![]() Author has written 26 stories for Death Note, Vampire Knight, Hellboy, and Moon Child. Props to Jaded Expression of Euphoria for the avatar. See... I finally stole it! Lol. Anyway... oh, and if you would like some J-Rock fiction, we're working on an archive for it at our homepage at LJ: caha_girls. Yo, there! We're Candy Apple Heart Attack--a tag-team partnership of two crazy teenage writers with too much free time and a whole-lotta imagination. This epic coupling is made up of ones Dale Anthony and Chip Artemis, phenomenal friends and fangirls through-and-through. We've been friends for two years now and we've decided to take our friendship to the next logical level--a joint fanfiction account! Lol. We're very pleased to be here. We got our own Youtube Channel!! We're doing funky-fresh things, like making SMV's (Story Music Videos) and Trailers for upcoming stories (or stories that we're thinking of writing). With views, comment and support from any visitors, we might just be compelled to put some of those stories higher up on the priorities lists. So please, by all means, come visit and leave a comment or two, whether good or bad. And subscribe!! SMV's Trailers "Blood Bonds" (Voyeur) Trailer So, here's a bit about us, by us: Dale: I'm a sick, sick puppy, ladies and germs. We'll get along great as long as you respect Chip. Me? I don't care what you say or don't say. Pleased to meet y'all. I'm foreign. I have no shame, my moral standing is lying down and I absolutely love Nine Inch Nails. I rarely watch TV or movies. Unless it's Moon Child. If anything, I'm an essayist; Chip is the actual storyteller. Don't kill me if I don't update often - I have bouts of writing and bouts of I-couldn't-care-less-right-now. This is my first time writing for a series, so keep that in mind. I like the NearXMello pairing and I don't mind throwing Matt in there somewhere. Sod off. I am a firm believer Mello is Amane Misa's body double with all the intelligence the original should have had but God, in his infinite humor, decided to stiff out of a brain. I rest my case. I love Yaoi, JRock, Industrial rock, Rock in foreign languages and gummy bears. If there are characters that I can't stand, Near and Misa would be it. Yeah, you heard me, I hate the windtunnel and the kid in jammies. But, still, I plan to write something where they aren't complete jerks. Maybe I'll throw in "a fate worse than death". Ha, I really do dislike them. Unlike Chip who loves Near in an inexplicable manner and she sort of likes Misa. There are many stories that have been thought out by us -- notebooks full of them. We'll see if we can make them all come true... in the written sense, of course. Chip: Alrighty, so...I'm a serious fan of yaoi, yuri and other odd types of pairings that make canon-lovers shudder in fear. If you're squeamish about lemons, homosexuality and a little flexibility with the age of consent, then I suggest you stay the hell away. I'm a heavy believer in multi-partner-shipping and I'm not ashamed to say I'm one of those crazed fangirls who lives in her own world. Mostly, I'm a anime/manga lover though I have been known to dabble in movie-fics and the like for tv shows I find interesting. Other than that, all I can say is that I have an oto-san I can't live without and a koneko and koboshi whom I love like brothers, lovers--and some other stuff beyond that I can't explain. I also have another account here on , one of my own writings. If you're interested, check it out: www.fanfiction.ws/~erenagtrose Some Extra: D: Call us the Venture Sisters. C: Actually, we've edited that--now, we're the Bento Sisters! D: Toma! C: Put it in the box, lock it up and don't let it out til it's iced in lemony goodness! |