Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, RWBY, and Justice League.
I am eventually going to redo this whole profile but that will have to wait for while.
location: Las Vegas, NV
Heritage: Latin American, El Salvador
Gender: Male
Favorite band:Black Sabbath(or just Ozzy)
Favorite movie:Looper
Favorite book:Harry Potter
Favorite actor:Harrison Ford
Favorite music type:Metal and Rock 'n Roll
Favorite animal:Tie;Eagle and Wolf
Favorite wrestler: The Dead Man, the Phenom, He is 19-0 at WrestleMaina , weighing in at 299 pounds, from Death Valley, The Undertaker.
Favorite WWE finisher: The Tombstone Piledriver
Fovorite UFC fighter: Rampage Jackson
Quote:"Belief divides people;Doubt is what unites them" Peter Ustinov.
Takato from Digimon Tamers belongs with Rika! He's too good for Jeri! And if he didn't go with Rika, he'd probably be dead. If you love Rukato (or at least hate Jurato, we can accept that) then copy and paste this into your profile. And, if you write a Digimon Tamers story, do Takato and the world a favor and make it Rukato! Do it! Do it now!- Okay this was too funny for me not to put this up. I only kinda agree with it but it's up mostly cause it's funny.
Story Status:
A New Comer: Chapter 13 should be up on Saturday, March 2. It will most likely be up in either the afternoon or night.
Four Way Tournament-Currently under hiatus and well be rewritten once I can get it cleaned up. I believe it's a good idea and well not completely abandon it, just try to clean it up for later use. Ask if you wish to use the idea.
All four in One-Got writers block on this one. The last chapter was messy as well but I got a chapter in the works. Though it will be awhile till it's up and going again.
Digital Singular Drive-This is the one that's been benefiting from all my ideas that just float around and will be updated at somewhat regular intervels. And like I said, if people want one to become a full story or if someone wants to use the idea, just ask or leave it a review or messsage.
Things I enjoy doing:
Acting-I've been an actor for about a year and it's fun enough.
Teching plays/construction-Been doing this for four years, I like it better then acting.
Running-I like to run, alot.
Weight lifting-I'm pretty strong(Max total equals about 750 Ibs.) and it's a great way to relieve stress.
Sharpshooting-I'm a crack-shot, 'nuff said.
Modern Warfare 2-Still going for that Tatical Nuke.
Favorite things said: (some are about me.)
These were said by my friends
Jesus has has a five universe restraining order against you.
When someone is wanted dead by Satan or God, your the first person they call.
Satan owes you rent for the last 4000 years.
Chuck Norris, Muhamad Ali, and (someone I can't remember, so put your own) walk into a bar, it blow up because it couldn't contain all the awsomeness.
When in dobut, Tombstone him.
Your never going to die because both rulers are afraid you'll take over.
What will you do if your immortal? Hit the bar.
You got the bombs, I got the guns; this is going to fun.
Mutiple personalities don't count if they're all insane.
Go ahead and say your dumb blond joke, pay no mind to the room full of blonds.
You have reached the wrong number, you will now recieve a .308 rifle round in your head...have a nice day(this is my voice mail)
Why isn't there a Jewish Heritage Month? Simple, we gave them back Israel, isn't that enough? (We had a discussion about black history month in Government.)
Do not fear death, he is simply giving you enternal rest. Fear life, she gives you a whole bunch of &*%& to deal with.
I'm annoyed and have a crowbar in my hand, do you really want to test your luck right now?
SHOTGUN RAIN!- SSoHPKC from youtube.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." -Adam Savage (pretty much my way of life.)
"Well, there's your problem" -Jamie.
"High explosions and electrcity, woooo" -Kari.
"Did anyone order some exploding pants?" -Tori. I actually wanted some for some time now.
"I'm pumping as fast as I can!" Grant