/Dealings : 21!Ciel/Sebastian, A choppy progression into demoralization. Ciel finds out that his father had used every trick in the book. Blood-stained windows: Madame Red-centric, a pre-series look. Stepping Lines: SebaCiel NC17 fic, which for various issues on sensitivity, I have left exclusively on my journal. [Discontinued] Maximum Ride Five Ways Fang Realized He Might Maybe Love The Most Irritating, Kick-Ass, Stubborn, Beautiful Girl In the World:Fang/Max. Let me count the ways I knew I loved you. [Discontinued] Pandora Hearts The Truth is a Knife: Gilbert/Vincent, M, for every person loved, there is someone who loves. M-fic set after cheshire arc. Vincent kidnaps Gilbert for some bonding time. Becoming Nightray: (multichapter) 10 years of gun lessons, nightmares, new little brothers, and despairing after a dream. Gilbert-centric with Vincent/Gilbert, Eliot/Gilbert, and a bit of Break/Gilbert. Grumpy toddler!Eliot is surprisingly cute. The Ones Left Behind: Vincent/Eliot/Gil Nightraycest (two a day keeps frustration away), kmeme, but with character exposition, sorta (y'all know how I 'em). The Blackened Box: Pandora Hearts x Kuroshitsuji crossover. Ciel is sent to a mysterious country as part of the diplomatic entourage, officially, but more to investigate the benefits of an alliance due to some very strange rumors of monsters and disappearing people, of miracles and parallel worlds. They're about to find a whole new world of contractors. Me= trying to write plot. Suikoden Tierkreis Idea Pool: Leaves from the Great Tree : Luo Tao introspective piece with mild pre-shippy Luo Tao/Liu but mostly an excuse for me to flesh out my Scribe headcanon for RPing Liu. Branching : Luo Tao/Liu and mild Liu/Len Lien, post game, Luo Tao has a lot to teach a new Elder. But maybe the Elder has a lot to teach him, too. I have a few Jale/Sieg ones in the works, but they've unexpectedly been giving me problems. Maybe my Sieg muse isnt strong enough? Tiger and Bunny Mostly little Yuri ficbits for the Kmeme. Working on making something more out of them... [Discontinued] TWEWY/ The World Ends With You (aka that other thing with all the KH gay vibes and screwy memory plot points but more ambiguous) Game On:Joshua/Neku/Joshua (as in they switch), It's a recurring nightmare that Neku never can seem to get out of-- but this time, Shibuya isn't the battleground. When Neku dies in an accident in the middle of Akihabara, Fate seems to have flipped him one. And then Joshua appears- and for once, he actually doesn't seem to be the problem. UG political gears are stirring, Joshua's still keeping secrets, and Akihabara's Game is leagues away from Shibuya. In more ways than one. The Long Way Around: older!Joshua/older!Neku/Joshua. 6 years and 5 months have passed since Neku Sakuraba left Shibuya for his world musical debut. Perched on the cusp of eternal fame, Neku finds one thing hasn't changed at all: Joshua and his secrets and his uncanny way of getting Neku involved in everything-- especially Joshua himself. Now Neku has 7 months to win an entirely different sort of game or forfeit Shibuya-- and her Composer-- forever. |