Author has written 22 stories for Angel, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Yeah... My nick says everything, huh? Huge fan of Buffy and Angel's love. Their love was written in blood... literally. I'm completely AB positive. I promise my fics will always have a happy ending, preferentially with an old Angel and Buffy. I first found Angel when his show was released in Rede Globo, an open television in Brazil, back in 2002. I absolutely adore anything supernatural and vampires are my favorite supernatural theme (except for vampires who are diamond in the sun). The show didn't last long because of ratings, but it stayed in the air enough for me to see IWRY. Up to that point, while I didn't like Kate's attitude, I found Cordy suitable for a romance partner for our favorite vampire, but it's IWRY right? You can't watch that and not get hooked to BA. So, I got hooked on the spot... and scratch Cordy! I got curious about Buffy, which I only knew from the movie. Who was THAT Buffy? I lived in USA for seven months back in 2003 and watched reruns of Buffy in FX, but they weren't always in order and the reruns were mainly of season 2 and 3. So, I decided to read the show transcripts to catch the right order of things. What a ride huh??? I came back to Brazil, but still read the transcripts up to Amends. It got me crying like a baby in front of my monitor. Not even Becoming did that. I had to buy the DVDs... the rest is history. [A whisper] What?? Huh? Joss... what are you saying? Oh, sorry, could not hear you properly? If I am for the moving on thing?... completely... I mean... Buffy/Riley, Buffy/Spike, Angel/Cordy, Angel/Nina... completely wrong, poor substitutes... so completely wrong. But, Buffy and Angel can moving on as long as they want... if it involves them moving on to each other. Got it! No. They do not belong to me... well, if it was so, they would not be apart of course! And, don't sue me!! Dress - This is the dress I picked for Buffy in "Wedding Planner" http:///images/product/0/204/204669_1.jpg http:///images/product/0/204/204669_2.jpg Couples I love: Buffy/Agel (I don't have to say anything, have I? Angel was this good heart, caring person who loved Buffy with everything he had... and when I say everything... everything. Angel gave new meaning to the words "I love you with my body and soul". Buffy was this girl who lived in a freak world, but was still able to love senseless her vampire boyfriend. She loved all of him... with or without fangs, she gave him life with her blood, she was happy with him... Joss... I hate you! I will forever hate you for taking Angel from her) Willow/Oz, Willox/Tara (Can't choose. Tara and Oz were just so right for Willow... both were cute together) Xander/Anya, Xander/Cordelia (Can't really choose. Anya and Cordelia were so alike. Whining little brats!) Fred/Wes (Joss. I hate you... again! When they finally were together you did that horrible thing... I love Illyria, but...) Spike/Dru (What have they done to Spike??) Couples I can't stand: Angel/Cordelia. C'mon! Cordelia was nice, but I really think that Angel was confusing friendship with love. If you have to take your friends words or to convince yourself that you are in love with someone, than you aren't. Spike/Buffy - How can someone think of Spike as a mate for Buffy is beyond me. To get to her he damaged her self-esteem and did horrible things. He tried to take her against her will, but worst he said she came back wrong, he fed Buffy's fears so he could take advantage of her... nope... this guy is not in my book... yet Angel score! I am from Brazil and I write about BA because I just love them. Please don't write a review just to talk about my bad English because as of now I am saying to you I know that. Well... I'm not in a grammar competition any way. Write a review to tell me about my fanfictions, how you see them, and also about the English, but not only about this last one. Thank you! |
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