Disclaimer: I do not own X-men Evolution.
A.N. This is the first of a series of flashbacks I am doing about the reality that Virginia, Kieran, Julien, Nick, and LoAna grew up in. I already know of a couple more I plan to do, but I will also be taking suggestions for any other flashbacks that you would like me to write about the characters. And thank you to the reviewer who pointed out that I accidently typed 3 kids. It was indeed supposed read "four kids". Also, thank you to all of my readers who have been reading my stories and reviewing. I love reading your reviews and love hearing feedback. Thanks.
A.N. Please review! Thanks!
Year 2011 (A year later)
At the mansion, Kurt and Wanda were waiting outside of Professor X's office. They were staring at the wall across from them.
"Vit's taking forever," Kurt complained.
"That means it's gonna be bad news," Wanda frowned, "Kurt! You have to do something. What if their decisions no?"
Kurt looked over at Wanda and grabbed her hand.
"Don't vorry," Kurt said, "They'll say ves. They have to."
Wanda looked up at Kurt and smiled.
The door to Professor X's office opened, and Kurt and Wanda stood up facing the open door. The staff of the school, Professor X, Logan, Ororo, Beast, Scott, Emma, Rogue, Remy, and Piotr walked out the room. Emma was holding a little blonde haired baby in her arms. Rogue, who's stomach was slightly enlarged, had her gloveless fingers entwined with Remy's.
Logan glared at Wanda and let out a small snarl.
"This can't be good," whispered Wanda to Kurt.
"Stay positive," Kurt whispered back.
Professor X coughed and looked at the two.
"Kurt, Wanda, I am afraid that do to recent events, Wanda, you will not be allowed to join the staff at the school. Kurt, I do remind you that you are still and will always be offered your spot among my staff," Professor X stated, "I am sorry that the decision did not turn out the way you had hoped. My apologizes that the vote did not go the way you had hoped it to go."
Kurt and Wanda exchanged distressed glances.
"Better luck with the next girl," Logan smirked.
"Logan!" Kurt said sharply as he turned and faced Logan, "Vou are rude, vou know vat? Vou said vat she vouldn't ve able to join. Vou told me time after time. Vhat did vou tell them?"
"Nothing," Logan said, still grinning.
"Admit it, Logan, not vonce since me and Wanda started dating, have vou been okay with it. From day one, vou told me where vou stood," Kurt replied harshly.
"I was straight with you. I don't see the problem with that," Logan replied, "Besides she's bad news. She was a member of the Brotherhood…"
"Kitty's veen dating Lance since forever, and he vas a member of ve Brotherhood too," Kurt pointed out.
"Lance isn't a killer. A bad boy and a rebel? No doubt about it. But a murderer? No," Logan shook his head. "If he was, I wouldn't let him near her."
"Vut vat's not..." Kurt started, only to be interupted by Logan.
"I can't make you be with or not be with someone, but I can make sure as hell that no murderer joins," he stated.
"Vhat about vou? How do vow get to join? How many people have vou killed?"
Logan smirked, "That's different. And, what I did during Weapon X has nothing to do with this. I didn't realize what I was doing."
"And Wanda didn't realize vhat she vas doing. It vasn't her fault," Kurt replied, "She couldn't help vhat she did. Magneto vas manipulating her, and she vasn't in the right state of mind while she was doing it."
"Points two and three, bub," Logan continued, "She's mentally unstable, and she worked for her father, Magneto."
"Remy and Piotr vorked for Magneto," Kurt replied motioning to Remy, "And vou let Remy and Rogue vet married. Vou didn't punish them when vey eloped, and Rogue came back pregnant."
Rogue and Remy looked at each other. Remy smirked.
"…Remy and Piotr did their wrongs, but they made amends for it," Logan said.
"All Wanda vants is the chance to try," Kurt said, "Heck, professor is even giving Magneto the chance and letting him train the New Mutants. Where's the fairness in vat?"
Logan shook his head.
"You better lower your tone, elf," Logan growled.
"Von't call me elf. I am not a kid anymore, and vou have lost that right," Kurt replied, "Vou just don't like Wanda. Admit it!"
"She killed hundreds of people and erased the gene from hundreds of thousands of mutants around the world!" Logan yelled, "You're just lucky that after a few months more mutants started to be born, but what do you say to the mutants who still don't have their powers? Tell them you're sorry that you're girlfriend's a complete mess-up. That she got angry because her twin brother died. That under her father's guidance she almost made our race extinct. Yeah, go tell them, bub, I bet we never hear from you again!"
Kurt shook his head. He grabbed Wanda's hand.
"But Kurt…," Wanda began.
"No, ve're leaving," Kurt replied.
"Kurt, the door's always welcome here for you," Professor X said.
"Not vithout Wanda, it's not," Kurt said as he opened the door. Him and Wanda walked out, "And, Logan, thanks again for telling me how it veally is between us. I so appreciate vour 'expertise' in my life."
Kurt closed the door, saying, "Logan, I swear on my life, vat I will never forgive vou for vhat vou have just done, and vhat vou are doing to us."
The door slammed shut.
Kurt and Wanda walked down the driveway. The two remained silent, until Wanda stopped in her tracks. Kurt stopped, looking over at her. Wanda sighed. She shook her head.
"Kurt…we can't just leave. We don't have anywhere to live," Wanda said, "Shield controls the old Brotherhood home, and Magneto's here one day gone the next, when he's not over at the mansion teaching. We're on our own."
Kurt stared into her eyes and gave a reassuring smile. He lightly kissed her on her lips.
Pulling back, he said, "I know, Wanda, ve are, but everything vill work out. Trust me."
Wanda nodded.
"And I von't care vhat anyone says ve vill make it vork," he added, "Vus getting to know each other better vas meant to be. Everything vat happens from vis day out is meant to be."
She nodded again, "I know."
The two continued walking away from the manison, leaving the X-men, Brotherhood, and all of their past behind.
"I love vou," Kurt said.
"I love you, too, Kurt," Wanda replied as she put her hand to her stomach and smiled, whispering to her unborn daughter, "And, I love you too."