Title: A Night To Think Upon
Fanfiction Of: Tales of Symphonia
Author: Zelloss
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Like, Tales of Symphonia isn't mine. Sorry! Though I wish I owned Genis. And Mithos. And Zelos. And Lloyd. Because then they'd all be romantically intertwined! . This is a side-story that never happened in ToS and I doubt it ever could happen. If you think the characters are off, keep in mind this is MY story, in which I'm writing to MY views, and though they might not truly be the exact same as in ToS, they are exactly as I view them.
Warnings: Shonen-Ai – that means it's a love thing between two males! If you can't handle it, screw off!
Summary: Taking a break at Meltokio, Zelos invites the group to a party at his mansion, and to their surprise he's also invited his adoring fans... Neither Lloyd nor Zelos expected where the night would lead (Lloyd/Zelos)
Spoilers: Not really! . If you've read the summary and the title, everything you need to know has been spoiled.

A/N: I know I'm 'The Genis/Lloyd Fanboy', but I decided to break form and try out a couple other ToS pairings – the other story I'm writing right now also isn't Genis/Lloyd but it's just as cute [and even more supported by the game], but you wouldn't expect the pairing... all I can say is there isn't another like it on FF to date. Anyway, I got the weirdest idea for this fic out of nowhere, or at least I can't remember the inspiration for this twisted thought.
P.S.: This story is actually censored and cut... If you want the completely uncensored version (Which rates at NC-17), give me your e-mail in your review or drop me a line and I'll link you to it! . Remember, NC-17 means no viewing below 17... it's not for minors!
P.P.S.: This story is a one-shot thing – Meaning the chances of me continuing it are slim to none, but if you REALLY want me to write another chapter or a sequel or whatever, drop me a line and if I get enough response I'll seriously consider it! Because this turned out rather cute...

- A Night To Remember -

Around them, girls were giggling and cheering, swamping the red-head with kisses and hugs, practically smothering the chosen so he couldn't get a single breath of air. And of course he was loving it, hearts shining in his eyes, as he lapped up the attention.

"He's such a pervert" Sheena whispered, still standing in the doorway at surprise, anger showing on her face that Zelos had the nerve to invite her to such an occasion, obviously for his own pleasure.

"Agreed. Let's leave before he realises we're here" Raine suggested.

"Affirmative" Presea nodded, and the three females turned and left. Colette blinked, looking at them.

"...Why are you leaving? Lloyd and Zelos and..." Colette started to speak, as Sheena turned around and grabbed her wrists.

"Come on, Colette. This isn't the place for respectable girls" Sheena dragged her off.

Genis blinked, looking at his sister, then back at the room, then Presea, then back at the room, and then his gentlemanly instincts kicked in and he said a quick farewell to Lloyd before jogging to join the girls, Regal stepping in toe.

Essentially leaving Lloyd alone. Of course, he knew Genis was too young for such a thing (Why Zelos had dared to invite young Genis to such an event was far beyond Lloyd's capacity to understand), and Regal had his dignity about him and wouldn't stoop so low. And Lloyd himself was considering following them.

For that idea was his decency, the part of him that disliked Zelos' flirtatious attitude and disrespected his complete lack of respect for women. Of course, there was also Colette, and Raine, and Sheena – all three of the would be furious with him if he dared to go into Zelos' mansion and stay there for a while. Not to mention Genis would never let him hear the end of it.

But he had to see Zelos and tell him that they were declining his offer... or maybe they could find his butler instead, and then he could relay the message, and as little attention as possible would be drawn to him. Then maybe he could slip away without getting Zelos' attention...

"You guys go on ahead" Lloyd turned and called over to them. "I need to tell Zelos that he's an idiot for thinking to bring us out here..."

"You'd better not stick around long, Lloyd Irving!" Raine shouted over.

"Yeah. We don't need another complete pervert in this group" Sheena called to the brunette. "We'll be waiting back at the hotel"

Lloyd waved good-bye to them and stepped inside, to the lobby of Zelos' small mansion.

