Author has written 4 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, and Inuyasha. Sweet december never fails To find it's warmth from afar, I offer it's cold and winter storms directly from my heart. Hey, everyone! My name is Renee, or whatever you want to call me. I'm from way up North, a tiny state called Alaska. I'm in college with a major in languages so you can imagine my schedual right now, pretty insane. I should study more then I do, but i tend to do better when I cram. You can find me on live journal, gaia, and a few mmorpgs like FlyFF and Perfect World. If you want any of the usernames there just e-mail me. I enjoy making friends so even if you just want to drop me a line, that would be great too. Feel free to do so. I do write on occassion, I draw on occassion as well. Maybe sometime i'll show you what I do for now I hope you'll be content with the stories. I try to keep my stuff creative, and not use over used plots. I love details! For me even the 'extras' are important and will take the time to describe them. I think it's fun, because my goal is to direct the picture in your mind, and give you more of a feel as to what's going on. Accidental Marriage is a story I started after I had been rping with someone else on the plot. Of course we never finished that particular rp. So now I'm running off my own ideas and those that are shared with me. it's a fun story though. Ed seems to be my challenge though, I try very hard to keep him in character. Hard Lemonade I'm doing this one for a friend. She doesn't like RoyxEd, so I'm working on this one for her. It's going to follow Roy's life but be focused on his personal life. Maes is my struggle here, but he has a keen mind, so he's not as hard as Ed is for me. Secrets Unearthed Is a type of story I don't normally do and is a challenge for me. I want to go with a certain 'feeling' so I have to choose my words carfily. Offer non obvious foreshadowing, certainly not my strong point. It's also my only and first Inuyasha fanfic. |