Now that Kim was free, she began grappling with Shego, who was trying to take her out with her flaming fists. Meanwhile, Phineas & Ferb were still grappling with Doofenshmirtz.

"Come on, let us see the machine for just a little while" Phineas said "we want to check your calculations."

"I am a brilliant scientist, I don't need my calculations checked by a pair of little kids" Doofenshmirtz replied "now let go!"

Elsewhere, Ron was dealing with a pair of Drakken's henchmen.

"You guys better surrender or I'm gonna go Monkey Kung Fu all over the place" Ron said, striking a karate pose.

The guards seemed unfazed by his threat and prepared to attack, not noticing that Perry was tying a rope around one of each of their legs. The little platypus then ran in the opposite direction, pulling the rope as he did, and tripping up the guards.

"Thanks for the save bro" Ron said to Perry. The platypus agent said nothing and instead scanned the room for Doofensmirtz. He noticed him grappling with the Scrambletron, but knew he couldn't risk exposing himself to Phineas & Ferb.

Thinking quickly, Perry gestured for Rufus to come towards him, with the mole rat hopping from Ron's pocket. Producing paper and a pen from his fedora, Perry quickly sketched his idea and showed it to the mole rat.

"Okay" Rufus replied, and taking the drawing, ran over to Ron.

"What ya got there buddy?" Ron asked, taking the drawing "wow, hard to believe a platypus could draw all this."

But Ron understood what needed to be done and headed towards the Scrambletron, which the good doctor and the kids were still fighting over.

"Just one little look?" Phineas asked.

"I told you weird kids you're not touching my machine. Figuratively of course, as you are actually touching my machine. But if you kids want to see it so much, you can watch as it scrambles your molecules, turning you into some kind of two-headed thingy."

"I don't think that's genetically possible" Phineas replied.

"Let's find out" Doofenshmirtz replied, turning the machine so the barrel was facing the brothers "you two will be the first human subjects of my new ray."


Doofenshmirtz turned moments before Ron's arm slammed into him.

"All right, the Ron man saves the day again!" Ron said.

"Ooh yeah!" Rufus added, slapping Ron five from the pocket.

"Okay, now all we have to do is dismantle this thing" Ron said, looking at the Scrambletron.

"Leave that to us" Phineas said, a screwdriver at the ready.

"Where'd that come from?" Ron asked.

In another part of the lair, Kim was battling Shego, and the evil henchwoman was having trouble landing a punch on her foe.

"Stand still!" Shego said, her claws blazing.

"If I did that, it wouldn't be any fun" Kim said, as she jumped up to avoid a swipe.

"Come on Kimmie, you know how this is going to end" Shego replied "you've had one too many chances and this time, it's over."

"It's not over till the fat lady sings" Kim replied "and since you don't seem to be belting out a tune…"

The insult only made Shego swipe at Kim with more ferocity, but the athletic girl used various flips and jumps to avoid her nemesis. Still, she knew she had to take Shego down soon if she was going to get the kids out of there.

Kim slid under Shego's legs and headed towards the slabs that once held Ron and her prisoner. As expected, Shego followed, and Kim stopped in front of one of them.

"End of the line, princess" Shego said.

"For you maybe" Kim replied.

As Kim planned, Shego tried to attack her. Kim then grabbed the top of the slab, swung down and knocked Shego into it, then quickly strapped her into the metal restraints before she could make a move.

"Urrgh! When I get out of this, you are so dead!" Shego yelled, as she raged against the clamps.

"Good luck with that" Kim said, heading off to meet the others.

Meanwhile, Drakken, who had done nothing since he was hiding behind a lab table, decided to make his move.

"Not so fast Kim Possible!" he said, pointing a weapon at her "once again, you forgot to deal with me, the brilliant Dr. Drakken. And with this weapon I found on my new partner's table, I shall finally rid myself of you once and for all."

Before the mad scientist could even fire the weapon, Perry jumped on his head.

"Aaah, get this accursed mammal off me!" he screamed.

