Author has written 4 stories for Casper, Lion King, and Rocket Power. Let's see. What can I say about myself that people would care to know? Well, I have a wide spectrum of interests. I like to read, write ( obviously), and draw, as well as hunting, dirtbiking, and archery. For some reason, they're are the few ideas that actually get submitted. And just to spark a common interest with someone, I'll run through a quick fave list: My current favorites include: Animal(s): cats, both wild and domestic, big and small; hyenas (I love the TLK hyenas just as much as the real deal. They really got screwed by the animators) sabre-tooth cats; loons; penguins; sharks, and red-tailed hawks. I love almost all animals though, so I really could just put: See animal kingdom. Music: Love Three Days Grace, Kelly Clarkson, P!nk, ACDC, Evanescence, Linkin Park Simple Plan, and the classic Disney songs Honestly, I like it all, and I'm beginning to realize that this list of favorites is a bit broad. Oh well. Books: Loved the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Alice's Advetures in Wonderland, The Jungle Book, Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn, Jurassic Park, Ranger's Apprentice... I also like reading Shakespeare. He kinda grows on you after a while. I just finished One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, loved it as well. I prefer the "classics" to most of the modern stuff. Well, that looks pretty good. I think I'll stop there. You'll probably learn more about me through my stories anyway. So, about my stories. Reviewing: I won't beg people to review. I love receiving reviews, but I love writing stories more. That doesn't mean, however, that I like getting nasty comments or flames. I won't argue with you or fight with you, playing that silly game of exchanging insults. I'll report you and be done with it. On that note, I know some people like to constructively critic another author. If you do, just remember everyone makes mistakes, so don't get nit-picky and find fault with every little thing. That's extremely irritating when some reads your story looking for only for your mistakes. That said, go ahead and suggest areas I can improve upon. I can take criticism. News/Updates: Got a couple of new stories cooking. Remember how I said I was working on a hyena story? Yeah, well...I am, but that story has undergone some major rewrites and bears absolutely no revelance to the original idea. It's coming though. I also have a little lion piece coming out, as well a Batman fic, HP, and Casper. Staying busy while getting no work done. Learn it, Love it, Live it!! If you feel that I have plagiarized your work or another's work, please know that it was not intentional. Just tell me so I can clear up any misunderstandings. |