A New Problem

Author's Note: Yea! I'm back! Sorry but I've been a little busy, with my horse show (I got a sixth due to my luck with coin toss ups!) and other stuff. I know that this is chapter 20 not 19, but 19 is only the Dragonball hunt. If you really want me to do it, give me some suggestions on where the Dragonballs should be! I only really have one. Anywho, this is the last part before the sequel! Yea!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do (not) own Dragonball/Z/GT. It is (not) all mine and (not) only mine.

Chapter 20

"Dragon Arise!" Goku raised his hands to the black sky. The seven orange Dragonballs glowed and reformed to the huge Shen-long.

"Say your 2 wishes and be gone!"

"I wish to be returned to normal!" Vegeta said eagerly. His companion Zergon nodded grinning with his little fangs showing. The dragon's eyes glowed red.

"Look!" someone cried as Vegeta was covered in the red glow. Zergon squeaked and jumped off wqtching in a mix of horror and amazement as everyone did at Vegeta's mutating body. A bright white flash caused everyone to yell and cover their eyes.

Zergon looked up first at the bigger Saiyan standing in place of the small Veggie. Vegeta looked at his hands in amazement. His usually cold face spilt into a cross between a smile and a smirk. Bulma was the first to rush forward and swept up in Vegeta's arms. She laughed as he spun her around and kissed him full on the lips.

"And the second wish?" the dragon boomed drawing everybody's attention from the couple to the gigantic Shen-long.

"For all the bad things Olios and Tranculus did to be gone!" Zergon tried to yell in an impressive deep voice but failed as he slipped into his high squeaky voice. The dragon chuckled along with the rest as his eyes glowed. The dreary landscape brightened. Trees and flowers sprouted in the barren field and animals looked around in confusion before running from the threat in the sky.

"See you in a year!" Vegeta was cut off by Bulma again. She traced his jaw line.

"Well I see you are back to yourself now," she grinned wickedly.

"I'm glad that's over!" Gohan ran a hand through his hair and laughed. The rest joined in, happy over the defeat of an enemy. All but Zergon. Something played in the back of his mind. The little bug was gone but the other alien wasn't destroyed. One of the powers of a Glaiver was the ability to feel the end of a battle. This one had only just begun.

* * *

Far away, deep in space, safe from the clutches of good, a figure approached a throne.

"Master, Olios was destroyed."

"Is the android intact?" the cold voice sent shivers up the man's back.

"Yes master," he said from his kneeled position. "His absorption ability saved him from the chi blast."

"Olios disappointed me," the cruel voice echoed down the dark stone corridor of the ship. "But these, Saiyans anger me greatly. We will dispose of them immedently. Dispatch the Insect Group."

"Master do you feel that much power is really needed?" the man asked in surprise looking up at the shadowed figure.

"Are you questioning my orders?"

"No Master," the man apologised quickly looking down again.

"Good, because no one has questioned my orders. You are dismissed."

"Yes Master," the man quickly stood up and hurried away. The dark figure turned his chair so he was looking out the large window behind him. The endless black sky dotted with stars cast a light shine over his face.

"Soon, I will conquer all of this," the voice chuckled. "I will succeed where others have failed miserably. But first the Earth Saiyan have to be eliminated."

* * *

In a space port a few galaxies away, a teenager sighed. The waitress poured him another cup of a steaming red liquid. He smiled his thanks and gulped it down quickly.

"Well," he said to himself. "I'd better get going." He picked up his bag beside him and stood up leaving the large bar to the ships. Stretching he settled on one of them. Making sure no one saw him he walked over to the small round ball ship. He knocked on the side the way he had seen the owners doing and it open up. Quickly getting inside before anyone saw him, he walked over to the main control pad.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a small machine. Attaching it to the controls he order the ship to take off.