The distraction was all Kim needed to kick Drakken, knocking him into the other slab. Perry then quickly attached the restraints to the mad doctor.

"This could not be more embarrassing" Drakken said, until suddenly, flower petals sprouted from his neck.

"Gaah! Kim Possible, you think you're all that…"

"But I'm not, yeah yeah. Get some new material" Then she looked down at Perry "thanks for the help little guy."

Perry stared at her, nodded, then headed off.

"Not much for thanks, I guess" Kim replied "well, looks like things are pretty well wrapped up. Let's get the kids and get out of here."

"On it KP" Ron said, "um, you two done?" he asked, craning his head under the Scrambletron.

"All set" Phineas said, emerging from under it "that thing will never work again. Although I'm not sure how well it would've worked anyway."

"Let's go, I don't want to spend one more day in this creepy place" Isabella commented.

"Oh hey Isabella, where were you?" Phineas asked.

"I was on the sidelines the whole time, watching everything" the girl explained "you know, it was the weirdest thing. The blue skinned doctor was attacked by a platypus that looked like Perry with a hat."

"Really? I guess I missed that" Phineas said "speaking of Perry, we need to go find him."

As they headed out, Ferb surveyed the lab and all of the incapacitated villains.

"I guess the old adage is true, 'crime doesn't pay'" he said.

"You can talk?" Ron asked, amazed.

"Oh yes, quite well in fact" Ferb replied.

"Come on kids, we'll talk in the car" Kim said, ushering them out the door.

"You come back Possible, I'm not done with you yet!" Drakken yelled, struggling to free himself "how long do you think it will take to get loose?"

"For you? All day" Shego replied "but for me, not so much", she added, using her flaming hands to burn through the metal clamps. She quickly released Drakken and they headed out.

"Hey, where are you going partner of mine?" asked a recovered Doofenshmirtz "we have to clean up the lab and repair the Scrambletron."

"And I'd love to help really, but I think for now I'd like to get back to my own evil schemes" Drakken told him.

"Can we at least exchange e-mail?" Doofenshmirtz asked.

"Certainly" Drakken replied. Reaching into his coat, he produced a piece of paper and a pen, then scribbled down something on it.

"Here's my e-mail address" he said "feel free to contact me if you need any further help in the ways of destructive villainy."

"And you can contact me if you want to talk, or swap invention schematics or something" Doofenshmirtz added, producing a piece of paper from his coat.

"Then until our paths cross again" Drakken told Doofenshmirtz as he and Shego headed off.

"Um, do I get to keep the henchmen?" Doofenshmirtz asked.

"Actually I'll be needing them back" Drakken replied "I'll come for them in a few days" he added, before leaving.

"What a day, my new device was destroyed by some weird kids" Doofenshmirtz said "still, it's better than being beaten by Perry the platypus, I guess. And I made a new friend, which is great, since I have none."

Kim and the others made it outside, but discovered something important missing.

"The car's gone" Kim said, "it was right…no, she wouldn't have."

"Let me guess, Candace?" Phineas asked.

"Luckily the tweebs installed a special feature that allows me to take control of the car if it gets stolen" Kim said, "a little precaution I thought of, in case we tangle with Motor Ed."

"When did this happen?" Ron asked.

"Last week, after we went for ice cream" Kim explained "now if I remember correctly, they hooked it to the Kimmunicator."

"Stacy, you'll never believe where I'm calling from" Candace said, as she drove around Danville "a spy car. That's right, you heard me, a spy car. No my brothers didn't build it, this teenager came to our house looking for a villain or something and I tagged along. I'm only borrowing it, I'll give it back; but first, I'm cruising over to see Jeremy. I can't wait to see his face when he sees me in this car!"

But Candace's plans were changed when the steering wheel began moving by itself and turned the car around.

"Hang on Stacy, the car's acting weird" Candace said "I'll call you back." She hung up her cell phone and grabbed the wheel with both hands, but she couldn't move it.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked, "maybe one of these doodads or gizmos can fix this thing."

She tried pushing the buttons, but none of them worked.

