Author has written 7 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Elder Scroll series, Final Fantasy X-overs, Final Fantasy X, Naruto, and Final Fantasy VII. Recent Update, 9/3/07: Well, chapter nine of Chronicles is completed, and after some bullshit where the site wouldn't accept my uploaded document, I finally go it successfully uploaded. At least this time it only made the update a day late. Name: Chris (AKA: Spanky, Grandpa, Grandpa Spanky, Sharky, Santa, Grandpa Santa, I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter ('cause I'm smooth like butter, but not butter), margerine, Uncle Piss. Gotta love Sifu's obsession with nicknames, eh?) Author's Name: C.S. Riffe (note: not my real name) Sex: Male...what? Did you expect a joke or something? Age: 28 Interests: Martial Arts (Southern Tiger Kung Fu for 6 years now, where I earned all those nicknames), Anime, Video Games, Fifties Musicals like West Side Story (believe me, there's nothing funnier than seeing New York street toughs fighting using ballet), More Recent Musicals Like Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera, Star Wars and all Extended Universe stuff, and fantasy novels. Aspirations: I plan on being an actual author. Fanfics in Progress: Skyrim Novelization: Due to a few problems with the plotline (one important character who hasn't been introduced yet, I've got an extensive background on him, plan on him being an antagonist, but for the life of me, I can't figure out any reasonable motivations for why he does the things he does) this one's also on extended hiatus. Also, due to the feedback from one particular (and blunt) reviewer, I think I'll have to rewrite the first two chapters completely. Fuuinken no Naruto: A seriously "Alternate Universe" Naruto fic. Where "ninjas/shinobi" gain their mystical jutsus because they're actually Edo Tensei zombies. I uploaded that one chapter because it seemed like a really good idea. Currently I'm working out the plotline, and I'm getting good and better ideas all the time. Currently unnamed fic: A Skyrim fanfic that I'm currently out. I've got most of the plotline figured out, so hopefully I'll get enough done soon so I can start writing it. It features a grown up Aventus Aretino who's adopted by the dragonborn, then the Thalmor attack and kill his parents and kidnap his sister (Sofie), and in order to secure a future for himself and his sister, and prevent the resurgence of the Great War, he must become the ultimate assasin. Final Fantasy XIV: This was created before FFXIV was officially announced. Currently on indefinate hiatus. Possible Future Projects: Legend of Dragoon: Currently unnamed fic, currently picked name is Legend of Dragoon 2: Price of Redemption, but might change that name. It's still in the designing phase. It will take place twenty-five hundred years after the game's end, and unlike every LoD fanfic I've seen where it takes place a long time after the game, this will NOT be taking place in our time. Nearly all original characters, a few planned cameos, and a slightly different approach to how I write action. Also on hold. Final Fantasy X: A story of the ronin bodyguard, Yojimbo, eight hundred years before the game, describing his human life before becoming an Aeon, exploring how this narccisistic samurai who charges you money when he would have absolutely, positively no use for it, becomes an Aeon, and along the way, meets interesting characters, witnesses the early days of Yevon, the Guado before they became Yevonites, gained the almighty Zanmato, and learned how to fight for things greater than himself. I have also, off and on, considered doing an AU novelization with my own character taking Tidus's place, with the exceptions from the norm being that my character has A) never heard of Final Fantasy X, B) is not me, and C) that he's not from earth, he's from a world of my creation. I think the Yojimbo one looks better. Chrono Trigger Novelization: Don't hold your breath on this one. I've thought of a lot of things I could do with this one, especially Chrono's character, as well as slightly altering the other characters (such as making Lucca more like the absent minded professor), as well as a lot of comical sequences, such as making the Ioka soup actually an alcholic concoction, but the other characters think it's just regular soup. Drunk Chrinstant humor. Hung-over Chreven better. The reason I say don't hold your breath is because I never finished the game. I know the entire story, but I never finished the game before a 'friend' of mine sold the game. With the release of the DS version, which I've played and beaten, I'm sorry to say this likely will never happen. The biggest reason is because many of the jokes that was to come from the novelization, such as the Ioka soup, was ruined by the new translation. Bastards beat me to it. Duel of Fates Version 3.0: Yes, a third draft. I've actually started this one, and I'm doing it in my off-time. So far, I've got just over thirty pages down. The biggest complaint people had about DoF was that the Hideo/Delta relationship was a little underdeveloped. I've made some changes to the story, made a lot more scenes between those two to increase the depth of their relationship, and make a certain antagonist have an even stronger impact on our favorite Estharian hero. I'm currently planning on NOT posting this until I finish it. Final Fantasy XII: I've really wanted to make a 12 fanfic for a while. I liked it a lot more than a lot of people did. So far, I've got three main ideas: 1) The adventures of Lord Rasler as he was forced into some journey, detailing along the way how he fell in love with Ashe. 2) King Raithwall's story. If, and that's a huge if, I do this one, it will be huge, with tons of conspiracies, machinations, lots of war, and will generally be huge. Don't hold your breath, this is the most unlikely FF12 fic I have planned. 3) The most likely of the three 12 fics I've concocted, it will be about a Hunters Clan based in Balfonheim. The clan will be called 'Clan Billingsgate', (if you don't get a laugh from that, look up the word 'billingsgate') whose motto is, "Like petroleum, we're crude but effective." At a glance, they will be the most inept and incompetent group of hunters ever, but they somehow manage to get the job done. Xenogears Epsiode Six: The Slayer of God: Obviously, a Xenogears fanfic. For those of you who are wondering, or a little worried, about the title, it's one of the things the main character is called in the game. This was actually my second fanfic, which got deleted after my impetuous retirement, and I'm thinking of rewritting it. Anyways, it takes place a thousand years after the game, everything has changed, and the ghosts of the past are catching up to this new civilization. |