![]() Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hey, what's up!! I have debating whether or not I should create an account here or not and guess what, I did. Yaaay me!! So I should probably introduce myself:-clears throat- Birthday - July 31 (HARRY POTTER'S B-DAY!! And yes we do have a pajama party in which we invite a VERY reluctant Draco) Ethnicity- Caucasian (my grandma's grandma hails from Ireland and came to Elis Island, like, forever ago!!) Gender- Female Hobbies- I enjoy reading and writing and have done so since the ninth grade. I love sports like softball and basketball and I really LOVE swimming!! Things that hold my interest for a VERY long time- First and foremost; I love Yaoi -shouts to the sky- AND I'M NOT ASHAMED OF IT!! Sorry there. I will explain that one in a minute. I love my family with all my heart as well as my friends. I would die without my Ipod and laptop. My cellphone, while useful, is just not that big of an nessicity. I love horror movies and comedy movies and some romance movies(depends on who is in it) I love Family Guy, South Park, House(Favoratist of all time!!), Scrubs(sometimes), The George Lopez Show(my second favoratist) Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Loveless, Gravitation, Junjo Romantica, Star Wars, Country Music, Christian Music(that probably was the most unexpected because yes I am Christian as are the rest of my family. I will explain the rest later)And my Brothers Small, Black, Truck!! Awsomest!!(Was, now it is totally demolished because my mom got into a car accident dodging a freakin' poodle.) Things I consider to be spawned by the Seventh Gate of Hell- People who judge other people without getting to know them first, preps, pink because it does not go good with red hair, my sisters singing that could shatter even the thickest glass(they don't shatter cuz, like me, we don't want to hurt her feelings. I will just make sure she doesn't try out for American Idol) people against the Death Penalty just becasue they think its unethincal, abortion, i don't like war but i understand why it's there, I hate sad movies, KATE BOSWORTH cuz i don't know but i think she is gonna marry my soul mate Orlando Bloom, Sasuke as the seme unless his seme was just experimenting(oh the images), Gaara as uke unless its with Neji, and Naruto with any guy other than Sasuke!! OC's have to be thought out and very well adapted to the story line because I can be a critic if I don't like it(i am a writer of sorts myself) i don't have to be a good writer to recognize good writing. Anime/Manga I love-Naruto, Junjo Romantica, Loveless, Gravitation(just the anime though, the manga is kinda confusing to me at times -sweat drop-) Full Metal Alchemist Favorite Naruto Pairings- (not listed in any particular order) Narusasu- started me off into my yaoi lovingness XD Nejisasu- the first time i read a story with this kind of pairing, i was all O_o, then i was all "hey that works" but i like sasuke on the bottom because neji just doesn't seem the type to give into being uke but maybe sometimes he will give in and it will be okay -shrug- NejiGaa/GaaNeji- both are just too cute -squees- i don't get to see alot of them though GaaSasu- now that is a hot pairing if i do say so my self...wait...i do say so myself. hehe KankuroKiba- they are something else and if i had it my way they would be together in the anime/manga but alas i just can't do that, it doesnt belong to me. Orosasu- weird yes but nobody got anywhere in life by being normal. besides i can't see sasuke giving up his independence to learn jutsu from oro and "things" not happening. ShikaTemari- cutest couple...what you didn't expect me to just like only yaoi pairings did you? Well sorry. ShikaSasu- i can see shikamaru swinging both ways...besides he is always say how much he hates women KakaIru- they are so adorable. Kakashi is the pervert and Iruka is the innocent motherhen haha (thanks gaara)XD KakaSasu- if i can deal with orosasu then i can definetly deal with this one, they have some really cute stories LeeSaku- they belong together no matter how many time Sakura says she loves Sasuke. NaruHina- Hinata loves Naruto so i just want to see her happy KibaHina- if things don't work out with Naruto, Kiba is always their with his adorible puppy akamaru. KibaShino- stange pairing but i can see it happening KisaIta-Cute Cute Cute ItaDei- Fluffy and cute SasoDei- They are so funny together ItaSasu- their are a few stories i can actually handle with them together, wierdness i know but what are you gonna do? Asuma/Kurenai- canon pairing but they are cute together!! These are the pairings that should not be seen any where (in my opinion that is)- OroKabu- too weird, its bad enough that Kabuto is Orochimarus bitch but just no. Kabusasu- weirder than the previous Kakasaku- no no no he belongs to sasuke and iruka and them only. she belongs only to lee nejiten- ummmmmm no because neji belongs to sasuke or gaara nejilee- those two are just way to frickin' different itanaru- hell no, just hell no itasaku- where did they even come up with this pairing narugaa- gaara and naruto are like brothers and should remain only friends gaasaku- they barely EVER talk...why, just why kakagai- bitter rivals do not form relationships with each other (with narusasu as an exception because they are fuckin' hot) okay so my whole family is Christian and totally against homosexuality. they are very conservative. one time, my grandma was letting a couple (lesbians) live with her for a while until they found a place to stay at and my uncle found out about it and he is a pastor of a church and he totally flipped out. my other uncle owns the condo thing my grandma lives in and was forced to kick them out but thankfully they had managed to find a place to live at. i am not a bad apple, i am not gay but i do support gay rights. i say, in the infamous words of peter griffin, "if gays want to get married and be as miserable as the rest of us then let them." his dogs cousin was marrying a man. awsome episode. but anyways. i write these stories, unbeknowst to my family. they are completely ignorant of gravitation, junjou romantica and all that which is good. my parents wouldn't really get upset with me but other family members would so, um, no telling huh. :) just thought i would explain that too ya. |