A/N: I would like to thank Phx once again for setting me out on this journey. I would like to thank Heather03nmg for medical answers to pesky annoying questions. And a huge thanks to beta Abni for patience, care with this and, well, everything. Mistakes are all mine, though. All chapter heading quotes and past/ present titles came from Addison's "Cato."
With What Life Remains
Chapter Ten
Do not strike him dead with a denial,
But hold him up in life, and cheer his soul
With the faint glimmering of a doubtful hope:
Perhaps, when we have pass'd these gloomy hours,
And weather'd out the storm that beats upon us
-Joseph Addison
The sun was lighting the windows. The warmth came creeping through a little, touching the man sleeping quietly in a chair, casting a gentle glow on the other who lay still as a corpse on the bed next to him. The building was quiet, the early morning hush, the hours just past dawn filling the hallways with a soft whisper a sigh of relief that the dark time of death had moved on again and would not come for many hours. Death had come and gone in those graveyard hours and had slipped silently by that room, leaving life rather than taking it.
Dean thought he could smell coffee and could a hear quiet conversation. The deep timber of one voice reminded him of his father. I must have crashed in a chair, dad will be pissed. As more awareness crept into his sleep-starved brain, memories began filtering in. Sam! His eyes snapped open and he looked over at the unmoving form of his brother, still held suspended between life and death by the softly sighing and beeping machines. He sat up and glanced around. Galen was standing at the door speaking with a nurse in red scrubs. Dean noticed the curve of her body under the nearly formless clothes, but that was all.
He had been sitting vigil for nearly two days since he had killed the spirit of Lacey, banishing her so she could no longer torture Sam. I thought that would solve it, but he is still here. I don't know if there has been any change. I still don't really know if he'll live or die. Uh? Sam? No dying. You hear me? We aren't having this conversation again. No dying.
He squeezed Sam's hand. "Morning Sammy," he said, talking to his brother as if he were awake. "I am just going to get a quick cup of coffee, ok? Galen is at the door and I won't be gone long." He patted Sam's hand again. He had held it almost steadily for thirty six hours. When Galen had come up to the room, he had noticed Dean quickly moving his hand away from his brother and smiled, explaining that he understood and that touch could be vital in pulling someone back to the world. "At least," he had added sadly. "That is what many cultures believe. Touch can save a life." So Dean hadn't let go since. I need it too, face it, it's the only thing that is holding me together now, that his hand is warm. That he is still there.
He got up and walked over to Galen. The older man smiled at Dean and drew him into the hallway. "I have a coffee here for you," he said picking one up from the chair by the door. "I didn't want to wake you."
"It's ok," Dean said, taking a sip of the still-hot coffee. "Thanks. What were you talking to her about?"
"Sam," Galen said with a smile. "She said they think they might be able to start weaning him off the respirator today, later in the day."
The coffee was shaking in his hand, "What?"
Galen put a gentle hand on his shoulder to steady him. "Yes, it's true, Dean. They will be in to talk to you later, but she is very sweet to your kind old uncle," he said with a wink.
"You should play that card more often, get you some hot girls, I bet," Dean said, smiling at the professor. Sam? I think he just told me you might just make it. You hear me Sam?
"I might need a few pointers, I'm a little rusty in that game," Galen said, continuing in the light tone, giving Dean some time to deal with the news.
"Sure, as long as I can play the 'he's my sweet old uncle card' to manage a double date," he said laughing, the sound more relief than mirth. Sam, maybe just a little longer and we can get out of here. Then a few days to get you back on your feet. That's all Sammy, you are going to be fine. You hear me Sam? No dying.
"Sounds like fun, we'll bring Sam too, a little celebration when he is up and around."
"Yeah, get some dinner and hang out picking up girls, maybe play some darts, Sam can sit in the corner and look shy and get more than you and me combined," and his voice broke. He swallowed hard. "Excuse me for a minute, ok?"
He walked back into Sam's room and put his hand down on his brother's arm. "Sam? I'm back. The nurse just told Galen they might start taking you off the respirator today. How does that sound? Breathing on your own. Sounds good to me," he dropped down in the chair. I need to get control or I am going to lose it completely. I don't really know if it is good news, it sounds good, not needing a machine, but don't dying patients sometimes not need a machine? Sam? You need to come through this little brother, I don't have a lot of time left and I would, selfishly, like to spend it with you. Awake and talking Sammy, not like this. I'll stay here of course, I would just rather have my pain in the ass little brother up and around and giving me a hard time.
