Author has written 18 stories for Bleach, Cars, Avengers, and X-Men: The Movie.
The cover image of Invitationes Commenticiae can be found over at Deviantart. My profile name is whitescruffydog. It's listed under the same name as the title.
Favorite Quote: "Are you having fun, Mr. Clickypants?" Ravenhearst Game to Player after randomly clicking too many times.
Written by FlourTheCat
Ideer: Irritating beings that tend to get shot. Causes writer's block.
Plot Bunny: The most well known plot being. One can evolve into a great story, but they tend to gang up and fight for attention.
Plot Funny: A relative of the Plot Bunny, sharing a lot of characteristics. Tends to create the crackish stories around.
Plot Punny: Another relative of the Plot Bunny. Possibly. Tends to create parodic stories that are either really good or extremely lame with a rare gray area.
Zombdea: A paricularly nasty being that forces you to write a story, even robbing you of natural processes. Tends to create swiftly made but not thought out stories.
Medeatator: A calm but forceful being that knows when to push for you to right, and when to lay low. Tends to create the well thought out and consistant stories. Arugably best one.
Guerilla Plot: A hit and run being that tends to create stories that are sporadically updated over long periods of time. Can come in different qualities.
Selfcentered: A narristic self loving being that tends to create horrible stories with mary sues, particularly the author avatar ones.
Oneshooter: A being that flows evenly and tends to create a story thought out really well. If it comes to a end, it will be one of the best stories. If it cuts off in the middle, it's not coming back.
Madel Tree: Creates the sappy and dramatic stories that tend to have no plot but are large and firmly placed.
Dynamite Plot: A being that creates a slow starting story that suddenly explodes into an exciting and actionpacked cliffhanger...then just stops. Extremely irritating.
Vamtire: Viscious being that attacks and sucks out all other plot beings. Causes extreme writer's block. Not related to Edward.
Wanna add? Send a PM. All credit will be given. (Keep it clean, please.)