![]() Author has written 5 stories for Invader Zim, Teen Titans, and Team Fortress 2. Hey I'm Fem-inja. Please feel free to call me Fem, Femmy, whatever you feel comfortable with and is most convenient for your typing purpouses. I've been reading material on fanfiction.net for many years now and have finally decided to join in hopes of developing a more realistic feel for the writing process. Like many members of this site I want to use my writing for a career in the future. Being in an enviorment where people read, reveiw, and expect updates from me might help me to understand writing with an active audience of readers and deadlines. Also, I got to feed my fandoms. Can't forget the fandoms. : ) As I said above the second part to me joining this site is to read Fanfics about my favorite couples. As you will soon see in the list below, I hardly ever like Cannon pairings. I prefer fluff to angst almost all the time, I'm not too big of a fan of cross-overs, I dislike OC's, Yuri Yaoi, Het Yaoi, (Edit: ZADR is than EVERYTHING!) Mary Sues and Gary Stus deserve to be stabbed with rusty spoons, and Twilight makes me throw-up a little inside my mouth. : ) Pairings with astrics are my favorites, bolded pairings make me so happy I could pee myself. If I'm going to write fic it will definitly be a romance one, and the pairing will most like be from this list. I will probably end up adding some more along the way. A NOTE ON LIBERATRIX! Yes, I deleted it. Not because I'm not continuing, but because I couldn't in it's current state. I needed a chapter before the one I had submitted as chapter 1, so it had to be deleted to make room. I have chapters 2 and 3 written and am halfway done writing the REAL chapter 1. Thank you everyone. I know it's been FOREVER since I updated. Here's to hoping I improve. Couples I Love - (KotOR I) FemRevan/Canderous - (KotOR II) FemExile/Atton, MaleExile/Handmaiden, MaleExile/Mira - (Mass Effect) FemShep/Garrus, MaleShep/Tali, FemShep/Saren, - (Batman) Joker/Harley, Batman/Catwoman, Harley/Ivy - (Strawberry Panic) Amane/Hikari - (FFX) Auron/Rikku, Yuna/Tidus, Waka/Lulu - (FFX-2) Gippal/Rikku, Gippal/Yuna, Gippal/Paine - (Teen Titans) Slade/Robin, Robin/Starfire, Raven/Starfire, Raven/Terra, - (HP) Harry/Luna, Ginny/Draco, Voldemort/Bellatrix, Lupin/Tonks, Scorpious/Rose, Snape/Lilly - (Super Smash Brothers: Brawl) Snake/Samus - (MGS) Naked Snake/Eva, Solid Snake/Meryl, Joy/Sorrow - (Ledgend of Zelda) Link/Midna, Link/Zelda (Non-TWP universe) - (Kim Possible) Shego/Kim - (Bleedman) I like all of Bleedman's Cannon pairings and then some. (No slash) - (Invader Zim) Dib/Zim, Tak/Gaz |