Galen walked into the room and sat down in the chair next to Dean. The older man spent a large portion of the day sitting with Dean, listening as he spoke to Sam, or talking to Dean about supernatural rituals he had witnessed around the world. He had a deep understanding of many rituals and Dean stored away as much information as his befuddled mind could handle. Sam would enjoy this, he gets off on the geeky stuff. Throughout the day the professor would leave and come back with coffee or something for Dean to eat. Coming and going quietly, offering support that Dean knew he needed. I might have gone nuts if he hadn't been here. I miss dad so much sometimes, and Galen…I miss Sam too. Sam? No dying, hear me?
"Did I tell you I knew a bruja?" Galen said softly. He never explained what things were, just took it for granted that Dean would understand.
"Really?" Dean said, looking at him. "A little risky, don't you think?"
"Well," and the older man laughed. "I saved her from getting burnt alive, so I think she was a little grateful."
"I guess, I don't know though, sometimes that kind of thing can backfire."
"It hasn't yet, unless…" His eyes darkened briefly, Dean thought of Galen's wife, of Lacey and Susanna, now all gone from him. "No, I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. She actually taught me a lot about what she did. I have it all somewhere, maybe you and Sam would like a copy?"
Dean smiled at him, "I'm sure Sam would like that, maybe make good reading while he gets better, something to keep his mind off of a bad hotel room."
"Dean…"and Galen paused for a minute, running his hand through his hair. "You and your brother, I hope you will consider my home…I hate the idea of the two of you….So…"
"Thank you," Dean said. The offer of Galen's home, of comfort away from a sterile motel room meant more that he could express, or even really admit to himself. "That'll be great and Sammy can spend his time looking through your library."
Galen smiled at him and clapped him gently on the shoulder. "I don't know about you, but I could use something to eat, I'll be back."
Dean watched him go, "So we solved the someplace to stay question, Sam. I think that will be better for you that a hotel room. And after? I was thinking we should go to the beach, what do you think? It's been years since we visited the Pacific together. I know you probably went in college, but it's not the same without you Sammy." Hear me? Not the same without you. "Remember the first time? You were what, eight or nine I think and we went to Long Beach in Washington State? And we got those kites and spent the day flying kites? And then dad let us rent horses?"
Dean laughed as the memories of that bright sunlit day came to mind. "And you kept repeating that poem about pelicans and how their beaks hold more than their bellies can every time we saw one? Until dad finally threatened you with no ice cream to make you shut up? And you kept at it and dad just laughed and kept threatening you and then we all went to that ice cream parlor that had the homemade waffle cones? I wonder if it is still there, cause maybe we'll go there, Sammy. I would like to see it again." With you, Sam. No dying hear me?
He sighed and sifted his hand down to his brother's. "And after that, I don't know, where do you think we should go? I'll let you pick the next place." Of course there won't be time, there are demons to hunt and things to kill and people to save and a clock ticking on my life, but Sam, let's make a little time.
Galen returned with a bagel sandwich for Dean and they sat chatting quietly, with Dean occasionally turning to talk with Sam about something. Around noon a doctor came in to confirm what the nurse had told Galen, that they would see if Sam were ready to begin to come off the respirator. Off and on for the rest of the afternoon Dean and Galen would leave so they could perform whatever mysterious tests would confirm that Sam was ready.
Finally they came and told him Sam was ready. Dean asked about the procedure, somehow even though he had witnessed it once or twice before he always forgot. Nice that I have blocked that out at least. Probably saves a few nightmares. He listened as the doctor explained it to him, watching the whole time as they got Sam ready. His heart stopped when he saw them carefully strapping Sam down with the restraints.
"Do you have to do that?" he asked, horrified.
"As I explained, he needs to be awake, and we can't have him trying to pull that tube out," the doctor said with a frown.
"I'll be here with him, I'll stop him," he said, beginning to panic. Galen sensed his sudden tension and came to stand beside him.
"I'm sorry, but that won't do, really. We do know what we're doing, we do this a lot," she said with quiet sympathy.
"Oh, god," Dean said and looked away. He's going to panic, I don't know what to do. His hands were starting to shake again.
"We'll make it as easy as possible," the doctor said. "He should start coming around a little fairly soon." She smiled at them and left.
Dean was staring at the bed, trying to stop the panic. How can I get him through this? "Sam? Everything is ok, time to come back, little brother," he said, trying to keep the emotions from overwhelming him. "I'm right here, everything is ok," he said keeping his voice soothing, trying to calm his own sense of panic. He sat in the chair by his brother.
