Disclaimer- They're not mine.

Author's Note- This was inspired mostly from the 'Dead or Alive' scene in the Supernatural season three finale. And also inspired by the song Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.


Don't Stop Singing To Me

Sitting beside me, you belt out a tune

With a cock of your head, you sing your heart out

Looking over to me, expecting ridicule for your lack of talent

I smile wryly, you do sound pretty bad

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

I'm going to Hell

I will soon forget the meaning of peace

But don't let me forget your face

Don't let me forget you

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

No matter what you do

No matter where you go

Just know that I can hear you

I may not be right there with you

But your voice is the only thing I have to hold onto

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

When you're cold and alone

Nobody to keep you warm

You can't find the goodness in your heart anymore

Because you know you've gone too far

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

When you're tired of the pain, the hurt, the rain

And all you've got left to hold onto is finding the light

But you can't because you've fallen into the darkness, too deep to climb out

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

When your body is cold and the life we shared is flashing before your eyes

You want me to sing to you, but I'm not there

And you close your eyes and pray for a peaceful afterlife

Sammy, don't stop singing to me

Because when my flesh is riddled with excruciating pain

And I've forgotten all but your face

The one person I lived for, the only thing I lived for

Don't let the airwaves become empty

It's your voice that keeps me human

It's only for you that I haven't let them break me

Because I'll know that just as long as you keep on singing

You wouldn't have forgotten me

And I'll smile, knowing that after all is said and done and my skin is burnt away

You'll be in heaven, walking along a street of gold

My job will be fulfilled

You're safe, happy, and are able to sleep peacefully

While I'm taking your beating; I'm absorbing your pain

The only thing I ask of you is that you never stop singing to me

Because the moment I forget you will be the moment I break