A/N As I was finishing the outline for "The Logic of Love," Spock's parents started speaking to me, well, actually shouting at me to tell a little bit of their story. So, here is a very short story, just 3 or 4 chapters, about Amanda and Sarek. Please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek nor any of its characters. I am just a (big) fan writing for fans.


Chapter 1: Mr. Ambassador

"Mandy, are you really going to marry him, and go far away?"

Amanda Grayson paused in the act of checking her hair in the mirror and turned to smile indulgently at her niece. "Well, sweetie, Ambassador Sarek hasn't really asked me to marry him yet. But, Meri" and she leaned down to smile conspiratorially at her brother's little girl, "I hope that he will ask me, and, if he does, I am going to say 'yes.'"

Amanda sat down on the bed and pulled Meri into her lap, She had only known the head of the Vulcan delegation for a month or so, and couldn't believe how large he loomed in her thoughts. After her exchange with Sarek the evening before, she had spent a restless night, thinking about the enigmatic creature who had captured her attention with his deep voice, his grave attention to detail, and his unexpected willingness to talk about anything and everything with the younger sister of a minor member of Earth's diplomatic mission.


On the night they met, Sarek was seated across from Amanda at one of those endless dinner parties that her brother Alex dragged her to from time to time. Amanda didn't really mind going with him, because she knew that her sister-in-law Elena appreciated having an evening alone with her daughter, especially since Meri would be getting a new brother or sister in a few months. Alex was sitting on her right side, and would occasionally pat her arm comfortingly, sensing her restlessness. Amanda was getting really tired of the woman on her left, who had been pontificating for what seemed like an eon on the meaning of some Laurentian poet's latest work. Once, when the woman had to stop to draw in some air before droning on, Amanda's eye was caught by Sarek as he gave an almost imperceptible wink. Now, as the woman paused again, Sarek broke in to inquire about the speaker's knowledge of Vulcan romantic poetry. At that, Amanda's ears pricked up. From what she had heard about Vulcans, she was surprised that they actually had romantic poetry. The long stanzas she recalled skimming in her research for a long-ago class on Vulcan literature seemed to only deal with the virtues of selflessness, self-control and outright stoicism. Amanda caught Sarek's eyes again, and saw them flash with....something before his face settled into its customary composed state.

One evening, at a dance Alex insisted she attend--"Mandy, you have to get out of the house and make some contacts. How are you supposed to meet anyone stuck at home with Elena and Meri all the time?"--she encountered Sarek again. By this time, they had met several times, each time Sarek being unfailingly polite and formal in his greetings until Amanda looked into his eyes and saw something so intense that she always had to look away. Once they had talked for over two hours about her studies in linguistic anthropology, the differences in Romulan and Vulcan dialects, those societies' shared history, and many other subjects. The time had passed by so quickly, Amanda remembered being startled when her brother came to fetch her for the transport home.

Lately, all of her dreams had starred the tall Vulcan, featuring his strong jaw, his dark eyes framed by graying temples, and his long, cool, fingers that somehow made her feel warm when he touched them to hers each time in farewell. The last few times he had actually held her hand in his own much larger one for longer and longer periods of time, as if he could not bear to part from her. Indeed, the last time, Sarek had held Amanda's hand so tightly and moved so close to her that she had to catch her breath before she looked up to find his lips only inches from hers. He didn't kiss her, however, but looked at her so intently, seemingly searching her eyes for the answer to some unknown question before bidding her 'good night' in his customary way. In her dreams last night, their lips had actually met, and she had awakened, sweating profusely, with a pounding heart and a pulsing deep, well.....elsewhere.

Tonight, she was standing by the Andora, wife of Alex's mission chief, a woman who had no trouble in commenting upon anyone and everyone who came into her line of sight. Amanda blushed when Andora remarked somewhat cattily, "Why, Amanda, there's that charming Vulcan Ambassador. He never smiles, does he?" As Andora yammered away, Amanda smiled a bit, wanting to retort, 'Well, as a matter of fact, Sarek has a beautiful smile', but knowing she had better not fuel any gossip by saying the she had been the recipient of one of those rare expressions. She told herself to snap out of it, silly girl, and tried to pay attention to Andora's non-stop chatter.

"As I recall, he doesn't really like to dance, but he seems to be headed this way. I wonder why he's not with Emily Wetherford," she said in reference to a russet-haired woman with strong features who always managed to be invited to any function that included the Vulcan delegation. Amanda had even seen her brother Alex fix his gaze on The Wetherford's rather lush figure, and then shrug his shoulders when Elena had caught him doing it. It would not be surprising if the attractive redhead had captured Sarek's attention.

Andora glanced at Amanda's reddened cheeks and continued gaily, "I understand he came here to find a new wif-" Cutting off this snide remark, Amanda quickly excused herself, and headed out to the terrace, citing a need for fresh air. As she reached the balustrade, Amanda did indeed have to take several gulps, as something seemed to be interfering with her ability to breathe normally. It was a good thing that she was regaining some composure, because she sensed a presence behind her. She turned around, pinning a plastic smile to her face, just in time to her Sarek say, "Amanda Grayson, you seem troubled. Could I be of service to you?" As she looked up at him with startled eyes, she felt her head swimming and literally fell into his quickly-outstretched arms. The last thing she remembered was hearing Sarek's rough exclamation, "My dear girl," then a choked "Amanda!" before she closed her eyes and met oblivion.