No dying Sam. Time to come back.
Whence this secret dread, and inward horror
The darkness was full of sound. Some loud, some whispering soft, but always there seemed to be sound. Mostly mechanical sounds in the background, he could hear them at the very edge of an unstable awareness. He slid in and out of the black ocean, diving deep sometimes to a hush, rising to the surface at other times, hearing the sounds. There was pain too, sometimes a mere background hum, nearly silent with all the other sounds, other times it was loud, demanding attention.
In those moments he was terrified, the pain reaching him, moving him into its path and then pulling him along with it. Torture. He couldn't scream, he couldn't cry, just endure, and then it would fade away again, leaving him breathless, afraid on that vast ocean of silence.
Am I dying? I don't know anymore. Sometimes I think I've already died and this is the grave. Silent, dark, painful. Is that death? I don't remember, I don't think it was this way before. Dean? Are you there? Susanna died, I know that, and Dean said he sent her sister away. Who else will die because of me? Other than Dean. Will I be like this for his whole year? How long has it been? How much time has he wasted, how much time have I wasted? Dean? I'm sorry.
"Hey, Sam," his brother's voice drifted across the void to him. "Sorry, just went to get a little coffee. I hope you don't mind." No, Dean, I just wondered where you were. "There's pretty good coffee in the cafeteria here, not like that sludge you make sometimes, not like the mud they have in the emergency room." Dean stopped and cleared his throat. "Remember the coffee at that tiny little market in Enterprise, Oregon? They roasted it there?"Yeah, I remember, you talked me into skipping the latte. Dean put his hand over Sam's. The warmth of his brother's hand reached into that dark ocean and held him anchored, kept him from drifting away. Thank you Dean, I'm trying to come back. The dark rose up in a wave and pulled him into the deep again.
He was rising to the surface again. He could her sounds, a soft conversation. Dean and another voice, Sam thought he recognized it. Susanna's professor, Galen. He and Dean got along well, I remember Dean looked forward to playing darts with him every night. How long ago was that? How much time have I wasted? They were talking about the chupacabra. Dean was debating what it was. Galen seemed well versed in the lore.
"No, I think you're wrong on that, legend states that in sixteen, uh, sixteen, I can't remember," Dean said with a frustrated sigh. "Sam, I need you here to help with this, you would know right off the top of your head wouldn't you?" I think it was 1692, depending on what you are talking about, Dean. "He has to wake up, Galen, he has to." Sam could hear the grief in his brother's voice.
I'm trying Dean, I think I am. I have to tell you though, I am frightened. What if it's like before? That pain? I can't stand that Dean. Will it be like that? Or what if I can't get better? What if I wake up, but am trapped here forever? And then you'll be gone and I will have wasted all that time. If waking up means that, I'd rather just not. Am I wrong to think that? Probably, I can't leave you Dean, not if there's a chance to save your life. With what life I have left, Dean, I will try and save you. I am afraid, though, I dread waking up, what if it is like before, just pain and I can't move? I don't think I can stand that, trapped in pain and not able to move. That thought was the last as he drifted into deep water again.
Dean's hand was on his arm. "So we solved the someplace to stay question, Sam," Dean was speaking to him again. Really Dean? Where? "I think that will be better for you that a hotel room. And after? I was thinking we should go to the beach, what do you think? It's been years since we visited the Pacific together. I know you probably went in college, but it's not the same without you Sammy." It wasn't the same without you, Dean. Jess and I went, but I still wished you could have been there, even then, even when we weren't speaking. Oh, god Dean, I wasted years while I was there.
"Remember the first time? You were what, eight or nine I think and we went to Long Beach in Washington State? And we got those kites and spent the day flying kites? And then dad let us rent horses?" Sam heard Dean laugh. It was a sound with real happiness in it. I remember Dean. And you nearly fell off the horse and we went to that bakery, dad gave us money and let us go by ourselves and we got those donuts. I remember.
"And you kept repeating that poem about pelicans and how their beaks hold more than their bellies can every time we saw one? Until dad finally threatened you with no ice cream to make you shut up? And you kept at it and dad just laughed and kept threatening you and then we all went to that ice cream parlor that had the homemade waffle cones? I wonder if it is still there, cause maybe we'll go there, Sammy. I would like to see it again." Really? I would love to go back. I have always wanted to, but I didn't want to ruin the memory, either. But now I think we should go, Dean.
