Alright, this is my last Chapter and by the way, if you haven't read the previous chapter then GO BACK!
Epilogue: Forever And A Day
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months finally turned into years, fifty years to be exact.
After Miroku died, it wasn't easy for Sango to go on living, but after she had Mikito, life turned up for her. He looked exactly like his father and even in his ways of being a charmer, Mikito grew up to be like him in personality aspects as well. From day one, Mikito was the most adorable child and most obedient as well. He always did as his mother told him to, but it also had something to do with Kohaku.
Kohaku surprisingly after Miroku's death became more of a man then he ever was. He realized that after this baby was born, he would have to act as a father towards them. He took his classes more seriously and he performed so well that he was one of the most improved students of his class.
After high school, Kohaku went to a local college to get his G.P.A. up, regardless of how well he did in the later years of high school, it still wasn't high enough for him to get into a reasonable college, or at least one he really wanted to. After his two years in college, he went to Manhattan College and did a major in psychology. He later earned his PhD, and went on to a local middle school, hoping to help kids as a guidance counselor, hoping to reach out to young teens and let them know, there is help out there, all you have to do is ask. As for his married life, he married a young woman who he didn't have children with though, just because he had enough children with his job.
Sango was so proud of him though and even her young son at the time called him something similar to his father.
Mikito went from age 1 to 25 in just a matter of seconds it seemed to Sango. She watched him grow with pride and what was even better was he eventually became a chef after he went to culinary school and even opened his own restaurant. He named the restaurant jinketsu ken mitsukai which stood for hero and angel, or his opinion Miroku and Sango. Just like his father, he was great at cooking.
For him marriage was easy, he fell in love his long time friend, whom was Shifumi, Kagome and Inuyasha's first daughter. Inuyasha and Kagome had four children, though Inuyasha wanted more, but Kagome was against it after going threw labor four times, it was either get a condom Inuyasha, or get you balls tied, he choose the first.
After Miroku died, Inuyasha did blame himself, and in every little way possible he wished that he had stayed in contact with him more, but after a while, he was convinced that after everything life happened for a reason. Miroku's son Mikito reminded him so much of Miroku and he willing said yes when Mikito asked for his daughters hand in marriage.
Rin and Sesshomaru got married a year after Miroku's death and although at first Sesshomaru didn't want kids, Rin convinced him that he would enjoy having kids and he did. He only showed whatever emotion to them and Rin, only them though.
On the anniversary of Miroku's death, Sango went to the grave. Mikito right by her side. Sango bent down to the grave with her frail self at the late age of 75. The tears in her eyes still showed how much she loved him, and the funny thing is, as much as she knew Miroku would have wanted her to get remarried or at least fall back in love with somebody else. She couldn't.
She was too in love with him, even if it wasn't a long relationship, in every way possible he saved her, not only from Naraku, but from living a loveless life. He also gave her Mikito, the greatest gift she could have asked for. She put down the yellow roses and took away the other flowers that had wilted away in the past from its vase. She put the new ones in as well as something else.
Something else that everyone, including her son knew was very close to her. She put down in front of the tomb stone, the music box that she was given to by him. It still played the song, inside, it she slipped a note inside. It read, to the man that was from day one, apart of my dreams, my knight and shining army. The man who made me fall so deep in love with him, I couldn't get back up again. To a man that loved me so much that he risked his life for me. Forever and Always, Your Sango.
She walked away and once again, had tears in her eyes. Mikito who never knew his father, stood in front of his grave and read the inscription
To a true hero, boyfriend, and friend, may you rest in peace always.
With Sango
It was late when she finally got back home to her nice lonely house. She looked over at her dresser and once again, her mind was consumed with memories. She looked at all the pictures that sat across the dresser, those of which were with Miroku's parents and him, as well as his younger brother. She looked at all the parties she had for her son, and then his children as well. She looked at the photo of her and Kagome, years ago, when they weren't even close to having kids. She finally looked at the picture of her and Miroku, her favorite of them all. He held her by the waist, and his head leaned against her shoulder as he kissed her cheek. She of coursed blushed in this picture, but it was her favorite, even if it was a little embarrassing for her. She noticed her once true beauty had been long gone to wrinkles and such. Her eyes still were the same, but the years had taken its toll on her. The once beautiful brown hair she had, was gone to grayish white. Likewise her sight, it was now to glasses, as for her body, she was in good shape for her age.
She sat on her bed and laid down, once again thinking of Miroku. The night became darker as her thoughts went straight to him.
All of a sudden she was outside, the sky as clear as ever. And she was floating, on a cloud to larger clouds way above. The once old Sango was suddenly to a young form, she had her brown hair whip past her and cloud she stood on soared threw the sky to a cloud that was brighten. It had a pinkish tint to it and when Sango finally came up to it, she saw the one person she was truly looking for.
He smiled at her and immediately she ran to him. Miroku held her, and tears came falling down again. He kissed her for a long time, until they ran out of breath and he whispered into her ear, I love you.
Authors Note: So thank you to all of you who have taken the time read this, and I hope enjoyed it, it truly was something I'll remember for the rest of my life, I appriciate all of whom contributed to helping me with my idea's, beta stolen voice and such, but thanks most of all to the fans! READ AND REVIEW!!!!!