I'd like to dedicate this to this story's most ARDENTE fans! I thank you for not giving up on this story after all these years! (LOL) If this is any consolation to you, it seems that the story won't allow me to leave it behind either... All the characters are screaming inside my head asking me to tell their bit!
Please feel free to let me know what you think of this continuation after such a long, long, long, time!
~Cheezy Lady
Disclaimer: All FF8 characters are courtesy of Squaresoft Enix
Advent of the Necromancer: Book II
Hidden Cities – Open Cities
When the child was a child,
It was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Is life under the sun not just a dream?
—Peter Handke—
Chapter 10: Ardente Veritate
"Once upon a time, in a very faraway country, there was a garden that had no flowers, only grass and one small fruit tree. People did not want to visit such a tiny garden with no flowers. The garden did not understand why people would not want to sit under the cool shade of its tree, or eat the sweet ripe fruit that fell to the ground, or lay on its green grass to gaze at the clear blue sky. It made the garden feel sad and lonely…
" 'I wish I could even have one flower!' The garden said sighing to itself, 'This way people from all over would come visit to see the flower!… Then they would also notice the beauty of the fruit tree, taste the sweetness of its fruit, and enjoy the soft greenness of the grass…'
"The East Wind heard the garden's wish, and decided to ask all the tiny flowers seeds it carried for one to volunteer to land in that garden. But they all said, 'No.'
"The North Wind heard the same wish, and felt pity for the small garden. It also asked all the flower seeds it carried in its airstream the same question, but it got the same reply,"No". And so did the West Wind. And so did the South Wind. Every seed they asked, said 'No,' until one very tiny flower seed out of all seeds asked, agreed. It said, 'It pains me to leave my siblings, but for the sake of that lonely garden I will go…'
"Ah! There was such joy in that tiny garden when the flower seed landed! The fruit tree extended its branches to shelter the small flower seed from the strong rays of the sun, the grass made a space for it to root. Everyone was very happy. For this one unselfish act of kindness, the little seed grew, and grew. Soon it became a beautiful flower. The only flower in the little garden. But it was more beautiful and more fragrant than any other flower anywhere.
"This one singular flower was so beautiful that people came to visit the garden from everywhere, and to the people's surprise they found that, indeed, the fruit from the one fruit tree was sweeter and juicier than any other fruit they had ever tasted, and that the grass in that garden was so green even the blue sky was envious of its greenness…"
"Alas! Such a state could not continue indefinitely, and as the tiny garden grew in beauty, outsiders began to covet that flower-the one beautiful iridescent blue flower that had brought forth so much happiness to the tiny garden.
"A desire fuelled equally by the necessity to protect and pride of place began to form and coalesce. It was a gradual change, and -oh, so slow that it went unnoticed ... But its purity had been tainted."
§ § §
—Cape of Good Hope, Centra, Beach Scene—
"What'cha doin'?"
"Huh?... …F-for me!?"
"You said you wanted one…"
"I love flowers!"
" –Humph– When are your new mommy and daddy comin' for ya?"
"I-I dunno… –Sniff– I'll miss yoo an' Squall…"
"Girls! Don't be a cry-baby like Zell!"
"Oooh! He's with his new mommy now…"
–Kicks sand–
"…She wanted you to go with her!"
"I'm never gonna leave here! N' not with that Cry-Baby Zell!"
"Matwyn told that nice lady you're 'pecial…"
"Yeah! I am!"
"B-but Seify… –Sniff– Irvy and Sefy are gone too… –Sniff– Soon it's gonna be your tur…"
"NO! I'm gonna stay here with Matwyn forever an' ever!"
"Matwyn looks sad… –Sniff– "
"Pr-promise yoo won't forget me…"
"How 'bout yoo?"
"Me too… –Sniff–"
"Quistis! Come, dear! Your new parents are here to pick you up…"
"…–Sniff– Bye, Seifer…"
"Don't cry Quistis, I'll be here if you wanna see me…"
"I-I'll… –Sniff– remember yoo always…"
"Comin' Matwyn!"
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To be continued…