![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Oh my goodness! Is it really possible?? Have I truly returned from the dead to try and crap out more fanfics? How long has it been since I have last updated or even logged into fanfiction? Well now I'm back (even though I'm sure i am not well known considering I wrote a total of like 2 stories and never even finished one hehe) But like I said I am back. hopefully I'll stick with it this time . ok, lets get down to business my friends! I'm going to compile a list of things that probably no one will read Y.Y but it's a bunch of rough ideas of things I like on here
Ryou and Yami Bakura from YUGIOH. Gotta love the Yaoi Sango and Miroku from Inuyasha Bulma and Vegeta from DBZ Danny and Vlad from Danny Phantom Kratos and Anna from the game Tales of symphonia Hmmm I know there are plenty more but It's 5 AM and my brain is fried from lack of sleep O.o so on to the next part!
Mostly I prefer to read anything with: Angst Drama Romance Hurt/comfort Horror Mystery and every now and than, comedy. I know there are plenty more things I could say about myself but its too late, I'm too tired and I need to explore all the new updates and cool stuff fanfiction has come up with. I'm sure I'll come back late and redo this...But for now I bid you all goodnight! |