I do not own Bleach.

The various members of the Eleventh Division stare in wonder as the challenger stalks right up to their captain, back straight with confidence, weapon firmly in hand.

They look at each other, wondering if they should run in fear, or watch in awe of the upcoming battle.

They end up doing both, moving to a safe distance away, but still watching.

The few that were still sparring with the captain begin to turn, finally becoming aware of the other man right behind them.

As they part, the challenger continues to move forward.

Ikkaku and Yumichika turn around, moving aside for the newcomer. Yachiru leaps over and lands on the former's head, biting deeply. Ikkaku struggles to get her off. He doesn't have to, however, as the newcomer tosses something at them that catches her attention.

Whatever the object was, she grabs it with a squeal and flies off.

By this point, Zaraki and the challenger were only a few feet apart, dead silence filling the training room.

"Must you fight here?" Yumichika complains, ruining the moment. "It smells so disgusting. And do you really want the beauty of this fight to mix with the ugliness of all of the other fights?"

"I think you're the only one that cares," Ikkaku says off to the side.

"Would you care to repeat that?" Yumichika asks, a threatening glow beginning to overtake him.

The two in the middle were not bothered by this brief exchange, neither taking their eyes off of the other. They were sizing each other up, one with determination, and the other with confusion.

"Sir, have you seen my cat?"

Shunsui was running as fast as he could, hoping it wasn't too late.

He knew that it probably was, however, because he had no idea how long ago Gin made the switch. Things were really getting serious now. Shunsui really couldn't believe that Gin would bring Ukitake into this. Frankly, however, he shouldn't be surprised.

He barreled through to 13th Division, stumbling through the two third seats. None of the three notice, however, with the third seats continuing to drink, and Shunsui continuing to Ugendo.

With a massive crash, Shunsui slammed into the door of the lake house. "Ukitak-woaah!" Immediately following crashing into the house, he got tangled in something. Thanks to the tangle, he tripped onto the—thankfully empty—bed.

With some sort of stunt that probably disobeyed the laws of physics, his momentum carried him over the bed, flipping him over and sending him out of the window.


"Pffferrrttttt…!" Shunsui bobbled to the surface, before grabbing ahold of the railing and pulling himself back onto dry land.

Shunsui looks at his foot, realizing the cause of his fall was a multiple time offender.

Ukitake's empty bag of candy.

Deciding that there was not time to deal with it, Shunsui took off, heading after Ukitake's spiritual pressure.

"Oh god. Not there…"

Gin was planning his next assault on Shunsui, his feet propped firmly on the desk. Kira's desk. Said lieutenant had gone outside saying it was a nice day and claiming he shouldn't stay inside.

Gin wasn't stupid; he knew that Kira was afraid of what Gin was planning.

At this moment, he didn't particularly care.

He couldn't let Shunsui get the advantage in this war.

That, and when Kira walked out, Gin noticed the spider was on his back. That was good enough for now.

He looked over what he had. His squad had caught an enraged cat, and he planned on using that next. He had the feeling that his last stunt would knock Ukitake out of this war, especially considering where he currently was.

He had to think of the perfect way to execute this plan, however. Maybe he'd enlist the help of Aizen.

Yoruichi miserably stalked the walls of Seireitei.

She wondered why she let Urahara persuade her into going for something this stupid.

There wasn't even anything happening!

Nothing that Urahara had expected, at least.

Plenty of stuff had happened to her.


Yoruichi was stalking around the city. If her memory served her, she was around the 1st Division barracks.

Tail curled into a partially question mark resembling shape, she walked along, when she was joined by the company of another.

Another cat had leapt down and joined her in her walk. This cat was a light grey and was collared.

Yoruichi had ignored it at first, until it—he—got impatient. Purring, he approached her and rubbed against her.

She had shrunk back from him, feeling a bit awkward. She ran off, only to find that the male cat had followed.

She leapt onto the ground, and found herself surrounded by shinigami.

"Hey, look, a cat," One said, approaching her.

The others glanced at her, before the male cat suddenly leapt down hissing and growling.

Yoruichi slipped away at this point.

Yoruichi hadn't seen the cat since then, and she was glad for it.

It was extremely awkward to have a cat having a crush on you.

Yachiru had shot out, eventually slamming into the 5th Division barracks. She wrecked some havoc there, before going deeper into the division.

She threw more candy into her mouth, and leapt high into the air.

The shinigami scattered, fleeing from her.

She found herself in an office much different from Ken-chan's. It was filled with shiny and breakable objects, and she slung herself around the room, before barreling out once more.

Aizen stepped into destruction, a small frown on his face.

Momo stood right behind him, "Was that Lieutenant Kushajishi…?"

"No," Aizen says, "No, that was Gin."

"Captain Ichimaru…?" Momo could have sworn that she saw Yachiru.

"Yes." Aizen had heard of the war, and he was already tired of it.

He glanced down at the sword tucked securely at his side.

Surely one time couldn't hurt?

I really can't believe it's been a year and a half. I think I may try to get back into this story, but I can't be 100% sure.

Sadly, I've forgotten most of what I had planned, so I'm currently trying to wing it and get something together. I think I may be getting somewhere.

As always, thanks for the reviews/alerts/hits. If it wasn't for the first, I probably wouldn't have written this chapter.