Author's Note: I've always been a fan of Dragon Ball Z and watching some of the shows online and the abridged series by Team Four Star has caused me to write a story. Also, I've been a fan of both DC and Marvel but for this fic, it will be the Justice League cartoon show, since I've always liked that show as well.
The following is a non-profit fan-based story. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Justice League are all own by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, Akria Toryiama and DC Comics. Please support the official release.
And without further wait, on with the first chapter.
What the...?
"Bulma, are you sure it's safe for me to be this close to the machine?" a sixteen year old Gohan asked the blue haired scientist. He was currently holding up a large and very heavy piece of high strength titanium and steel alloy needed for the time machine the female scientist was building.
"Don't worry about it Gohan, as long as no surplus amount of energy goes through this room, you'll be fine. Just keep you power level suppressed and nothing will go wrong." Bulma said to try and calm him down while she calibrated the computers.
Bulma decided to build a replica of the time machine that the future version of her son came in five years ago. Seeing as she had no way to communicate with her alter self, she was building this blind and was having the time of her life. She enjoyed a technological challenge and this was one that really pushed the limits of her know how.
"Whatever you say Bulma. Where's Vegeta anyways, shouldn't he be helping you instead?" Gohan asked as he moved the panel into place and went inside the pod to hold it in place.
"He took Trunks out to the park since I couldn't trust my son standing still in one place for too long. I swear he get's it from his-" "BRAT!" Bulma was cut off as the voice of her husband thundered through Capsule Corp.
"Dad, it wasn't my fault! Hey, you said no Ki Blasts!" the sound of 5 year old Trunks yelling and running away from his angry father could be heard coming even closer than Vegata. Bulma soon realized this.
"Vegata! Don't you dare-" the scientist was cut off when a stray Ki blast flew into the room and struck the power generator in the room.
Bulma had upgraded the majority of her equipment to be resistant against the damage caused by Ki, but the generators she used in her experiments and projects had a tendency to go haywire when struck.
And thus it sent power to the time machine and and started it up, closing the door with an unknowing Gohan still inside of it.
"Bulma, is something wrong? Why did the door close? Bulma!" Gohan started to yell as he felt the machine start to power up and looked outside the window. The scene outside did not inspire confidence in him.
Bulma was frantically typing away on her control panel, cursing as she did so.
"Don't worry Gohan, I'll get this straightened out, just you-AAAAAHHHHH!" she yelled as the control panel exploded in her face.
"Gohan! the process has started up and you're about to have a jump!" Bulma called out to the teenager as energy pulsed around the room.
"WHAT! Can't you stop this somehow? Bulma!" Gohan yelled when he heard what Bulma said.
"I can't, the power is all over the place. You got a twenty seconds before it goes into a jump, and I don't know to when or where!" Bulma called out to the half Sayian in order to warn him.
"Bulma! Get out before it jumps! Leave, I can handle myself." Gohan told her. The scientist nodded and ran out of the room. Looking outside, he saw Vegeta grab her and put her behind himself to better protect her, ten seconds left before the time machine jumped.
Gohan decided to start powering up in order to better handle the trip through time. The time machine started to glow brightly and make more noise and the internal works began to operate.
Five seconds left.
Gohan was on the verge of going Super Sayian, "Should be more than enough to survive this trip. I just hope I'll end up in a time I actually know." he thought to himself as he stop his Ki from raising higher.
A bright flash washed through the room and blinded both Vegeta and Bulma. When they opened their eyes a few seconds later, the machine was gone and the room was destroyed.
"Woman, where exactly did Kakarot's brat end up?" asked a shocked Vegeta.
(Back alley, unknown location.)
"Future Trunks never said time travel hurt that much. Maybe I should have gone Super. Ugh...never mind that, where am I?" Gohan talked to himself, trying to regain his bearings. As he walked out of the alley, he first noticed it was dark out and saw crowds of people start to run away from something. Looking around, he saw a electronics store with T.V.'s in the window.
"The alien invaders are still marching through the streets of Metropolis, with reports of similar events coming in from major cities all over the world. There are also no reports of Superman in any of these areas..." Gohan tuned out the rest as his mind went into overdrive.