"Well this is pretty boring for a spy car" she lamented "I was figuring there would at least be a smoke screen or a missile launcher or something. And how come this thing is driving in the wrong direction?"

"Manual override, engaged" said a voice from the car.

"Oooooh" Candace said, before realizing what that meant "uh oh."

Within a few minutes, the Sloth 2.0 pulled up outside Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated. The door opened and a nervous looking Candace peeked out.

"Oh hi Kim" she said "I know you told me not to touch the car, and technically, I didn't touch anything…"

"We'll discuss this later" Kim replied, "right now, we should get you back to your house."

"Right, exactly what I was thinking" Candace replied, watching as the kids piled in the backseat "anyway, you are in big trouble Phineas. When mom finds out you left the yard without permission…"

"You left too" Isabella pointed out.

"To search for you guys!" Candace retorted "oh, who am I kidding. Mom never believes any of my other stories, why would she believe this one? Wait Kim, you can tell her I'm not crazy right?"

"I'm not sure your mom would believe me either" Kim said "and there is still the little matter of you stealing my car."

"I didn't steal it, I borrowed it!" Candace yelled "and anyway, I was only trying to impress this boy I like."

"If you want a boy to like you, it should be for who you are, not what you have" Kim explained "take me and Ron. He's not the most handsome or athletic boy in the world, but he knows me inside and out, and he's always willing to do whatever he can to make me happy."

"Kim, these kids keep poking me!" Ron called from the backseat.

"Eventually, you get used to his little quirks" Kim added.

Soon they were back at the Fletcher-Flynn home. The two boys & Isabella made their way to the backyard, where a familiar face was waiting.

"Oh there you are Perry" Phineas said, picking up his pet "we were looking all over for you and that little mole rat. You know, Isabella thought she saw you over in that office building place."

"I guess it couldn't have been you though, because there's no way you could've gotten from there to back here again" Isabella replied.

Perry just replied with a grunt, but the kids didn't notice the smile creeping across his beak.

In the house, meanwhile, Kim & Ron were saying their goodbyes to Candace.

"So, in spite of what happened, I was able to sing my song at the talent show" Kim finished "I lost to Ron, but at least I tried."

"Wow, your life is so great" Candace said "seeing exotic places, doing fun things. Do you think I could come to where you live for a visit?"

"Okay, but you'd have to deal with the tweebs" Kim said "and possibly the occasional villain."

"Believe me, after what I've been through with those two" Candace said, gesturing to Phineas & Ferb "nothing can faze me."

"If you do decide to come, call first" Kim said "that way, I'll have time to prepare."

"Gotcha" Candace said "I have to admit, today was the most fun I've had in a long time."

"It was definitely an interesting experience for me" Kim added "but not much weirder than what I deal with on a daily basis."

The teens then exited the house and made their way to the backyard to say goodbye to the kids.

"Well kids, we've got to be going" Kim said "it was nice meeting you."

"You too" Phineas said "and if you ever need any new crime-fighting gadgets, you know where to find us."

"Thanks, but I've already got someone for that."

"Perry wanted to say goodbye too. Say goodbye to our guests Perry" Phineas said, but the platypus emitted only a monotone sound "I'm pretty sure he said bye."

"See ya" Rufus said, waving from Ron's pocket. The platypus appeared unresponsive, but appreciated the gesture.

"You kids take it easy, and don't build anything dangerous or destructive" Ron added.

With that, he and Kim piled into the Sloth 2.0 and headed back to Middleton.

"There go two really impressive teens" Phineas said "what a neat life they have, traveling the world, fighting bad guys…Ferb, I know what we're going to do tomorrow."

"That was quick" Ferb replied.

"One thing still puzzles me KP" Ron said, as the Sloth 2.0 headed back to Middleton, "whatever happened to that Agent P? He saved both our butts and then he disappeared."

"I don't know, I really wanted to thank him properly" Kim said "who knows, maybe we'll run into him again someday."

"It is kind of weird though right? I mean, a platypus that's also a spy?"

"Weirder than a naked mole rat who fights crime?" Kim asked.

"Good point."