His brother's hand closed over his. "And after that, I don't know, where do you think we should go? I'll let you pick the next place."I don't know. There are demons to hunt, people need saving, you will run out of time very soon, Dean. But yes, let's please make time. The darkness was closing in on him again. I wonder if I'm sleeping when this happens? He drifted away.
The pressure on his hand, warm, sustaining, was there. He was a little more aware this time. Actual awareness was creeping up on him, slowly pushing him up and out into the world again. There was pain, he could feel actual pain this time. What's going on? No, I can't stand this again. Please no. He tried to fight his way back to the dark, and still he was pushed out.
"Sam? Everything is ok, time to come back, little brother," Dean said, Sam could hear the edge of panic in his brother's voice. "I'm right here, everything is ok," Dean was trying to sound calm, soothing, Sam could hear his fear.
More awareness, pain began pulsing through his body, there was something in his throat, choking him. He tried to fight his way into the dark again. He was pushed even farther away, towards the pain, out towards awareness. His body bucked as he tried to fight what was happening.No, no, please no. He could now sense something in his wrists holding him trapped, immobile. A prisoner strapped to a bed of nails. He fought against them, there was a terrible pain in his side.
"No, no Sammy," Dean said. Sam felt his brother's hand on his head, gently stroking his forehead. "It's ok this is supposed to be happening, Sam. It's ok. It's supposed to be happening."
What? It's supposed to be happening? Dean? Are you sure? I'm frightened, I'm in pain.
"Sammy? It's ok, trust me." Of course I trust you, Dean. "Can you open your eyes?"
Sam tried, they felt glued closed, he tried again and light broke in, bright, nearly blinding. He closed his eyes then tried one more time. He got them open and blinked. His brother's face came into focus.
"Hey, Sam," Dean said looking at him, a small smile on his face. Sam saw tears sparkle in his brother's eyes. "Welcome back."
With all the strength…fraternal love and friendship can inspire.
Dean tried to keep his voice calm, collected. Sam will hear the worry there, though, I bet, the panic. He was holding on to his brother's hand waiting for him to wake up. He could feel Sam's muscles beginning to tense, beginning to fight as he became more aware. Sam's body contracted and his hands pulled against the restraints. Dean quickly put his hand on his brother's head, gently stroking his forehead with his thumb trying to calm him.
"No, no Sammy," Dean said. "It's ok, this is supposed to be happening, Sam. It's ok. It's supposed to be happening." Come on, Sam, you can make it, come on, please Sammy come back. I need you here. "Sammy? It's ok, trust me," he said as soothingly as he could manage. I'm right here, it's ok. "Can you open your eyes?" Come on, Sam, prove them wrong.
His brother's eyelids seemed to move a fraction. Dean held his breath. They moved a little more and he felt tears welling in his own eyes.Sam, please, please come back. Sam's eyes opened, closed and opened again. He looked blearily at Dean, his eyes were full of fear, pain. Dean put his other hand over Sam's, he felt the tears at the edge of his eyes threatening to spill over.
"Hey, Sam," Dean said, smiling at his brother, letting out the breath he had been holding. "Welcome back." Hey little brother, I think you're going to make it. "It's ok, Sam, I'm here," he said, still trying to remove the fear from his brother's eyes. "I know it hurts, I know it's hard, but in a few hours it will be out, ok?" Sam blinked and pulled against the restraints. Dean put a gentle hand on his wrist, stilling the movement. "Not long, I promise." A tear slid out of Sam's eye and trickled down his cheek, Dean brushed it away and smiled. "You're going to be ok, Sam."
Sam was looking at him, Dean saw a little hope beginning to flare in his brother's eyes. You hear me, Sam? You're going to be ok. You are walking out of here in a little bit and we are going to the ocean. Got it? Dean brushed another tear away. "Sammy? What is it? Are you in pain? Should I call the nurse?" He punched the nurse call button, his heart fluttering against his chest, panic appearing again, pushing the relief away. No, it's going to be ok now.
"Yes?" A pretty dark-haired nurse said as she came in the room, she smiled at Galen and then turned her smile on Dean. Galen, you sly old dog.
"My brother, I think there's something wrong, he's crying," Dean said and he could hear the panic in his voice. He watched as the nurse did mysterious nurse things, nodding to herself as she checked Sam. "Is he ok?"
"I'll speak with the doctor, he's doing just fine," she smiled at him and gave Galen's arm a little squeeze as she left.
Dean smiled at Sam, "I'm losing my touch, Sam," he tried to laugh a little. It didn't work. Sam, come on you need to be ok now.
