Author has written 3 stories for Star Trek: 2009, and Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries. March 2013 - Well, it HAS been a while since I've been here (2009); a lot has happened since them! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm currently working on a chapter for the Sarek/Amanda story in ST. Certainly do appreciate the requests that I finish it. I need to re-vamp two chapters, an then we'll see if my muse returns...I've also become quite fascinated by the Morganville Vampire series written by Rachel Caine...will try to get another "Bubba" story up soon in the SVM section. I wonder if he will feature in the last SS novel to be released this year...I have also been working on some original stories, which I will put (eventually) on LJ. Not sure when I will get back to Spock in The Logic of Love...guess I'd better do it before the new ST movie premieres in May! I've been reading sci-fi, fantasy (particularly vampire stories), and historical and romantic fiction since I was a child, and I really enjoy reading all of the FABULOUS Southern Vampire Mysteries and True Blood stories posted here, as well as those for Hana Yuri Dango (Japanese version), Generation Kill, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and some popular and classic novels., including some of the absolutely wonderful fan fiction written based on characters in The Scarlet Pimpernel and from the works of Jane Austen. My favorite romantic hero has long been Jamie Fraser (from the Diana Galbadon series of "Outlander" books--7th one is out NOW!), but I greatly admire Charlaine Harris' spunky heroine Sookie Stackhouse and her sexy Viking vampire Eric Northman (sighing--it doesn't hurt that he is so beautifully portrayed by the equally-beautiful Alex Skarsgard on the HBO TB television series! New SS novel will be released in May 2010). I haven't written fiction in a long, long while--so please be kind! I was pretty stoked after seeing the latest Star Trek franchise offering, and will probably re-visit my long-standing fascination with Sarek and Amanda Grayson, as well as exploring a few ideas about a possible burgeoning relationship between Spock and Uhura. I also want to write a little bit about Leonard McCoy before he became the "Bones" we all know and love. Just remember when reading my ST-inspired stories, they are NOT canon!! If you want to read some great books about the T'Pau/Sarek/Spock 'House', check out "Sarek" by A.C. Crispin, and Diane Duane's "Spock's World" (The good "Yesterday's Son" and "Time for Yesterday" ST Spock books were also written by A.C. Crispin!). UPCOMING: Will start a new little "Bubba" SVM story soon, and still working on a piece based on the Eric/Sookie relationship in the SVM--still looking for a beta for that! And I promise to try and get more chapters posted to both of the ST stories in January 2010...really! Hope everyone is enjoying a happy and healthy holiday season. I've loved having the time to read your stories over the break! |
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