Author has written 10 stories for Twilight, Supernatural, Vampire Academy, Vampire Diaries, and Divergent Trilogy. Why bore you with the details? If you really wanna know me contact me and/or follow me on twitter. I promise I don't bite...unless you want me to. I enjoy all things Twilight- the movies and actors included. I spend my days living in dreams and my free time traveling around trying to make them come true. I've expanded my fandom writing to the Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries fandoms. Just a note that I feel I need to put out there after a lot of the messages I've received since I stopped writing Back in Black. As you can probably see from my fics, I'm not good at updating, and in some cases I'm not very good at finishing the stories at all. My apologies for that. I know how frustrating it is to enjoy and story and be left hanging when an author "abandons" it. All I can say is sometimes even I as the author just lose interest or focus in the story and I end up leaving it. If that bothers you too much to read any of my stories, well thanks for stopping by and enjoy the stories that you want, but know that I won't be changing much any time soon. Fan fiction is mostly just a hobby for me. It's an escape and a writing exercise that helps me sharpen my skill and keeps me writing between non fan fiction projects. I put all of myself into my stories, but I drift away from fan fiction as easily as I drift too it. Please don't ever confuse my drifting away from writing fan fiction as me losing an interest in my fandoms. I will forever love Twilight, as well as the new fandoms I write for. Twitter info: |
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