'Invading aliens, and they don't look like any from Freezia's army. And...the man that apparently is protecting this planet is missing...I have to help them out. But I can't be recognized...that's it! Thank you Piccolo!' Gohan came up with an idea from what Piccolo taught once. His former mentor showed him how to create his Gi and cape from Ki and even the amount of weight for it.
'I can't be recognized, and if this is a different time, they won't know I'm from the Cell Games either! Alright, focus Gohan.' a bright flash of light and Gohan was once again dressed in this Piccolo style Gi, the cape and shoulder gaurds, though it didn't have the ruffle of cloth around his neck. He then powered up to his Super Sayian state and lifted off the ground.
'Alright, now I just need to fly up, those things are as tall as buildings so I should be able to find out where in the city they are.' He was not disappointed as when he reach a good height, he saw one of the walkers continue on their path of
"Gotcha!" Gohan flew off at speed and went to do what he was trained to do.
(At the military defense line)
"Colonel, we cannot keep fighting this thing, we've lost the majority of our men and have already fallen back to two rally points! We need to retreat!" one of the remaining Sergeants told the Commending Officer. Of the nearly 400 men and 35 tanks, 115 men and 3 tanks remained and the tanks were out of ammo. Now they simply used them for some cover.
"I know but if we move from our positions too much, we'll be gunned down! We don't have air support at the moment!" The Colonel told the Sergeant.
"And if we don't we'll be massacred! We have to try something!" The Sergeant yelled back, as the walker continued it's forward march, taking out three more men from the realm of the living.
"HYIAAA!" Came a loud voice, and a large yellow beam of light hit the walker, causing it to explode. The remaining men looked up to see who saved them and saw a tall teenager with golden hair, green eyes and a aura of light surrounding him.
"GO! I'll cover you! Get out of here while you can!" The boy said to them as he slowly floated towards the advancing aliens. The soldiers didn't need telling twice as the started a tactical retreat, some moving back while others laid down suppressing fire. They were helped when the boy shot out two orbs of light at a insanely fast speed and it blew in front of them. Soon the last of the soldiers were able to get out of the fire zone, leaving only the boy and the invading aliens.
Once the soldiers left, Gohan stared coldly at the White Martians.
"I don't suppose you have anything to say to justify this." Gohan said with tone of steel. The White Martians simply pointed their weapons at him. They reasoned since they driven off Superman, the planet's strongest defender, this child would be easy.
"I didn't think so." Gohan simply said, right before phasing out of sight. He reappeared in the air, sending a pair of Ki blasts at the front most walker. It exploded in a flash while the rest of the walkers turned to fire at him. The half Sayian phased out of sight again and reappeared in front of another walker.
This time however, the walker had charged up it's weapon and fired at the teenager. But while Gohan was used to much more powerful attacks, he couldn't b sure what the impact might do if it exploded on him or deflected it somewhere towards the city. So he instead deflected it up into the air while also sending a Ki blast into the Walker.
The foot soldiers finally realized what was going on and fired at the Gohan while he released the blast into their support. The shots did hit him and exploded on impact, but then a bright yellow Ki wave was fired from the smoke cloud and ended up blowing up a good portion of the White Martians on the ground.
Seven costumed superheros had finally finished fending off the alien fighter planes. While the red clad speedster Flash had returned Batman's cut off wing, the Dark Knight received a transmission from the Bat Cave.
'Master Bruce, I have reports of many heroes, including the rest of the family, forming resistances and combating the aliens.' Reported his faithful butler, Alfred. On the outside, Batman didn't seem to acknowledge the message but in his mind he wasn't surprised that this was going on. He was actually somewhat pleased at this. But it seemed that Alfred wasn't finished yet.
'Also, there are reports that a previously unknown hero has started to fight off the invaders back in Metropolis. I have crossed referenced him and have come up with nothing.' Alfred finished with his findings.
Batman was...somewhat startled at this. He had the largest database of all known super powered villains and heroes. He even had the known powered ones in that database. So to have one that he has no data on was a hole in his net.
