Author has written 8 stories for X-Men, Twilight, X-Men: The Movie, X-Men: Evolution, and Wolverine & the X-Men. Hi dearest readers and fellow "fanfictioners" I'm a single mother from Belgium. I tend to be... easily distracted. Therefore I write fanfictions about my... distractions. They may be short one shots or long stories, I enjoy to write them all nonetheless. I'm also a part time writer with my own universe but yeah... as I told you... Easily distracted... My little daughter, a pure angel of beauty and heart, is my best inspiration and anchors me in the real world. I also have to add that English is the third language I've ever learnt (fourth if you count the very old vernacular we speak in my region) and even though I had lessons, I'm mostly self-educated in this language. So excuse my wording and grammar that may not be perfect. I mostly try to get my thing betaed. Though I currently have no beta, I get friends to "proofread" it. My litterary passions are vampires, angels, witchcraft (yeah mostly anything fantasy or supernatural...) and SUPERHERO COMIC BOOKS (I'm peculiarly addicted to the adaptations on the big wide silver screen...) I will forever love Gambit, Jared Leto, Twilight, Anne Rice, Stephen King, and some others (I might update my list a day I'm not as tired as today) So... peace, love and fanfiction! Hopey Links: To my Facebook profile To my Twitter account: @hopehannigan To my tumblr: whitequeenofsnark |