One – this is a first for me, the wide world of comics. (It sort of scares me. Um.) Two - I love –billyandteddy- the Young Avengers, so I'm going to try this out. Ten facts, one boy. Let's hit the road.

I own zilch.


(or – ten facts about billy kaplan)


He has a scrapbook, tucked away under his bed, which is carefully dusted and has been read until the pages are worn and on the verge of tearing. Within it are newspaper clippings and photographs of the Avengers, kept carefully preserved in their cloth bindings, with smudges decorating the borders from food and thumbs.

When he meets the Scarlet Witch, he isn't lying when he says she's his favorite Avenger. After all, he has a good twelve pages on her.


He knew he liked boys as soon as puberty hit. However, he was at a new school, where nobody knew enough to go after him, so he was already lying low when he realized that the boy three desks down was significantly more attractive than the girl sitting next to him.

Teddy is the first guy Billy has ever been able to hide absolutely nothing from, and he'll always feel grateful for that.


Queen is the end-all-be-all of music. No exceptions.


On his off days, he sometimes wonders why he hangs out with a bunch of basket cases. After all, Eli is as bossy as an eight-year-old girl, Kate sees a therapist, Cassie… has issues, Vision has identity confusion with a dead future super-villain, and Tommy was in Juvie, which was probably his just deserves.

But then they bag some villain who attacked the Korean couple down the street, or who crashed the buses, or who tried to rob the art museum, and he knows why he does it.


He never quite understood the reasons for the "Civil War".

After Captain America dies, he doesn't try to.


He can quote entire episodes of Star Trek verbatim, in all its cheesy, over-acted goodness.


Teddy asks him once what happened in the Cube. Billy can get through most of it okay, but when he reaches the part where that man started stabbing at Teddy over and over, he starts shaking and refuses to go on.

(He doesn't know what he might have done if Xavin had broke them out. It's probably the best that way.)


For all of Tommy's snarky comments and blatant disregard for the laws involving property damage, he and Billy still get along surprisingly well. Naturally, there are rough patches – "Why are we rebuilding the UN, again?" – but really, the two of them act as if they were raised together.

Just avoid discussing how they are siblings, or got their powers. There are some things man is not meant to contemplate.


Billy and Teddy are well aware that they are the emotional bedrock of the team. Fortunately, their arguments tend to be few and far between, but when they do happen, it often takes several days for everyone to recover, and that's not including the time spent watching bad break-up movies and accidentally smashing things during their fights.

However, it does have it's advantages – for instance, if they want time off to go out somewhere together, they tend to get it, no questions asked.


For all the insanity, the arguments, the chaos and the tension, he knows that they can be heroes.

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