Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Gender: Who cares? Name: Is not Mo (short for 'Mo') Twain (short for nothing also), but that's what I'm going with. Personality: Amazing (and stuff) Boredom level: High (which is why I'm working on my profile) Favorite Quotes: (likely under copywrite, I don't own them) 9 "The report of my death was an exaggeration." - Mark Twain "The report of my death was an exaggeration. I only died once, not twice. I'm good." -A friend of mine after riding Kingda Ka "NOOO!" - Luke Skywalker -StarWars "NOOO!" - The Doctor, Doctor Who "NOOO!" - Benjamin Tennyson, Ben Ten Alien Force "NOOO!" - Chowder, Chowder "NOOO!" - Doctor Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb "NOOO!" - Me, after finding out that the toothpaste is empty again "To pass this test... you must... answer a math question!" -Guardian of the Promise "Yes! Mathematical!" - Finn "But you suck at math!" -Princess "Oooh... right." -Finn - Adventure Time "Where am I? Abraham Lincoln?!" -Finn "Finn, your body has been transported back in time, and to Mars, but that's not important, what's important is you must BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!" - Abraham Lincoln "I BELIEVE!" -Finn (breaking out of the Ice Prison) - The Original Adventure Time (the one on Youtube) "Come to Candy Mountain, Charlie, come to Candy Mountain!" -creepy unicorn children "Umm... No." Charlie the Unicorn. -Charlie the Unicorn "You're a wierdie!" -My mother to my little brother "You're a wierdie!" -My brother to my mother "...That was mean." -My mother to my little brother -My actual life "So... Obama got the Nobel Prize for Peace?" -Me "Yeah." -My older brother "...Why?" -Me "No particular reason." -My older brother "..." -Me "Didn't he promise to give us healthcare or something?" -my older sister "Yeah, which will cause us to be even more in debt, causing China to own us." -my older brother "So... he got the Nobel Prize by selling us to the Chinese?" -Me "Um... I think he got it for... no good reason at all." -my older sister "..." -my older brother "Politics are AWESOME!" -Me (My little brother opens the freezer) "AHH!" "What's wrong?" -Me "Nevermind." -My little brother (gets a ice pop out of the freezer and shuts the door) "What was it?" -My older sister "Just a dead body." -My little brother (sucking on the ice pop) "Do you hear that?" -Me "It's just the zombies." -My older brother "Again?" -Me "They just need to realize that mindless, brainsucking beasts can't win against creatures of a superior intellect." -My older brother "Don't you mean people who've done that Facebook quiz until they got the result that says they'll survive the zombie infestation?" -Me "Exactly." -My older brother "Did you know frogs can mutate to have extra arms and legs?" -My little brother "Yeah." -Me "... Did you know that sometimes it can even rain frogs?" -My little brother "Yes." -Me "... You're just saying that to sound smart!" -My little brother "I'm the one who told you that." -Me "Oh... right." -My little brother "Sheesh." -Me "Did you know that pencils aren't really made with lead anymore?" -My little brother "That explains why you didn't die when I taught you to draw." -Me "Yeah. Did you know that Leonardo DaVince is dead?" -My little brother "Everyone knows that." -Me "Oh. Did you know-" -My little brother "Shut up and I'll make you cookies." -Me "Finally!" -My little brother (saunters away) (I blink, realizing I've just been manipulated by a four-year-old) (Someone's last words) Don't let it end like this! Tell them I said something! End of Quotes Favorite Color: Red, Green, Blue, Black, Brown, Orange, Yellow, etc. Favorite thing to do: Read and Write, maybe watch T.V., I love Doctor Who, Drake and Josh, Castle, Big Time Rush, Chuck, and... lots of things... (random, huh?) Favorite Music: Classics and maybe Jonas Brothers, some theme songs to superhero shows, ALL Phineas and Ferb songs, the soundtrack to Doctor Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, etc. Well, that's really it. If I'm ever procrastinating on the stories I write to procrastinate on my school assignments I'll update my profile! Yeah! |