Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Static Shock, and Kingdom Hearts. My name's Rachel and I'm a year older than I was last October. I used to be really immature and, technically, I still am. I'm Chinese-Malaysian and live in Hong Kong, born (but not bred). My fanfiction interests range from comic books to cartoons to anime to some (aka. one or two) novels. I like slash/yaoi, despise bigotry, and am okay but not too keen on het. When I write, it's mainly for release than for entertainment value (although I would like to imagine that people actually enjoy my fics, I have to be dead realistic and stop deluding myself here) so my fics tend to range from happy and nonsensical to sad and whatever. My writing style also changes in accordance to my mood. What can I say? I fancy myself as a writer, yet get higher grades in horrible 'science stream' subjects like Biology and Maths. I used to be relatively fine with words, but now I'm utterly crap, so I do on occasion tend to not make sense. My bad. |