"Do you have a video link to this...good patch it through to the Bat-plane." Batman had the video transmission from Metropolis transmitted so he could get a first hand look at this new comer. The others had heard him and crowed around the downed plane to see the video as well to know what this was about.
"Is that Metropolis? What's going on over there?" Superman had asked once the video started.
"Yes Superman. I got word that someone was taking the fight to the aliens, thought I might see who it was." Batman stated simply. The video continued to where the military was pushed back to, seeing that the invaders had actually made a lot of ground very fast. It was looking very bleak until suddenly the supporting walker was blown to smithereens.
"Whoa! Where did that come from?" Flash asked with wide eyes. He had seen when Superman couldn't take one of those down.
"Doesn't look military, nothing in their arsenal could do that short of a MOAB or nuke. And we would have seen if it was missiles." Said John, a Green Lateran. The video continued until a tall teenage boy with spiky blond hair showed up on the screen, dressed in a purple GI with a white cape draped over his shoulders, helping the soldiers retreat.
"A child!" Diana, now known as Wonder Woman for the time being, exclaimed.
"Darn kid is going to get himself killed!" John yelled, somewhat worried at the teenager. But Batman, J'onn, and Hawkgirl didn't seem to share his thoughts.
"Kid's got guts. I wouldn't count him out just yet, let's see." Hawkgirl said, curious. The video continued to show the teenager send out energy blasts at the walkers, destroying them almost effortlessly. Even when he was hit by a constant stream of fire from the ground troops, he continued to fight them off. Even to the point where they started to retreat back into what looked like a black dome.
"This young one holds much power and potential. I wonder how I had missed him when I scanned the world for help?" J'onn wondered out loud, after his eyes stopped glowing white.
"Why don't we go over to Metropolis and ask for his help. We could use as much as can get right now." Superman suggested. While some, like Green Lateran and Batman didn't look comfortable with that idea, they decided that it was a good idea.
(End Chapter)
A/N: Now, before anyone tries to crucify me for making Gohan seem overpowered and more powerful than Superman. Let me explain some things.
1: Gohan has been used to being hit, struck and blasted with enough power and strength to destroy the world several times over. While Superman's body is pretty much indestructible, he does get affected by kinetic energy. This is shown where he can get struck by missiles and lasers and be knocked down. The Z Fighters have learned to withstand an amazing amount of pain and stay up and fight. So while Superman is physically invulnerable, he isn't used to really, and I mean really, high impact energy.
2: Superman is physically stronger than Gohan. While Saiyans are much stronger than humans, they also use Ki to make them stronger. Superman is stated to have nearly unlimited physical strength. But strength doesn't mean power. Also, the reason why Gohan had a easier time with the White Martians is because he mostly used his energy attacks. He probably would have reasoned that by staying at range, he could learn more about his enemy while using his speed to avoid getting hit. He is a martial artist and a common trait is that they look for weak spots to exploit. Much like Batman. Superman as far as I know doesn't have actual training or at least fully mastered. He also isn't used to fighting beings that are as powerful as him, on a regular basis.
3: At this point in time of the Dragon Ball Z anime, power levels are mostly relative. I won't say that they are useless cause they are not. But at this point they probably are somewhere in the billions. So my Super Saiyan multipliers are as follows: Base to Super Saiyan x50, the original multiplier. Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan 2 and so on is a x10, and while this might seem odd, the power increase is a lot when you take into consideration that Super Saiyan is already a x50. For example; 10x50=500 and 500x10=5,000 and another increase is 50,000. So say Base at full power is somewhere between 20 and 30 million, Super Saiyan makes that range from 1 billion to 1.5 billion and then so on and so on.
4: If Gohan has that much power, why hasn't he destroyed Metropolis with his attacks? This is because he has complete control over the first form of Super Saiyan. I actually doubt that Chi-Chi wouldn't let her son continue at least some training after realizing that Goku died. She wouldn't want that to happen again so she would have let him at train for at least a couple of hours or so. He is a respectable bit stronger than the Cell Saga, but hasn't been able to control Super Saiyan 2 nor reach the third form.
Now that that's out of the way, I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter and will provide some constructive criticism as that is always welcomed, or maybe just comment on the story.
Thank you and have a nice day,
The Reaper.