Author has written 34 stories for Naruto, and Ouran High School Host Club. Hello, this is Mishka! Age: Young enough for you to doubt that I ever had parental supervision Gender: I am a female! Languages: English, Japanese, Can recognize others Email: mishara_dono@ Favorite Parings: Naruto: SasuNaru, NaruSasu, KakaIru, KakaNaru, ItaSasu, KakaObi, ItaDei, SakuIno, SasoDei, KisaIta, TobiDei Harry Potter: HarryDraco, HarrySirius, SiriusRemus, RemusHarry, SeamusHarry(Irish accents are hot!(just so you know)) Gravitation: RyuShu GundamSEED: AthrunKira Kingdom Hearts: RikuSora, RoxasAxel, RikuRoxas FinalFantasy- VII: VincentxCloud, TsengxReno, RenoxRufus, RenoxRude, SephirothxCloudxZack, CloudxZack, TsengxRufus, YazooxLoz XII: BalthierxVaan, BaschxVaan, BalthierxBasch, BaschxReks, NoahxBasch, GabranthxLarsa, VaanxLarsa Samurai Champloo: JinxMugen Pairings I respect the novelty of: Harry Potter: HarrySnape I support June Manga/DMP- Some good ones that they put out are: Hybrid Child, Our Kingdom, Jazz, La Esperanca, and many many others! I HATE HET! Collaborations with: Anchoret- my best bud, we work together on a lot of things. She doesn't do much Naruto, but she does some our collaborations that can be found under the name of Mishkoret I am a pervert- don't call me out on it, I already know! Love ya all! MISHKA--; |