Practically every decent-looking girl in town was in there, and they were all head-over-heels in love with Zelos. There was practically a cat fight going on around him, as girls fought to be closed to him, but he apparently wasn't trying to stop it at all. Lloyd looked around frantically, edging along the side of the walls. If Zelos caught his eye, then Zelos would drag him right in and make a big scene of it, just like he always would...

"Hey, Lloyd! You're here!"

Zelos's voice made Lloyd freeze up. He nervously detached himself from the wall, as the girls spread out and gave the suave-looking Zelos a chance to grab Lloyd by the shoulders.

"Umm... Zelos, h-hi" Lloyd stuttered out, at a loss for words.

"Hey, everyone! This is my good bud Lloyd! Excellent fighter! What do you girls say?"

There were giggles.

"He's really cute, you know that?"

"Not as cute as the chosen"

"Oh, yeah, I know. But I still wanna kiss him."


Zelos was grinning, Lloyd was frowning, and the girls were converging.

Lloyd became lost in what seemed to be a blob of tangled limbs and felt about fifty different pairs of lips kiss him. At some point, he was knocked down, and the girls weren't letting up. Zelos was laughing and giggling, several girls around him gasping and giggling rambunctiously, and Lloyd shut his eyes.

"Having fun, Lloyd?" Zelos called over, his voice reaching Lloyd's ears over the crowd.

"Um... Not really" Lloyd tried to say, but the last two words were cut out by another girl kissing him. He shut his lips, refusing the girls from being able to French him, and forced himself to endure. Several of the girls had their hands running over his body, and he had to admit that there was a war going on in his head, between his hormones and his willpower.

Lloyd simply refused to stoop to Zelos' level. He knew that if he gave into such whorish actions, that he'd be no better than Zelos.

How much time had passed? Lloyd found it fairly easy to distract himself by counting off the minutes, and he shut off his senses to outside sensation.

"...This one's no fun" a couple of the girls started to complain, and the moment Lloyd had a moment to spare in which nobody was paying attention to him, he bolted towards the door, only to find that it had been locked. He looked back at Zelos, seeing the man shirtless (that might not have been all he was lacking, but over the mess of bodies Lloyd couldn't tell), and the pink-haired bishonen was engaged in a deep liplock with one girl.

Idly, Lloyd wondered when the girls had locked the door, before he decided to perhaps attempt another route. He turned and climbed a flight of stairs, escaping to the upper floors, and finding himself in a bedroom.

Lloyd sighed, and flopped down on the bed, tired. Now he'd done it. He'd have to wait for Zelos to show, and then explain to him everything... especially that Lloyd wasn't interested in women. Or, at least, that Lloyd wasn't interesting in kissing every woman that put a hand on him or even allowed her eyes to flash over him for a moment. After all, if he wanted something from a woman, he wanted it to actually mean something...

At one point, the butler stopped by, startled to see Lloyd alone in the room. Lloyd had asked him to fetch Zelos once the party had stopped downstairs, and the butler had replied with "Yes, sir bud" to Lloyd's irritation.

Time clicked by, and Lloyd's thoughts covered one thousand different matters about their journey. Indeed, by the time Zelos finally came upstairs, Lloyd was sleeping.

"...Hey, Lloyd. Wake up" Zelos grabbed Lloyd's shoulder and shook him awake, and Lloyd muttered some confused words as he came to.

"...Oh, hey, Zelos" Lloyd looked at him, sitting up on the bed. "Sorry about that, but you were taking so long..."

"Didn't like the female company?" Zelos' eyebrow rose. "Why'd you leave so soon? I know you've got more stamina in you then that..."

Lloyd's face heated up. "Zelos, that's not... listen. I had come here to tell you that everyone was disgusted that you'd invite us all to something we'd obviously want no part of..."

"...Female company just not your thing?" Zelos asked, giving Lloyd a sideways look.

