Author has written 5 stories for Sound of Music, Harry Potter, and Titanic. I am working on some things, however, after the five year fiasco with The Life Before Maria, I've decided to wait to publish those until they're completed - which could be a while... Like Cormac McLaggen - Complete. Ron/Hermione ficlet. Quite short. Quite complete. Takes place in 6th year. The Life Before Maria - Complete. A story of the movie from Liesl's viewpoint, beginning with their first governess right after Agatha died, when Liesl was 11. Needs a new title. Sorry this has been taking a while. It's not that I've lost interest completely, but the chapter inspirations come in little spurts. I plan on coming back and revising it once the inspiration hits. Writings on the Wall - Complete. A short Ron/Hermione fic. Edited after DH, minor spoilers. Character death implied, but not during canon. Tell me a story - Complete. Just a cute little Harry/Ginny ficlet. Doesn't have much substance, but enjoyable. Thanks to my beloved Wetzel Pretzel for reading over it. Copper to Green - Complete. Just a little Titanic ficlet that popped into my head that I finally got around to posting. |