![]() Author has written 11 stories for Doctor Who, Vampire Diaries, and Star Wars. 02-17-2017 So, it's been a while and a few things have changed. Others have stayed the same. I am still obsessed with Star Wars. I have taken this absence to actually put words on paper, and that takes up the bulk of my fanfic time these days. I will always love TVD. However, I left this fandom a very long time ago, and I have no plans to go back. To those of you who came here for that, thank you, for loving these characters with me, and for believing in my writings. I have a few really old ones I can dust off and post, but I probably won't be posting any new content. I'm content to let it lie. I will never be a rapid poster. As much as I want to, my job keeps me busy, and my brain has never worked on a schedule. I jump between fandoms with incredible speed, and few keep me long enough to inspire me to write. Except Star Wars. Always Star Wars. I'll probably stick to one shots, or chaptered stories that are more like vignettes than one whole narrative. As always, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. PS. I will always love reviews, no matter how they come. But as someone who consumes copious amount of fanfic without leaving reviews, I'll hardly hold it against you. I'm just happy to know you wanted to read. If you wanna come say hi, I'm still on tumblr at djemsostylist(dot)tumblr(dot)com. The more things change, the more they stay the same... 11-28-2012 What to say about myself to fill up the white space... I am a fangirl of few things, but important things. I am far too obsessed with all things Star Wars, I absolutely love and adore Doctor Who (well, nine and ten anyway), The Vampire Diaries makes me ridiculously happy, and Battlestar Galactica is one of the loves of my life, Vampire Diaries currently rules my life, and I have a complicated relationship with Harry Potter (loved it as a kid, meh about it as an adult, but I do love the Maurader era). I like stuff with characters whose heads I wished I lived in--interesting, flawed, a little twisty. I like things complex and not necessarily straightforward. I am a lover of literary analysis and meta type stuff, and I probably way over think things. Fanfiction tends to come at really odd times...like at the gym or in the shower. Which usually means that I don't get to record them before they slip away into the netherworld of my brain. Also, I have kind of a short attention span, which means I usually don't write longer stuff. Chaptered fics just don't really work out for me. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. P.S. Any and all reviews are welcome! However, if you don't review, I won't hold it against you. I have been a lurker for years, mostly because of the whole short attention span thing...Lurkers unite! :) My livejournal (random fangirl thoughts): eleai(dot)livejournal(dot)com My fanfiction livejournal: aeiley(dot)livejournal(dot)com My tumblr (multifandom) |