Author has written 12 stories for Legend of Zelda, Tales of Symphonia, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Beyblade. Hi, my name’s Nife. I’m an artist/writer who enjoys many things, including music, art, and anime. (A whole bunch of other stuff to, but I’ll not drabble.) I’m currently attending school in hopes of becoming a professional artist. I’ve been drawing since I was 4 years old and writing stories since I was 5 (when I could actually hold a pencil and write with it. -_-;) I love reading things, (especially good fanfics,) and looking at art that has been really well drawn, so when I see either I’ll most likely give a really good review and recommend it to people. Watching anime is one of my favourite pass times, though the English versions tend to destroy the original plot line. (Such as Yu-Gi-Oh.) Those particularly mutilated anime I like to watch just to sit there and laugh at. I do have favourite animes however. I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblades, (though I don’t watch it very often anymore) and Gundamn Wing. Um, I have a few games and that I like. Such as; Zelda, Tales of Symphonia, FFVII, (I think that’s 7 O.o;) FFX, Halo, and other games that have a good storyline and excellent character development. I love RPG, but don’t particularly like shoot ‘em up games. (My only exception being Halo.) My guilty pleasure is that I like Yaoi, and as so I read it in abundance. But it can’t be just plain smut, there has to be a point and at least a little bit of a plot. My fave pairings go as the game/anime goes. In Yugioh my fave pairings are: In Tales they are: I enjoy straight pairings as long as they’re well written and in character and the character doesn’t bother the crap out of me. Well, I guess that’ll do for now. I hope to get lots of reviews from you guys. Here are some links to my art: |