The nurse reappeared with the doctor, they asked if Dean and Galen could leave for a moment. Dean didn't want to go, Galen pulled him gently from the room. "He's going to be fine, Dean. They're just checking to make sure everything is on schedule, don't worry, he's going to be fine."
Dean looked at Galen, the words trickling in like Sam's tears. He swallowed, trying to get a hold of his emotions, trying to force them down, he discovered they wouldn't go. There was a raw aching wound in his chest. He turned from Galen without a word and stumbled down the hall, pulling the door to the small chapel open without even realizing he was there.
He almost collapsed on the floor and finally let it out, the fear for his brother, the terror of Sam dying in his arms again, the long wait, and Sam waking, that first look—trust, fear, pain. It boiled out of him, he wrapped his arms around his knees and put his head down and gave way, the tears, the sobs coming out of him, unstoppable. The ache in his chest eased a little, the tears taking it out of him, drop by drop, until there was no more. He sat with his head down for another minute, then looked up and around the dark chapel. The candle was still burning on the altar and the sweet smell of incense permeated the walls. He sighed and pushed himself up, wiping the tears from his face. I don't want to worry Sam.
He opened the door and walked back to Sam's room, they were done doing whatever they had been doing. He went in, Sam's eyes were closed. Dean put his hand on Sam's arm, his brother's eyes drifted open. "Hey, Sammy, sorry about that I had to get coffee." Sam looked at him, his eyes rolled a tiny bit. "Yeah, forgot the cup, huh? Ok, I just needed a minute," he smiled a Sam. "Damn it's good to see you, Sam." Dean frowned as another tear found its way down Sam's cheek. "It's ok, it's going to be ok."
He sat down in the chair by the bed. "Galen must have actually gone for coffee or food, he'll be back in a bit. I won't leave again, I'll be right here." He patted his brother's arm. "It won't be long now, Sam, you'll be out of here before you know it." He was distressed when another tear ran down Sam's cheek. "Hey, Sammy, it's ok." What is it Sam? How can I help?
He leaned back, keeping his hand on Sam's arm. "It's going to be ok." He started talking, about nothing, really. Just talking. Reveling in the fact that Sam's eyes were open most of the time and once or twice his brother rolled his eyes in that little look of disgust he reserved for Dean. Galen brought food, they sat and talked a little about his work, Dean carefully including Sam. Occasionally Dean would see the tears start in Sam, it worried him. He was panicked his brother was in pain, panicked that something was wrong, something they couldn't fix.
Twelve long hours later they told Dean it was time for Sam to come off the respirator. Dean carefully undid one restraint and took Sam's hand firmly in his. "Only a few seconds more, Sam." Sam was tearing up again. Dean looked away for the actual procedure. Sorry, Sammy, just can't watch that. When he turned around Sam had an oxygen mask over his face. "Hey, see, better, right? What? No, Sam, relax it's ok. Don't try and talk yet." The tears had started again, and his brother seemed distressed. Sam was trying to say something. Dean pulled the mask away for a moment so he could hear.
"How long?" Sam rasped out.
"What?" Dean said, not really understanding.
"How long? Dean?" Sam's eyes were desperate, afraid.
Dean looked down at his brother, comprehension hit him hard, "Oh, god, Sammy, not long, not long at all, a week."
Sam's eyes closed, Dean felt his brother relax a little. "I thought…"
"No, Sam, there's still time," Dean felt answering tears in his own eyes. "There's still time left."
They kept Sam on the oxygen mask another twenty four hours, Dean stayed with him, only venturing out to get coffee or a quick bite to eat. Sam didn't try and talk much, the pain from the chest wound and the soreness from the long hours on the respirator taking their toll. Dean chatted, keeping the emotions threatening to overwhelm him, even now, under tight lock and key. Sam doesn't need me losing it, it won't help him.
When Dean wandered in with his morning coffee the next day Sam was off the mask, just a thin tube running under his nose. Dean grinned. "Hey, Sammy, looking good."
"Thanks," Sam said quietly, his voice still raspy.
Dean peeked into the cup beside the bed. "Ice, you want a little?" Sam nodded and Dean spooned a little ice into his brother's mouth. "Better?"
"Yeah, thanks," he said again. "Dean…"
"What?" Dean asked looking at his brother. He needs something, what? They said he was going to be ok, said we could be back on the road sometime relatively soon, but what?
"I'm sorry."
"What?"What the hell for, Sam?
