![]() Author has written 10 stories for Hellboy, Legacy of Kain, Warcraft, and Star Wars. Ehhh... does anyone really read these bios? Didn't think so. Here's my take on reviews: I love them and I do my best to answer them. Good reviews are wonderful (hey, what writer doesn't like those?) but the best ones are those that mention specific things liked or not liked in the story, i.e., bit of dialogue, turn of phrase, character interaction, etc. Honest criticism, good or bad, is always welcome. Flamers, take your best shot, but spell basic words correctly or I'm going to laugh at you. ARCHIVING: Yes. All I ask is that you keep my name on my story. My computer likes to lobotomize itself from time to time, and I've lost a bunch of stories over the years. So I have absolutely no problem with anyone archiving my fic on their site. Frankly, I'm elated that people like my stories. I'm absolutely ecstatic if they like 'em well enough to want to archive them. Please, just let me know where it wandered off to. I still have several of my Sentinel slash stories that I will happily give to an archivist. I'm also desperately trying to find a copy of a fanfic 'zine called 852 Prospect, volume 2. I had a story published in there called "Spirit Guide" that I no longer have on my computer. If anyone has this 'zine and can either mail copies of the pages or scan the pages and send them to me, I will be eternally grateful. My current fanfic WIP's (works in progress) are all Nuada stories: another Surrender story (no goofy twist, I promise!), continuation of Unbidden, and the sequel to Orchid. I also have a couple of Firefly fics, an Angel fic, more Legacy of Kain fics, World of Warcraft fics, World of Darkness fics, Marvel fics and Castle Falkenstein fics on the back burner. While I'm mainly wanting to put up more Hellboy/Nuada stories, I think some of the others will be going up first, since I've been working on them for several years. Regarding Orchid, I'm amazed and thrilled that people want to draw characters and scenes from that story. I'm seriously geeking out over it. Still! Here are the links for the artists that expressed their interest so far... Autumn-Equinox: http:// In answer to some questions about fey in Orchid: cilfa'lir, garpin, velgen, nekthel, lunabird and ootragh are all fey that I made up. Manticore, catoblepas, karkinos, lamia, siren, abarimon, chickcharney, firebird, unicorn, piatek, ekek, redcap, rusalka, nguruvilu, domovoi, and nekomata are all fey and cryptids (creatures whose existence have not been proven) that are found in myths and legends around the world. I also want to apologize to everyone for any glaring editorial issues or other problems; my main beta reader and earthbound inspiration is my husband, and he's slower than molasses flowing uphill in January. Men. Can't live with 'em and there's no resale value. Until next time, remember to practice random acts of kindness. They confuse the hell out of people. |