Author has written 1 story for Naruto, and RWBY. Several things you might want to know about me when it comes to fanfiction. First I have an unusual preference for crossovers in general. Mostly due to the fact that by definition it involves two or more characters or franchises that otherwise would not have seen each other. This means there is a lot more freedom and unpredictability with crossovers as opposed to ordinary fanfics, which by comparison are usually written within the context and framework of the original series in question and have a lot more boundaries to consider when writing them. And by definition, crossovers have almost never been done in any canon series, so it's almost a guarantee there will be more original content. Second I like the anti-heroes and good villains more than any other characters. Sasuke Uchiha is my favorite but Vegeta, Meruem, Roy Mustang, Kisame, Azula, and the like are all characters I enjoy. The grey line they walk between the stereotypical good and evil is fun to watch and unpredictable and their decisions and roads they walk are more dynamic and fun to watch because of that. In comparison the happy go lucky, power of nakama/friendship/love/ protagonist is something I despise seeing. They mostly don't have much in the way of character development because they are so good and morally perfect already. And then there's the fact that protagonists usually get WAAY more than their fair share of screen time due to their status. In some series such as Dragonball and Bleach the main character gets so much power and importance that the question of how the hell these worlds survived before the protagonists were born has to be asked. Seriously, can the Z-warriors or the Gotei 13 defeat any major villain or solve any crisis without their respective plot-armored savior!? Third I really don't like the flaming or bashing either characters or authors get. Need I remind everyone that all of the characters here and the stories about them are all FICTIONAL! As in it doesn't really matter if you don't like some aspect of them or their choice. The only reason anyone really has to go that far with an online attack is someone who either has nothing better to do with their life and/or who has such an outrageously narcissistic view of themselves and their opinions they cannot comprehend that their opinions and feelings are not the center of the universe or that they could be wrong. As of June 13, for anyone who looks at my profile and cares, I have not abandoned UOR. I had some real life matters that took up a lot of time for several months right after my last update, and as for 2020 up until now, well I have not had the misfortune of being put under lockdown for Coronavirus. I know a lot of writers have really cranked up their output since they were presumably cooped up in their homes with nothing better to do, but I work in what was deemed to be an essential service, so I was not fired, furloughed, or have my hours cut. I am starting to write the story again in earnest now, so don't worry. |