Author has written 20 stories for Star Trek: 2009.
Favorite Movies: Sweeney Todd, Star Trek XI
Favorite Actors/Actresses: Zachary Quinto, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Zoe Saldana
Favorite Television Shows: Buffy, Angel, Star Trek, X-Files (before it went bad), Lost, Bones, and House M.D. (well, until it went bad), Heroes, Glee
Favorite Books: The Harry Potter series, The Handmaid's Tale, The Hunger Games Trilogy
House: House/Cameron
Buffy: Spike/Buffy
Angel: Angel/Cordelia
X-Files: Mulder/Scully
Bones: Booth/Brennan, Angela/Hodgins
Star Trek XI: Spock/Uhura
Glee: Kurt/Blaine
Thanks to the latest Star Trek movie, I have found myself returning to the world of fanfiction after a very prolonged break.