Author has written 10 stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, Avatar: Last Airbender, Aida, and Hunger Games. Hello everyone! Thank you so much for visiting my page and (probably) reading my stories! I'm an absolute dork in so many ways, and I can talk about a variety of different things: Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Eragon, Dungeons and Dragons/Pathfinder, country music, musicals and plays, etc. I like to branch out and be an interesting person and I like to write stories about many different genres. I seem to always like pairings that don't work and everyone disagrees with even before you find out they don't work - so I'm not doing it to be difficult! For example: Hunger Games - Katniss/Gale J.K. Rowling is my role model. She's the only person who can make you hate someone for 7 3/4 years, and then have you cry at their death. Oh, and I aspire to be Ziva David from NCIS, because she's just the kind of BAMF I want to be. I hope you enjoy my stories, and I really do love reviews. They help me to write more and give me some ideas for the next chapters. Thanks! |
Cuban Sombrero Gal (54) emmet's Girl (4) FlameintheFlood (6) fyren galan (38) heartkeeper27 (2) | I'm.Forbidden.Fruit (10) lanierae (1) mybuddyhollylook (5) nobodyperson (0) Rosette-Cullen (76) | runaway xo (24) sillybella (32) UnicornGoddess95 (3) |