Author has written 4 stories for Lord of the Rings. Mae govannen! I am female and from Germany, so you can guess, that my mother speech is German. I really like to write in English, as you can see. I make mistakes in language but I hope there is someone out there who can tell me my mistakes. I have many hobbies beside LotR, some of them are: making my own elven costumes, writing fanfics... I would enjoy Email contact with you (I speak to all peolpe out there). Please write me! My favorite films are Lotr and Starwars. My favorite tv shows are Farscape, Stargate. Hatred and Revenge completed: After this long break I've taken I brought the story to an end. It's finally finished. I want to thank all reviewers because you kept me writing in times my head seemed to be absolutely empty. I'm glad that there are people who even read it at all ;) Thanks! N-E-W-S ! ( 21-10-10 ) I am on a new story. Until now I have no name for it yet but I will find a fitting one when I have finished it. I will do it in another way this time. Only one story is finished from four and I know its frustrating when you find an interesting story and its never finished. Because of that I decided to write the whole story at first and post it when I have completely finished it. I'm enjoying to write it and am convinced to finish it. I will post it chapter for chapter to hold the suspence and to not get you bored :) I can only tell you a little bit of the content. Let's just say, that Aragorn and Legolas are going to Harad to negotiate about peace between the realms. Unfortunately for them, they have to play Master and Slave... I have decided against slash because it would go into the wrong direction if I did. I will tell you, when its nearly finished and when I start to chapter it up. I hope you will enjoy it. Unfortunately will I not continue the other stories, while writing the new one. I'm sorry for that. Rache und Hass: Bis jetzt sehe ich noch keine Motivation die Geschichte weiter zu übersetzen. Tut mir leid! Comeback: I have not yet the fitting ideas to move on with the story. You will have to wait until I will have enough time to think about it. Sorry for all who are waiting! The burden: I have taken the storyline and wrote it frther. It will probably need time for each chapter to be updated. I have new ideas in my head and try to work them out as good as possible. There can still be a lot of mistakes and I hope despite that you will enjoy reading through it. Namarie milui suil Nimwen |