![]() Author has written 9 stories for Supernatural. Hey there! I'm Rachael, and I'm a Supernatural addict! I've been writing fanfic for about a year now, and honestly, even if my writing isn't the best, it's a hell of alot better then it was when I started! haha. I'm still learning, and I'll always be learning, so bear with me as I improve my skill. I'm an aspiring screenwriter for TV. There's nothing out there I'd rather do then write. I love constructive criticism. It helps me so much and it's how I learn from my mistakes is to actually have my mistakes pointed out. And that's where not only my wonderful beta, Butterfly Dreamer, but my readers come in. If there's something that needs to be fixed, if there's something you hate, love, or are confused about then don't be afraid to ask or tell me. I'm a big girl and can handle criticism pretty well. Ask my beta, she knows she can be downright honest and say that something just flat out sucks and I'll be like okay and I'll go fix it, no problem :D. Now some of that useless info that people don't care about: Favorite Movies: Foxfire, Girl Interrupted, Memoirs Of A Geisha, Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, The Craft, Catwoman, Disturbia, Underworld, Open Water, The Grudge (the first one only), Outsiders, The Great Escape, The Shawshank Redemption, Friday, Selena, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Thelma and Louise, Unfaithful, Enough, P.S. I Love You, and last but not least I love Titanic which, who doesn't? Favorite TV Shows: This is going to sound really bad for someone who wants to write for TV, but I find most new tv shows suck. I despise "reality" (what's real about it?) and most other new shows. But obviously, my life pretty much revolves around Supernatural, and I catch the occasional House MD or Ghost Whisperer. Oh, and I also like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit sometimes. That's about it though. Favorite Music: Before Supernatural I listened to mostly new rock like Godsmack, Nirvana (was a HUGE fan), and the like. But now my taste has actually changed and I'm really into classic rock. From Kansas (duh, Carry On My Wayward son rocks!) to Let The Good Times Roll by The Cars to Robert Johnson (who's totally awesome, especially back then in the 30's.) I love them all. But sometimes I do get in the mood for something other then that. I'll admit it, I do like Alanis Morrissette, Sarah Mclachlan, and I love Lifehouse. So I got a good mix in there. I do not, however, like rap and hip hop at all. Or country. Oh, and one that I can listen to sometimes if I'm trying to get myself on track with my ADD is Enya. Beautiful voice. Favorite Books: This is kind of a hard one. I like the classic novels like On The Road and The Outsiders. Oh, and I can't forget one of my favorites, Catcher In The Rye. Memoirs Of A Geisha was okay, but I prefer the movie. Same with Interview With The Vampire, or any of the vampire chronicles for that matter. I used to, and probably if I went back and read them, like Judy Blume when I was growing up. Oh, and R.L. Stein (SP?) And one that I really liked, and this is the last that I can remember was a book called Speak. It was made into a tv movie I think, but it's really good. So, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Is that it? I think so! There you have it, a page full of useless information about me. You probably left paragraphs ago haha. If you didn't though, thanks for reading. Oh, another note: JOIN US ON THE SUPERNATURAL FORUMS ON ! My username on there is ToxicAngel503 :D. |