Author has written 2 stories for Silmarillion, and Lord of the Rings. I just realised that I managed to keep this thing blank for one year and a half! This might suggest that I do not like to socialise, which is entirely wrong! I'm simply always too lazy to think of something witty to say in these sections... Indeed, it started to seem a bit inadequate ... even more so since everyone I know around here appears to have those lengthy, very informative texts on their profiles. At least now it looks like I made every effort to use a lot of words (and say absolutely nothing). That ought to count for something ;) Still, in the unlikely case that someone should feel the desire to know something about my humble person or any of my stories - ask away! I love getting mail as much as the next girl, AND I answer pretty much everything unless it's very rude. ;-) |
dreamingfifi (19) Eldalie (4) | Ohtze (7) PrecursorAO3 (6) |