"All this time, you had to be here, sorry. And for before, when Lacey was…"
"No, Sam, nothing to be sorry for. You're back and going to be ok. I'm the one who's sorry. I was…I…it took me too long to figure out what that bitch was doing to you. God, I'm so sorry Sammy." Oh, no, no tears. You just stay in my head, you hear me?
"You saved me, and kept the forever promise, too," Sam said with a gentle smile.
"Sammy,"I said stay in my head. And you, stupid throat lump? Go away.
"I thought I was dead, Dean. I think I wanted to be dead," he paused. "I was dead for a minute, wasn't I?" He looked at Dean with questioning compassionate eyes.
"Yeah, and that's it, Sammy," Dean said. His voice sounded a little weird to him. He sat down on the very edge of Sam's bad. I said go away. Stupid lump and now an ache in my chest. Stop and you tears? Knock it off.
"What's it?" Sam said softly.
"You've used up your quota, you don't get to die on me ever again, you're just going to have to live forever now. No dying, Sam, you hear me?" His voice broke and at the same time the tears started. Sam reached a hand towards him and before Dean realized what he had done he had leaned forward, reaching for Sam and had his arms around his brother. Sam's arms went around him. He rested his head against his brother, Sam's head was resting against his. "I might need a forever promise on that, Sammy."
"I need one from you too, Dean," Sam said, so quietly Dean was sure he wasn't meant to hear it. Sam tightened his arms a tiny bit. "I'll do my best Dean, forever promise on that."
"Thanks, Sammy, thank you."
Dean bounded up the stairs at Galen's, the Impala had a full tank of gas and they were planning on leaving shortly. Bobby had called, but Dean told him they needed another week for Sam to get all the way on his feet again. Which is true, but we are also going to the beach. I don't care if the world explodes between now and then, we have talked about it so much during his recovery, I'm not going to skip this trip.
Galen and Sam were chatting in the living room, Sam in the large chair that had become his through his recovery. He still had a blanket over him. He isn't all the way well yet, but they said it was ok to travel, as long as I kept an eye on him.
"All topped off?" Galen said with a smile.
"Yeah, all ready to go, we'll be there soon," Dean said smiling at Sam and Galen. "You ready?"
"Sure, Dean," Sam said throwing off the blanket and holding his hand up so Dean could pull him to his feet. "Everything packed?"
Dean laughed and rolled his eyes, "Everything, including your new library of books. Weigh a ton, Sammy."
Sam laughed and turned to Galen, "Thanks, for everything." The older man pulled Sam into a tight hug. Sam smiled again and walked slowly, under the watchful eyes of his brother, out the front door.
Dean turned to Galen. "For everything doesn't begin to cover it, Galen," he said. How can I say thank you? For your house? Your support? It means more than I can actually say. I miss dad so much, but you helped that too.
"I hope you will consider my home your home from now on Dean. There is always a place for you here, always." Galen pulled Dean against him, Dean returned the embrace. It felt good, fatherly.
"I'll call you from the beach," Dean said, pulling away and walking with him to the front door. "Let you know we're safe."
"Thank you, Dean," the older man had tears in his eyes. "I'll miss you two, take care of each other."
Dean laughed gently, "Always Galen, Always." He walked down the stairs, pausing to wave before he dropped into the driver's seat. He looked over at Sam. "Ready, Sammy?"
Sam grinned, anticipation lighting his face. "Yeah, Dean, let's go."
They took the right into Long Beach several hours later. The town looked remarkably unchanged. There were several new hotels farther up the peninsula, but the town itself looked the same. Sam laughed and pointed out the bakery and the ice cream shop, both still there. Dean laughed with him and turned the car out towards the beach. He pulled into a parking place and helped Sam out of the car.
They walked together out onto the sandy beach, their ears filled with the pounding of the waves, stretching out before them in long lines almost as far as they could see. The water was gray, the white crests of the waves bright. Gulls were wheeling overhead. Tiny birds raced in and out with the waves, the soft peeping of their voices barely noticeable over the sound of the waves. Sam pointed to a far off spout in the water, possibly a whale. A pelican swooped by.
"Look Dean," he said. Dean could hear a wide smile in his voice. "A pelican, their beaks can hold more than their bellies can you know."
Dean laughed and blinked away the tears. "I hear that more than once more, Sammy, and no ice cream for you."
"Like that threat will work," Sam said laughing.
"Never did before."
"I'm glad we came, Dean."
"I'm glad you could be here with me, Sam." Dean stepped closer to Sam, making contact, their shoulders touching. Sam sighed and leaned into the contact. They stood and watched the birds and the ocean a long time before turning back to the car.
The End