Author has written 13 stories for Inuyasha, X-Men: Evolution, Smallville, Pokémon, and Flash. E N G L I S H Hello All! Slowly but surely I’m coming back to the fan fiction world and delving into other fandoms. Nevertheless, for those of you that have supported me and read my stories along the way, I want to say thank you. If you’re here, it’s for one of three reasons: 1. You wanted to know more about me as a writer --there isn’t really much to say on that front. I write because I enjoy it and yes, one day I hope to publish an original work outside the world of fan fiction. Like some of the great authors I’ve seen on this site. 2. You wanted to check out other stories I’ve written --please be my guest and browse away! 3. You’ve seen that I’ve deleted some of my previous stories… The reason for that was because I’ve changed. I’ve been in this space for over a decade and, as expected, I’ve changed and matured over the years. Some of the stories I had out there, where ideas that I enjoyed and were okay with at the time. Now, it’s no longer the case and I want to align my writing with my values and my interests. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEFan Fiction I Wish: X-Men Evo Scogue. The dark antisocial southern gal had a wish, a small wish, nothing big… "I wish you would love me the way I love you." I N P R O G R E S S Digital Love Façade: X-Men Evo Scogue. It all started as a simple Digital Love, but when they met in person she never thought that the love he expressed would be such a hoax. Not only destroyed by the lie, she is now forced to pose as his Fiancée… hat will become of this Digital Love Façade? C O M P L E T E - R E V A M P I N G I N P R O G R E S S Loveless Cupid: R E M O V E D You and Me Something that Could Never Be?: X-Men Evo Scogue. This is my OneShot collection of the X-Men Evo series. R E V A M P I N G I N P R O G R E S S The Lying Game: X-Men Evo Scogue. She entered a game she didn't even know she was part of. Somewhere along the way… he figured her out. C O M P L E T E Vows: Smallville Chlark. My first Smallville Fanfiction. It started out as a OneShot, but somewhere along the lines it morphed into something more. R E V A M P I N G I N P R O G R E S S Revenge Thy Name is Ollie: Smallville Chlark. Chloe swears to take revenge on Ollie. With Clark by her side and as his supporting best friend, seven years later she has the opportunity to do just that. But somewhere along the way she finds something that tastes better than revenge. C O M P L E T E - R E V A M P I N G I N P R O G R E S S Behind The Scenes: R E M O V E D About Time: Smallville Chlark. Because in the end, it's just a matter of time before two people realize what has been there all along. C O M P L E T E Truth or Dare: Smallville Chlark. Clark, Lois, Oliver, and Chloe get together to play some good old truth or dare but... things get slightly out of hand. C O M P L E T E Blind Date: The Flash Snowbarry. It was time to find someone new to be crazy about. C O M P L E T E Great Possibilities: The Flash Snowbarry. His plan was totally ridiculous, she's seen this plot in many bad movies. It was stupid, idiotic, with a 99% chance of failure…"I'll do it." I N P R O G R E S S Fair: Pokemon Pokeshipping. In which Ash finally returns to Pallet Town and meets his old friends. One, in particular, is shocked by how much he's changed. "It's not fair!" C O M P L E T E On The Works Love Lessons: Smallville Chlark. “Lex I need your help… It’s about a girl,” mumbled Clark, “I have just the person,” Lex smiled. Kiss: Smallville Chlark. Clark and Chloe share a Hershey’s kiss that does not involve chocolate. Daddy’s Girlfriends: Smallville Chlark. Clark's daughter asks about his previous girlfriends, he in return tells her his love story with some minor changes. The story of how Clark's daughter Kalee Elle Kent, makes his father realize that the one constant in his life, his best friend, is the true owner of his heart. The Journey to Us: 100 ficlets. While not in chronological order all of them are in the same universe and related. These fics tell the story of Chloe and Clark after she returns to Metropolis. Rose Rainbow: X-Men Evo Scogue. A love story told in “roses.” Each one with a different meaning, threading together a story of true love. E S P A Ñ O L ¡Hola a todos! Lento pero segura estoy regresando al mundo de fan fiction y metiéndome en otros fandoms. Sin embargo, para todos los que me han apoyado y han leído mis historias durante estos años, solo les quiero decir gracias. Si están aquí es por una de tres razones: 1. Querían saber más de mi como escritora —no hay mucho que decir al respecto. Escribo porque lo disfruto y algún día espero poder publicar un trabajo original fuera del mundo de fan fiction. Así como algunos de los maravillosos autores que he visto en este sitio. 2. Querían ver que otras historias he escrito —¡Por favor vean la lista y exploren! 3. Han notado que he borrado algunas de mis historias… El motivo por el cual he borrado ciertas historias es porque he cambiado. He estado en el mundo de fan fiction por más de una década, y como imaginan, he cambiado y madurado a lo largo de los años. Algunas historias que había escrito, cubrían temas que me interesaban o disfrutaba. Ya no es el caso. Y deseo que mi escritura, en cualquier lugar, refleje mis valores y mis intereses actuales. Fan Fics Estrellas: Inuyasha InuKag. Una decisión llevo a Kagome a cometer el error más grave de su vida pero también le trajo una familia, amigos y amor. ¿Qué pasa cuando la farsa se descubre y la vida que antes no quería ahora desea más que nada? Es mi primer Fan Fic así que le tengo mucho aprecio, si pueden y les gusta Inuyasha, les sugiero que lo lean. C O M P L E T O - A C T U A L I Z A C I O N E N P R O G R E S O Una Dulce Despedida: Inuyasha InuKag. En el pasado ella le amaba. Por azares del destino ella tuvo que irse, después de tres años ella vuelva para hacer todo lo que antes no pudo... ¿será que entre su lista se encuentre una confesión? -- B O R R A D O Choco Kokoro: Inuyasha InuKag. Una colección de One-Shots que les robara el corazón, y se los hará tan dulce como el chocolate. Por favor dejen sugerencias y muy probablemente lo verán publicado en esta colección. E N P R O G R E S O Próximamente Mis Ojos Ven Tu Corazón: Inuyasha InuKag. "No fue tu belleza lo que me cautivo, sino la hermosura de tu corazón" Shikon Hunters: Inuyasha InuKag. Aome, una sacerdotisa del sengoku, huye al descubrir de su compromiso con un desconocido. Al caer en el pozo es transportada al futuro. Es ahí donde conoce a Inuyasha, un chico sencillo, universitario, con habilidades sobre humanas… Sensei Inuyasha: Inuyasha InuKag. Aome siempre había tenido mala suerte en el amor. Tras 15 relaciones fallidas, y un rompimiento en su aniversario, decide ir a un café a desahogar sus penas, es ahí donde conoce a un atractivo mesero quien resulta ser la solución a sus problemas. 07/11/2018 |
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