Sadly, I in fact do NOT own Twilight, New eMoon, or the ultra sexy vampires. –Cries self to sleep- Dearest Stephenie Meyer! Please I need Edward!!! But until she gives in, here's a fanfic to show my devotion.
I drummed my white fingers impatiently on my steering wheel, my eyes glued to the Cruiser. This itself was an odd occurrence; as a vampire, I have all the time in the world. Literally. However, Charlie seemed to be going to greater lengths to keep Bella away from me since our incident in Italy. He was leaving the house later and later for work. Quite obviously this had to do with my picking his daughter up for school each morning. While I could honestly understand his worries, Charlie was really starting to get on my nerves.
Chief Swan made it explicitly clear that he did not want me around Bella anymore then necessary, but this was getting ridiculous. At least my sweet Bella didn't have to hear exactly what her father thought of me. I rolled my eyes and glanced at the clock. 7:36. The first bell would ring in roughly 20 minuets. If Charlie wasn't gone soon, we might be late. Well, we would have been if I actually followed the speed guidelines. That made me chuckle.
At long last, the Chief stumbled out the door to his police cruiser. I took the opportunity to shift out of park and pull up next to his own car, making it appear as if I had just arrived. He through me a dark glare but didn't bother to greet me. Bella on the other hand smiled widely through the kitchen window. I could hear her gathering up her things in utmost rush. Knowing that she was speeding along, threatening her own well being by her clumsy nature, warmed my stone cold heart. Bella. My lovely Bella.
With Charlie now safely out of view, she hurried out her door. I was at her side in the instant it took to slam the door. Bella jumped a bit, but was getting used to my lightening fast movements; it seemed I was in just as much of a rush to be by her side. Strange how our actions complimented each other's. "Good morning dear Bella." I slipped my arm around her waist as she locked the door.
"Good morning yourself, stranger." Those large brown eyes trapped my gaze. It never seemed to amaze me, the depth of those brown pools. I felt at though I could drown in them.
I came to my senses as we strolled at her pace to my Volvo. She slid into the door through the door I opened for her. As Bella shook her hair, her floral scent temporarily stunned me. Slamming the door behind me, I turned the engine on. "Charlie is set on depraving me your presence." I tapped the clock in my dashboard. My angel sighed.
"Don't I know it." Bella's dark tone made me laugh. "Chief Swan is really pushing it! How can he be so oblivious…" She placed her hand in mine as she spoke, her voice softening. I closed my fingers around her delicate hand.
The warmth of her hand was heavenly. "You mustn't judge him too roughly," I whispered in her ear. "That's the second time you've gone missing because of me. As a father, it's only natural that he would be a bit overprotective." Did she not realize how fragile she was? I'm surprised that he hadn't had a heart attack over all the life-dangering incidents that occurred to my poor Bella.
But she merely sighed. "Overprotective doesn't even begin to cover it. Reminds me of a certain someone, actually." I smirked.
Despite Charlie's constant and unrelenting watch, his efforts were all in vain. Did this man really think he could keep me from the woman who meant the more to me then my own existence? The idea was laughable. No one would keep me from her. Not my family, not her father, not even that mutt.
That isn't to say that he hadn't tried. Black seemed to have her best interests in heart, and I thanked him for that. But that dog didn't know whom he was dealing with! During the first few weeks of Bella's imprisonment, he had taken to hanging around her job. A fact that did not go unnoticed. It was hard to tell who was angrier about Black's constant presence: Mike, me, or Bella herself. It took every fiber of my being to not rip the werewolf to shreds.
At first, Bella simply ignored him. Unfortunately, Black wouldn't give up. He followed her around the store, never letting up on his pleads for her to "dump the bloodsucker". Needless to say, she eventually lost her temper.
I had waited outside Newton's for Bella's shift to end one night when Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie pulled up beside me. Alice winked at me, but shook her head before turning her attention back to the store. Before I could attempt to pull anything from their minds, I heard Bella try to shake 'Jake' off as she headed out the door. "Bells," I hissed at the nickname. "Bells, wait! Just listen! He won't be able to restrain himself forever; all bloodsuckers will eventually cave. So if you-" He never got to finish that sentence. Bella had slowly turned back to face him, murder written all over her face. Then she smacked him. Hard and right across the face. Shocked silence met my ears. Even Mike had stopped sliding on his jacket to gape. "Jacob Black, don't you dare step one foot inside this store again or so help me, it will be that last thing you ever do. It's not a threat; it's a fact." Then Bella spun back around and stormed trough the door without a look back. When she reached the Volvo, she noticed Rosalie's M3 parked right beside my car. Then Alice broke down laughing. Soon we had all joined in. Who knew my little Bella could be so tough?
Bella was full of surprises. That one of the things I loved about her: you never know what she was going to do next. I ran a finger over her warm hand, coming back to the here an now. "I would argue that you need to be watched at all times, but I think Emmett would disagree with me," I softly teased. "I'm sure Jacob would too for that matter."
As to be expected, a warm blush spread throughout her cheeks. I'd never met anyone who blushed so often. She smiled up at me never the less. "All the same," she whispered back, a gentle smile forming on her too-full lips. "It's nice to know that there is someone who is always trying to protect me." As she said this, I pulled the Volvo into the parking lot.
Naturally, we made it to school with time to spare. Alice lightly skipped over as I helped Bella out of my car. Alice had recently taken to getting a ride for Jasper in the morning, as she hated to wait for Charlie to leave even more then I did. She had often ran out of the car, overcome with annoyance, to drag Bella out with us, leaving a confused Charlie in her wake.
"Morning!" She greeted, coming to a graceful stop in front of Bella. "Someone's rather cheerful." I raised an eyebrow at my sister; usually her high spirits came at the cost of someone else's misery. Her visions were both a blessing and a curse. I knew I had hit the nail on the head with this one, as she seemed to be blocking me from her mind.
She mockingly shook her head from side to side. "Ah ah ah! No peeking, Edward!" Bella giggled. Alice took the opportunity to change the subject. "I'll be leaving early today. Jasper and I are going hunting, so he'll be here to pick me up after lunch." She smiled widely.
"Didn't you guys just go hunting with Emmett on Sunday?"
I had thought about that too. There was no reason they should still be thirsty; today was only Friday. But she shrugged. "Well, graduation is next week. More and more people are flooding into cloudy, little Forks. Since Jazz has some errands to run for Esme tomorrow, he didn't want to take any chances." I felt Bella shutter beside me.
She closed her fingers tightly around my hand, making me smile. I decided to change the subject. "Okay then, happy hunting. The bell is going to be ringing in 2 minuets, so unless we want to spend Saturday with Clapp, I think we should head to class." Alice nodded and headed to her Biology class. I led Bella in the other direction, towards Spanish.