![]() Author has written 15 stories for Robot Boy, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Marvel Zombies, Cartoon X-overs, Dexter's Laboratory, Dragon Ball Z, Kirby, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, X-Men: Evolution, Total Drama series, Teen Titans, Invader Zim, Megas XLR, Phineas and Ferb, and Xiaolin Showdown. Hi everybody I'm very glad you accidentally ended up here. My names John...Yeah that's about all your getting out of me. I've always thought of writing stories about my favorite shows so here I am. I'm a cartoon geek so that's mostly what I'm going to write about, though if the mood strikes me I might make some about animes, comics, video games, or movies. As you may have guessed by my Penname I'll mainly be putting out crossovers. Of course not all my stories will be crossovers. I enjoy comedy but I can't really write it, I'll mainly stick to action/adventure with only a dash of comedy and some romance for spice. Yes I will have a crossover pairing or two but only if there's not much hope for a relationship in their series or if it's too perfect like Johnny Test and Dee Dee but I don't have any story ideas invoving both of these shows. I've also found out I enjoy making up a history for show or characters without proper backstories. Here's your chance to have a say in what I write, but who am I kidding no one's reading this. They're in a random order and have no connection to when they will be written & uploaded. Current Stories- Total Drama Shipping-Thirty teens form the Total Drama series must face off in the battle for the cash, as not one but two people will be walking away with a million dollars at the end of the season. Jack X: Jack Spicer Mutant Teenage Genius has once more given up evil and has moved to the Xavier Institute to become an X-Men...well a second stringer X-Man anyway. I mainly like cannon couples, so I will put up my favorite fannon pairings. I will put up more as I think of them. 6teen- Hot Wheels:Battle Force 5- Megas XLR- One Piece- Robot Boy- Total Drama Series- Crossover Pairings- AMV's I'd like to see on YouTube, but have no ability to make. I will put up more as I think of them. (If you find/make one please let me know via PM.) Song: My Ride from Outer Space; from Phineas & Ferb. To clips of Megas XLR. Song: My Boyfriend's Back; by The Angels (I'm pretty sure). To clips from any anime. The girl who's singing should be talking to her cannon boyfriend, and it ends with a video clip from the show of the "boyfriend" getting his butt kicked by the cannon boyfriend. Sorry if my stories aren't timely updated but with work, Fanfics I'm reading, and a barely existant life off the computer my stories maybe greatly delayed. Totally Crushed is cancelled my apologies to it's few readers, and After Marvel Zombie vs the Army of Darkness is on Hiatus for a while and will under go a serious re-write when finally I do get back to it. |