![]() Author has written 10 stories for Mummy, and Presidio Med. Update 2012 Hobbies: Too many too list at this point, but to name a few - belly dancing, writing. Writing or being an amateur writer is still my first love, but I'll admit that I'm not the most organized person, and I can't seem to find the time to write what needs to be written. A delightful twist now is that I have several O/C's whispering in my ear, demanding that I tell their stories, wanting to be featured in small vignettes or adventures or anything. The tasks at hand seem to be getting my thoughts in order, deciding the fate of a few characters, finding a beta, and oh yeah, completing two stories that have been floundering for so long. Yet I wonder - during my lengthy absence, are my readers still with me? I wouldn't blame them if they moved on, but if they choose to come back, then it will like a wonderful visit from an old friend. I hope they do. Writing: Heroes. How can I explain my inability to finish that dang story? Oh wait, here's one way: I fell out of love with Olivia. *sighs* It happened some time ago, but I've never really wanted to face that revelation because it came with a price. Olivia and Nabil are not meant to be together, and yeah I know - she risked everything to save him! Instead it was revealed that Olivia has another purpose in Nabil's life, and that is to give him a son named Mher'ick [Merrick]. Born and raised in England, Mher'ick discovers his true heritage after the passing of Olivia, and goes back to Egypt to try and find Nabil. SIDENOTE: Poor Nabil, his life was not easy but trust me when I say that in the end, he finally finds what his heart has been yearning for... I can't say much more, except Mher'ick is a complicated character. He's moody, brooding, surly, and prefers to dress as a biker most of the time. He rarely smiles, tends to ignore those who irritate him, and he's got a chip on his shoulder the size of a redwood. He will have a part in some upcoming stories, and his best friend is another O/C created by my good friend, Ladybug, named Gabryel. Yeahhhh, it's been fun these past few years as each warrior comes out to find me. *blinks* Heroes will be completed someday soon;I just have to figure out how to write my way out of a corner that I put myself in. TOS: Funny that this story will be easier to finish than Heroes, but more changes coming...all I will say is that Thias won't be too happy. Other stories: Adventures too many too name, with warriors that are the sons, grandsons and great grandsons of my warriors as well as others. I have an original character story or two here: http://www.fictionpress.info/~mommints Personal Bio: Are you still reading this? Wow. Thanks for sticking around. I still love my DH, my two dogs, my one insane cat, love and live to garden, and cook. Alas, my outdated personal website is gone, and I don't blog much. WOD was turned over to a good mutual friend, but I'm on Facebook, and I'm still an Oded Fehr fan. Writing, Original Characters, Permission and Ladybug: Ladybug has graciously allowed me to abuse...um, use her original characters in my stories. Heck, she's given me carte blanche, and while I would never abuse that privilege, I just want to point out the obvious: her O/C's fall under the same copy rights as mine. And I do feel the need to protect what's mine and hers, if that makes sense. Erm, however the offer still stands if a warrior is needed for...well, a visit. Uh huh. Lots and lots of warriors in my mind, like I told you. Mher'ick, Noble, Briar, Dharius, Rhiles, and oh yeah...Raphael has a half brother named Sabril. See? People, I have sparring sessions that go on 24/7 but are shoved in the back of my mind, waiting for the moment when I can release...ummmmmm. I digress. *coughs* Legal mumbo jumbo: Please be advised that all of my fanfic is copyrighted. IE "Under Copyright Law, once a story is in permanent form (this includes on a web page) it is automatically copyrighted by the author, and use without the permission of the author is prohibited." Essentially all of my original characters as well as Ladybug's, their names, their history, et al are copyrighted and use of them is strictly forbidden unless approved by me and/or Ladybug first. I’m not able to churn out chapter after chapter of a fanfic, and I work long and hard on my stories, my characters et al and would hate to see their names, adventures or whatever appearing in someone else's fanfic. Please...don't copy or if you want to use an idea or borrow a character, let me know via email. Peace and thanks for reading. |