"Hey! I never said that!" Lloyd stuttered. "Zelos... I just don't see a point in sleeping with random girls."

"Ah ha! You're a virgin than!" Zelos grinned, and Lloyd flushed. "Funny, a handsome guy like you shouldn't be one by this point. You're not me, sure, but..."

"Stop it, Zelos" Lloyd growled, though he was startled at the fact that Zelos had openly called him 'handsome'.

"...What's wrong, Lloyd?"

"It's just that random female companionship has never exactly... you know..." Lloyd shifted a bit.

"Oh, stop being so immature about it, Lloyd. We're both guys here" Zelos grinned. "You don't get turned on by the thought of..."

"Zelos, stop it!"

"You didn't like it when the girls were all kissing you?"

"No! They're nobodies, they don't..."

Zelos grabbed Lloyd's shoulders, and there was a concerned look on his face. "Lloyd, I invited you guys over to try and have some fun. You could have left through the back door if you had really wanted to go."

Lloyd blinked. Of course, he knew about the back door, they had spent several nights at Zelos' personal manor. He had been stupid...

"So you didn't find that fun?" Zelos asked.


"...Well, I'm going to find something fun for you to do, because I owe that to you" Zelos winked, as he wrapped an arm around the back of Lloyd's neck, scooting in just a bit closer.

Lloyd blinked innocently. "...Zelos?"

"I'm not saying you have to like it, Lloyd, but..." Zelos scooted even closer, drawing in Lloyd's head as he kissed him on the lips.

Lloyd's eyes opened in shock, as he felt Zelos' hot lips press against his own, and what was even more shocking to him was that it actually felt better than when he was with all of those girls.

"...Zelos..." Lloyd breathed out, surprised, as the older man pulled away.

"...Well?" Zelos smirked, awaiting the reaction of the younger swordsman.

"That was... umm... that is to say... I mean... I..." Lloyd stuttered out, intelligently, trying to form words. He wanted a way to put it that would tell Zelos that he had succeeded – so that Zelos would let him go and leave – but not in such a manner that would make Zelos want to push the topic any further... or kiss him again...

"I loved it" Lloyd whispered softly, and then his insides froze at the response that he had given.

"...How sweet" Zelos flashed his evil, quirky, sexy grin at Lloyd, and kissed Lloyd again.

Lloyd didn't want it to happen again, because he was afraid of how strongly his body was reacting to it. Without him even intending to this time, his mouth opened up, and Zelos' tongue made its way inside his mouth, mapping out Lloyd's mouth and gently duelling with Lloyd's tongue.

It only took a few moments before Lloyd gave in, his tongue fighting back against Zelos', and he let off a soft whimper of protest as the two had to break away for air.

Lloyd felt Zelos' other arm wrap around the back of his neck, and the redhead leaned in, his body hovering over Lloyd's, and suddenly the brunette put his hands on Zelos' chest and pushed him back.

"Huh?" Zelos blinked, surprised, as Lloyd stood up, shaking and blushing heavily.

"...Zelos, I... I can't..." Lloyd quickly ran for the door, swung it open, and ran out, leaving a very confused and surprised Zelos behind.

"He was blushing as he left..." Zelos laid back on the bed, sighing. "I hope that wasn't just his natural reaction, Lloyd doesn't blush much afterall... I do hope he still likes me, though... does he know I didn't lie about him being handsome?"

Zelos sighed, then rolled onto his side and fell asleep.

Outside, as Lloyd returned to the inn in the dead of night, the rest of the crew asleep (Though as Lloyd hopped into the bed he shared with Genis he swore the young boy was watching him), Lloyd was glad that he had managed to get away from Zelos. He didn't want... Zelos was just playing with him...


A thought danced on Lloyd's mind: What if it was possible... that Zelos actually...

Lloyd shook his head. That couldn't be. It was impossible.

And yet, as he fell asleep, secretly he hoped that maybe, just possibly, that the minute chance was actually a reality - that Zelos did like him.