Reviews for Stowaway
YesMadamePresident chapter 2 . 2/27
Just finished chap 2...i think I get the title!
TheFastFox chapter 2 . 5/20/2018
Omg. That part with fish though really made me laugh! xD
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 11 . 12/19/2016
Beautiful ending. So much hope and happiness.
Love how Maria says she'd been in the rowboat and Georg comes back with that's why he's worried, as well as the children having sea legs because their von Trapps.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 10 . 12/19/2016
You write the children so brilliantly. Their questions about home and whether Maria would be alright were great and I loved Louisa's comment about whether he was trying to grow into his pants.
So glad they made it to Switzerland safe and sound.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 9 . 12/19/2016
'Wake me when it's ready' 'It's ready' - AWESOME.
Love Georg getting lost in a moment with Maria when she was eating the ginger root.
And Gretl asking about cowboys and if they sing in America.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 8 . 12/19/2016
Just beautiful moments between a husband and wife.
Love how seeing Maria with Marta, and her confessing her worries gave Georg the confidence to break the news to her. And what followed was just gorgeous.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 7 . 12/19/2016
'You always make me feel safe' 'You always give me the strength I need' - BEAUTIFUL.
Love how Maria wishes she could ease her husband's pain, and at the same time, loves having him around her all the time.
And once again, the children's conversation was excellent.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 6 . 12/19/2016
Great job.
Love Georg letting Maria sleep, and his response about not helping if she's sick when she complains. Their teasing about the toast and then the potatoes was great, and I'm glad to see she finally helped in some way.
And that Eva and Georg are looking out for her and planning ahead.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 5 . 12/19/2016
I was wondering when this would come up. And I love how it connects to the 'Stowaway' title.
I REALLY liked how Georg was not only the first to work out Maria was pregnant, but that he didn't tell her yet.
Love how he goes through all the emotions of being worried, as well as being so happy and feeling so blessed.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 4 . 12/19/2016
Love the little girls' excitement about the hayloft, and Maria sprinkling hay over their heads.
Also enjoy how Daniel and Eva are firm about wanting to let their guests rest, while their guests are just as firm about helping out any way they can.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 3 . 12/19/2016
Love the children's conversations at the beginning about it being an adventure that they'll tell people about in the future.
Maria and Friedrich's bonding moment was lovely, as was the one between Marta and Georg.
So glad they found help. Georg not being able to say anything more than his first name was realistic and the line about Eva spoiling them no matter how much they protest was awesome.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 2 . 12/19/2016
Once again, great.
Love the way this chapter focused solely on dinner. The girls disappearing while the boys gutted the fish was great, and the constant mentions of Fraulein Helga were awesome.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
Love how everyone is making the best of the situation they're. The point about Kurt and his pants was a very cute touch and I love how the thought of chocolate in Switzerland gives them energy.
Maria and Georg having a moment alone was lovely, and the line about the abandoned house being the second most welcome sight Georg has seen all day was perfect.
UnfollowTheSun chapter 11 . 2/19/2015
Perfect! Beautifully crafted.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/28/2014
Wow! Not sure how I missed this one! Amazing! Loved every part of it!

Know you haven't written more som stores for quite a while but I do hope you will get back again, as you have written so amazing stories.
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