Author has written 3 stories for Young Avengers, Angel, and Leverage. This is my new account on because the stories on the old one shame me greatly. I've just started writing some, and to my shock, it's slash! I never intended to write (or even read) slash, but it's as addictive as crack, so what can you do? I promise to have some het fic as well. I like: Stargate (SG1 or SGA) Firefly/Serenity -RiverxJayne (Makes you go O.o, but can be cute) -WashxZoe Yu Yu Hakusho -KuramaxHiei -YukinaxTouya (If you know of good ones out there, please let me know. It's not very common (because they've never technically been in a scene together) but I just find it severely adorable) Artemis Fowl -HollyxArtemis Young Avengers -BillyxTeddy -TommyxEli (Again. O.o, yet cute if handled well. And hysterically funny/mind searing.) Note: Flying Lessons ending updated slightly to adjust some ooc-ness. July 12 '09 |